Yarmouk Camp

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It is indubitable that the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria is under siege by the troops of the Syrian regime; it is also indubitable that the Syrian rebels find it easy to use the camp as a staging ground for the continually-postponed attack on Damascus. Both sides have shown disregard for the lives of the Palestinians inside the camp. But then again, both sides in Syria have shown disregard for the lives of ordinary Syrians, and it isn’t surprising that they would be disregarding the lives of the Palestinians inside the camp.

All Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East have suffered from the attacks by Israel and also by the host regimes in which the refugees have sought refuge after their expulsion from their homeland. Some would argue that the legal status of the Palestinians in Syria is better than that of the refugees in Lebanon, and this is true, but official (and also unofficial) Lebanese treatment of the Palestinians historically has been Zionist in rhetoric and practice. And it is to be remembered that Lebanon tried to emulate the Jordanian regime’s Black September massacres on behalf of Israel, but the attempt failed miserably in 1973, at which the then-president of Lebanon, Suleiman Franjieh, basically opened the depots of the Lebanese army and offered their contents to the right-wing fascistic militias of Lebanon.

But the Baathist regime, while providing a decent legal status for Palestinians in Syria, which allowed them to serve in a number of occupations denied to them in other neighboring countries, kept the camps under very tight control. From the late 1960s, when as-Saiqah (Thunderbolt) militia was founded, the Syrian regime ruled the Palestinians in the camp through an arm of the Syrian regime. And when the fortunes of as-Saiqah declined, especially after the assassination in Nice of its leader, Zuhayr Muhsin, the role of the enforcer in the camp fell on the shoulders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, which has been loyal to the Syrian regime since 1977.

The Syrian regime (under Hafez al-Assad in particular) refused to respect the political wishes of the Palestinians. He detested Yasser Arafat (and the detestation was mutual) and could not accept that Fatah was the largest political organization among the Palestinians. Assad (just like the Egyptian and Iraqi and Saudi and Jordanian regimes over the years) wanted to tell the Palestinians who their leaders should be (and the selections by the Syrian regime were quite unpopular by the standards of the Palestinian people, just as the Jordanian regime’s selections were unpopular).

But this recent round of fighting in and around the camp has yet again revealed that Arab regimes don’t respect the suffering of the Palestinian people. Just as the cowardly Lebanese army, which has a history of inaction vis-à-vis repeated Israeli aggression in Lebanon, savagely declared war on the Nahr al-Bared camp due to the presence of the small gang of Fatah al-Islam, the Syrian regime is showing no mercy in its war on Yarmouk. Similarly, the Syrian armed opposition groups (loyal to enemies of the Palestinian people in the region) are willing to use the Palestinian camps and its residents as hostages in their fight against the regime. By most accounts, the armed groups shot at aid convoys days ago because they did not approve the arrival of food shipment to the residents, just as the Syrian regime delayed the arrival of the convoy and offered a least safe route to the camp.
There can be a simple solution to Yarmouk. The Syrian civil war is most likely to continue for years to come; there is no end in sight and the negotiations in Switzerland are part of superpower games that the Syrian people have no control over. But there should be certain principles observed by all governments and militias in Syria and beyond: 1) that Palestinian camps should not be used as an arena for armed conflict by any side; 2) that camp residents should be insulated from wars and conflicts around them; 3) no Arab regime should by force try to impose on the Palestinian people an organization or a militia not of their choosing; 4) armed groups should not hide in the camp and should not use the residents as hostages or human shields; 5) the practice of imposing siege on a camp should be left to the Zionist entity only, and any Arab side that emulates Zionist practices against Palestinians.

Of course, what adds to the agony of the Yarmouk camp is the chorus of Zionists who feign concern for the Palestinian people. It is as hypocritical as the Saudi media pretending to care for the Palestinians. The suffering of the Palestinians should be treated as a collective Arab responsibility, but the time when the Arab people pinned their hope on Arab regimes to help in that regard is long gone.

Dr. As’ad AbuKhalil is a Professor of Political Science at California State University, Stanislaus, a lecturer and the author of The Angry Arab News Service. He tweets @asadabukhalil.


