King Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia Receives Touching Tributes - And How We Should Also Remember Him

23/01/2015 12:54 | Updated 23 January 2015
  • Jessica Elgot Jessica Elgot is Assistant News Editor at The Huffington Post UK

World leaders have rushed to pay gushing tributes to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia following the death of the world's oldest monarch.

The king, thought to be aged about 90, died yesterday after two decades in power in the world's biggest oil exporter. Western governments - including Britain - have benefited from the authoritarian rule of the nation via lucrative arms sales and the continuing flow of Saudi oil.

In recent months, the Saudi authorities have been forced to deny they funded and exported an intolerant brand of Sunni Islam which gave rise to the brutal Islamic State insurgency in Syria and Iraq, and the sentencing of the blogger Raif Badawi to 1,000 lashes threw a spotlight on the kingdom's harsh laws, where women are still not allowed to drive.


  • 1 "He will be remembered for his commitment to peace and for strengthening understanding between faiths"
    - David Cameron
  • Samira Rahmoon, center, the wife of Lebanese TV psychic Ali Sibat who was arrested by the Saudi religious police in May 2008 and sentenced to death last November on charges of practicing witchcraft, tries to block the road with her daughter Jamal, appealing for her husband's release just months after he escaped a sentence of beheading.
  • 2 'King Abdullah was a strong advocate of women'
    - Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF
    FAYEZ NURELDINE via Getty Images
  • A Saudi woman gets into a taxi at a mall in Riyadh, because of the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia
  • 3 "Despite the turmoil of events in the region around him, he was a patient and skilful moderniser of his country"
    - Tony Blair
  • A woman beheaded in the street, after she was found guilty of killing her husband's six-year-old daughter, is seen screaming her innocence. A policeman was arrested following the uploading of the footage.
  • 4 "His contribution to the prosperity and security of the Kingdom and the region will long be remembered."
    - Philip Hammond, Foreign Secretary
  • A leaked video shows three men being publicly beheaded in Saudi.
  • 5 "I found His Majesty always to be a wise and reliable ally, helping out nations build on a strategic relationship and enduring friendship"
    - Former US president George HW Bush
    Olivier Douliery/ABACA USA
  • Protesters hold a rally in front of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington DC to protest of the persecution and punishment of Saudi activist Raif Badawi, who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes simply for publishing a blog criticizing the Saudi monarchy
  • 6 "As a leader, he was always candid and had the courage of his convictions. The closeness and strength of the partnership between our two countries is part of King Abdullah's legacy"
    - Barack Obama
    NICHOLAS KAMM via Getty Images
  • Protesters simulate a flogging in front of the Saudi embassy during a demonstration against the 10-year prison sentence and 1,000 lashes of Saudi activist Raef Badawi, who received a first installment of 50 lashes and was scheduled to have 20 weekly whipping sessions until his punishment is complete.
  • 7 "He was also a vocal advocate for peace, speaking out against violence in the Middle East and standing as a critical partner in the war on terror"
    - Republican Senator John McCain
  • Saudis gather as police forces surround a mosque to hunt wanted militants, in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, after one-month amnesty, in 2004
  • 8 "A brave partner in fighting violent extremism who proved just as important as a proponent of peace"
    - Secretary of State John Kerry
  • A Saudi driver stops in front of a billboard bearing logos of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice - better known as the Saudi religious police, who enforce beliefs of the strict Wahhabi sect of Islam.
  • 9 "A powerful voice for tolerance, moderation and peace - in the Islamic world and across the globe"
    - US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel
  • The death penalty can be imposed for murder, rape, blasphemy, armed robbery, drug use, apostasy, adultery, and witchcraft.

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