
Invitation to destroy Israeli tank model
Hezbollah destroys mock Merkava on withdrawal anniversary
More than 260 hours spent on construction of Israeli tank replica destroyed in celebration of Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon built a replica of the Israeli-made Merkava 4 tank, only to destroy it on Saturday in a ceremony marking the 14th anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon, which Hezbollah claims as one of its greatest victories.



According to reports in Lebanon, more than 25 members of one of Lebanon's most popular political parties spent some three months contributing to constructions of the replica destined for destruction.



The Israeli tank on fire in Sidon
The Israeli tank on fire in Sidon


The tank replica dragged through the streets by a donkey
The tank replica dragged through the streets by a donkey


Workers spent 260 man hours making sure that the tank would come out exactly to appearance and measure in order to turn the, "death machine into a source of ridicule for the Lebanese people."


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Celebrations began as the mock tank was dragged four kilometers through the streets of Sidon by a donkey in what was called a "defeat tour".


The tank sported US and Israeli flags as it made several stops along its route where scenes were played out of actions by Hezbollah and other organizations.


The climax of the celebrations took place in Shuhada Square, where party members played the part of combat forces that eventually destroyed the Israeli tank.


The public was invited to participate in the event through fliers that were handed out and hung up in public view before-hand.


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