It is permitted to scratch your heads, bite your lips, and even quietly blow a mental fuse or two after you read this. US Ambassador Samantha Power said in a speech at a special UNGA session marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday (an event where Israel Ambassador Ron Prosor also spoke and Steven Spielberg gave a keynote address):

In October, the Security Council spoke with a united voice about the need for action to address the humanitarian devastation in Syria. Just as Russian soldiers liberated Auschwitz in 1945, the world again needs Russia to use its influence, this time to ensure that food reaches the desperate and starving people imprisoned in besieged Homs, Yarmouk, the Damascus suburbs and elsewhere. There are people who are imprisoned in their own neighborhoods. They need food desperately, and yet food cannot reach them because the regime will not allow it. The horrors of the Holocaust have no parallel, but the world continues to confront crimes that shock the conscience.

Are we meant to believe that the united states (and israel!!!???) care the least bit about the people of Yarmouk!? Take your lying rhetoric elsewhere. No one believes that $hit anymore.

It is the pinnacle of hypocrisy from this sectarian shabeeh, who hypocritically supports the Palestinian cause to advance his sectarian agenda, to say both sides are responsible for the suffering of Palestinian suffering in Syria when they have been overwhelmingly targetted by the regime. The Palestinian cause is innocent of charlatans like AbuKhalil whose people consider Hamas more treacherous than their sectarian co-brethren who came to power on American tanks. Stop pretending to speak in Palestinian's name when you most certainly don't.

Abu Umar

Abu Khalil has never endorsed the Iraqi puppet leaders as anything other than puppets. How can Saudi imposed rulers work with USA / Israel but you don't condemn them? Zionists with US help take Palestinian land not Shias, Alewites or Iranians. Why shouldn't the Arabs work with Iran and stop the colonialist designs on the ME?

Palestinians were also given shelter in Syria before this disastrous civil war. It is not straight forward case of the regime persecuting Palestinians. All the Syrians are our brethren..but the Jihadis disagree..they seem so contemptuous of non Sunnis and non Arabs. What's wrong with living with non Sunnis and non Arabs? What is wrong with being a secular Sunni?
Why do they want to restrict the lives of women? How will agitating against Shias and Alewites help to create a stable ME?

"Abu Khalil has never endorsed the Iraqi puppet leaders as anything other than puppets."

Who cares, he makes takhween of Sunnis who opposed the treachery of the Arab Sunni rulers and Iran and Hezbollah certainly did support the treachery of Maliki and co, why the hypocrisy?

"How can Saudi imposed rulers work with USA / Israel but you don't condemn them?"

Your ilk have been blinded by their sectarianism and ignorance to notice the massive condemnation and opposition towards the Saudi regime from its own people who are in Saudi dungeons by the tens of thousands unlike the brazen hypocrites of Iran and Hezbollah who wouldn't dare utter a single word against their thuwar Nato in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Palestinians were also given shelter in Syria before this disastrous civil war."

Palestinians were given shelter in Syria before the Assadi mafia came to power and Palestinians were treated better in many other Arab countries who didn't wage wars of subjugation against the Palestinian people like the Assadi regime did in Lebanon.

"Palestinians were also given shelter in Syria before this disastrous civil war."

It most certainly is.

"All the Syrians are our brethren.."

They are your "brethren", than why is the Assadi mafia waging a scorched-earth policy against Syrian Sunnis, who are you to speak in their name?

".but the Jihadis disagree..they seem so contemptuous of non Sunnis and non Arabs."

As if the other side's hands are clean.

"What's wrong with living with non Sunnis and non Arabs?"

Tell that to your Iranian masters and their brutal treatment of any minority who crossed their path.

"What is wrong with being a secular Sunni?"

What is wrong with being a secular Shi'ite, why did the Iranian regime execute tens of thousands of Iranian leftists, imprison hundreds of thousands of them and exile millions of them, why the hypocrisy?

"Why do they want to restrict the lives of women?"

And your beloved Iranian regime is a oasis of liberalism?

"How will agitating against Shias and Alewites help to create a stable ME?"

You remind me of Hafez al-Assad who killed Kamal Jumblat and personally offered his condelences to his son, those days are long gone.

