New WikiLeaks Revelations: CIA Spies May Also Operate in Frankfurt

New WikiLeaks Revelations: CIA Spies May Also Operate in Frankfurt

SPIEGEL ONLINE - March 07, 2017

WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents pertaining to CIA efforts at global surveillance, including a tool to transform smart-TVs into a powerful spying device. The documents indicate that some of the intelligence agency's spying may be done from Frankfurt. By Michael Sontheimer more... Comment ]

Megalomania & Small-Mindedness: How America Lost Its Identity

Megalomania & Small-Mindedness: How America Lost Its Identity

SPIEGEL ONLINE - January 26, 2017

Reporter Holger Stark spent the past four years as DER SPIEGEL's Washington correspondent during a time in which the country changed radically enough to elect Donald Trump as its president. What led this once mighty nation into decline? By Holger Stark more... Comment ]

Deliberate Deception: Washington Gave Answer Long Ago in NSA Case

Deliberate Deception: Washington Gave Answer Long Ago in NSA Case

SPIEGEL ONLINE - August 21, 2015

For months, the German government sought to create the impression it was still waiting for an answer from the US on whether it could share NSA target lists for spying with a parliamentary investigation. The response came months ago. By Matthias Gebauer, René Pfister and Holger Stark more... Comment ]

Plugging Leaks: Merkel's War on Germany's Press and Parliament

Plugging Leaks: Merkel's War on Germany's Press and Parliament

SPIEGEL ONLINE - August 07, 2015

In recent months, Germany's government and intelligence agencies have gone after journalists and parliamentarians in an effort to keep classified information secret. Now, their efforts have resulted in a bona fide scandal for Berlin. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Opinion: Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America

Opinion: Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America

SPIEGEL ONLINE - July 07, 2015

Following the latest revelations about surveillance by the United States on the German government and media, it is high time for Chancellor Angela Merkel to take action against the systematic spying. By Markus Feldenkirchen more... Comment ]

An Attack on Press Freedom: SPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence

An Attack on Press Freedom: SPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence

SPIEGEL ONLINE - July 03, 2015

Revelations from WikiLeaks published this week show how boundlessly and comprehensively American intelligence services spied on the German government. It has now emerged that the US also conducted surveillance against SPIEGEL. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Betrayal and Betrayers: Merkel's Risky Silence in the NSA Scandal

Betrayal and Betrayers: Merkel's Risky Silence in the NSA Scandal

SPIEGEL ONLINE - May 14, 2015

While Chancellor Angela Merkel remains tight-lipped about the German intelligence scandal, her second-in-command is casting her in an increasingly unflattering light by opening up. A Commentary By Klaus Brinkbäumer more... Comment ]

America's Willing Helper: Intelligence Scandal Puts Merkel in Tight Place

America's Willing Helper: Intelligence Scandal Puts Merkel in Tight Place

SPIEGEL ONLINE - May 04, 2015

Germany's latest spying scandal has created the biggest crisis yet for the country's foreign intelligence agency. The German government appears to have been aware of widespread US spying, possibly including economic espionage, against European targets and yet it did nothing to stop it. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

A War Waged From German Soil: US Ramstein Base Key in Drone Attacks

A War Waged From German Soil: US Ramstein Base Key in Drone Attacks

SPIEGEL ONLINE - April 22, 2015

The US Air Force base in Ramstein is a central and indispensible element in Barack Obama's controversial use of drones in the war against terror. New documents are creating pressure for both Washington and the German government. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Source Code Similarities: Experts Unmask 'Regin' Trojan as NSA Tool

Source Code Similarities: Experts Unmask 'Regin' Trojan as NSA Tool

SPIEGEL ONLINE - January 27, 2015

Just weeks ago, SPIEGEL published the source code of an NSA malware program known internally as QWERTY. Now, experts have found that it is none other than the notorious trojan Regin, used in dozens of cyber attacks around the world. By Marcel Rosenbach, Hilmar Schmundt and Christian Stöcker more... Comment ]