I read most of MR. AbuKhalil's publications In this newspaper.Not because I agree with him (I mostly don't),but because he Is a well written writer.
Naturally the author's sympathy Is with the Palestinians,after all his connection Is clear-his ancestry Is from Hebron. But why Is It that the Palestinians In Arab countries(In this Instance-Syria) are In more urgent need of help than the rest of the civilians caught In this latest war? (and the one before and the one before...)Who Is speaking out for the Alawi'is,Christians and everyone else? In this newspaper alone, I read more posts of outrage to an article of a horrific atrocity video of fighters In this war, than the fate of whole villages of Innocent ppl.Like from almost all the countries on this planet, the Palestinians too,have their share of representatives
of nutters who flock to Syria to join either side of the conflict.Once you are armed and declare war, you are a legit target to the other side's fighter.Yes, Palestinians have died In battle In Syria,so In Syrian logic, their supporters and their environment are legit targets.MR.AbuKjalil knows this but he once again uses the Palestinian misery for a different cause.As was written ,before, In 65 years It was not only the rulers of the Arab countries who objected to Palestinian refugees right, but the people of those countries,too.Tell me I am wrong.LOL.

yigal the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) is pretending that he cares about Christians and Alawites - year, sure. Zionists do to Christian exactly the same as to other non-Jews (they could use some of them like puppets, but Hitler used some Zionist Jews as well). As usually for the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) yigal blames Palestinian civilians for their plight. Nothing new here. And. of course, As'ad many times wrote about the crimes of CIA/GCC/Zionist rebels against Christians and Alawites and any of their victims.
Of course yigal the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) cannot imagine that compassion for Palestinians could be a result of just common humanity (I am a Jew, by the way). Of course, yigal the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) reading As'ad reminds me strongly the saying about swines and pearls LOL

So class, let us sum up:
-Palestinians are the most noble people on earth and need our protection because their plight was caused by Jews, not fellow Arabs.
-Arabs need to slaughter each other away from camps that (70 years after a war) house "refugees," most of whom were born in their host countries. If Arabs need to kill each other, keep these noble people out of the war! We need them for other purposes, such as being noble and making war on Jews.
-Arabs are mean to Palestinians because 70 years ago they lost a war to the Jews. We should find them nicer places to live and give them leaders who will successfully lead their endless wars. And steer clear of them when slaughtering each other.
Ok, got it. Pretty much what author sounds like he has been writing about for the past 20 or so years.
PS- Do not count on the latter two points being observed by anyone any time soon. Just saying.

Barry the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) just could not admit that Palestinians are not trying to take over his precious Zionist "we are perennial victims and chosen people" nonsense. Palestinians are just people, and were not for Zionism and its colonization of Palestine, Palestinians would be the same as Syrians or Lebanese. Of course, Barry the Zionist (i.e. colonizer and aparteid-maker) repeats usual stupid hasbara points, but the reality of Zionism being a just one long crime against not only Palestinians but a lot of other ME people, including Jews is too much to be hasbared away. Of course, Zionists also use corrupt Arabs as puppets, but who is to the first blame? After all, Nazis had used Zionists to murder Jews without much trouble (Hungary, for ex), but still the main blame on Nazis there, not on their Zionist puppets.

Hi Lidia- Thanks for proving my points. I was commenting on the writer's article. You are disseminating hatred and genocidal fantasies without addressing the article or my points. I never talked about Jews being victims. I said that the writer feels that Palestinians are the world's ultimate victims and must be treated as such. He feels this way because they lost wars to Israel, a non-Arab state.
That was my point. In a debate, you address what someone actually wrote or said, rather than going off on an ahistorical tangent. I think that the author made a few interesting points, but his overall thesis is flawed. You think that Israelis are colonizers and oppressors, which is fine, but has nothing to do with the main points that the author (nor I) made.
But great job on bringing up the Holocaust. That really proved your point....

Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker is a lier, as usual for Zionists. I had not written about "Jews being victims", but Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker could not read. Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker is talking about colonialist Zionist ethnic cleansing as "lost war".
But to him, it is called " rather than going off on an ahistorical tangent". Zionists are colonizers and had been called themselves thus when it was still not out of fashion. And colonial crimes of Zionism made Palestinians refuges, and still deny them their right of return - so it is more than relevant to the story of their plight, but Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker used the article about the plight of Zionist victims to blame "Arabs", so I just reminded him that his hasbara is pointless here. And Holocaust was a part of colonial war, so the comparison is fitting.

The most funny part of post by Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker is about my "hatred and genocidal fantasies". Sure Barry the Zionist ie the aparteid colonial maker is a angel of love - esp. to his Zionist victims, who are not just hated, but are the common goal of very real genocidal fantasies (like the book by Zionist state funded authoritative rabbi about the duty to murder non-Jew babies because they "could" be a threat in the future). Of course, Zionism from the beginning was and is about Palestine without Palestinians , so Zionist genocidal fantasies are not just "fantasies" but more like past crimes and future plans.

Shove it, Barry.

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