The religious leader of the Islamic Center of America — a landmark religious institution in metro Detroit that's one of Michigan's biggest mosques — said Friday he would resign unless the board of trustees dissolves.

The dramatic announcement by Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini to his packed congregation was met by cries of support from members pleading for him to stay and reflects an intense debate in one of the most notable mosques in the U.S. over finances, ethnicity, and what is permissible under Islam. Al-Qazwini said he was the victim of anti-Iraqi racism from some board members of Lebanese descent, calling upon supporters to back him at a board meeting on Sunday.

Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini's opponents have accused him of using donations to the mosque for family projects and of having an illicit relationship, charges he strongly denies.

A nationally known Muslim leader, Al-Qazwini announced he was stepping down during his Friday afternoon sermon, the most popular gathering time for Muslims. Afterward, when members asked him to stay, Al-Qazwini said he would reconsider if the board dissolves.

"The entire board has to be dissolved, with the exception of the founding fathers" of the mosque, Al-Qazwini said, according to a recording of his afternoon sermon. "The entire system has to be dissolved. The by-laws have to be dissolved."

"Get rid of the rotten apples" on the board or I'll leave, Al-Qazwini said Friday night in a separate talk to a packed crowd with the mosque's Young Muslim Association.

Al-Qazwini's announcement came after a tumultuous past few months that saw anonymous letters accusing him of diverting mosque money for his father's projects in Iraq. Al-Qazwini's critics want the money instead to retire the remaining debt of the mosque and to help for projects in other countries, such as Lebanon. A majority of the congregation is of Lebanese descent, while Al-Qazwini is of Iraqi descent.

The letters also accused Al-Qazwini, who is married, of having a relationship with a woman through an arrangement in Shia Islam known as mutah (temporary marriage), which allows a man away from his wife to have sex with another woman that may involve a payment.

There were three sets of letters, mailed from October to December, said mosque members. They also appeared on the windshields of cars parked outside the mosque during a religious service in November.

"Qazwini is the main obstacle which prevent the payment of all the debt," one of the letters reads in part. It said that Al-Qazwini "takes the ... contributions and revenues" and gives them to his father, Mortada Al-Qazwini, a religious leader in Iraq who runs a hospital and orphanage in Iraq.

On Nov. 28, supporters of Al-Qazwini held a rally outside the mosque, which sits off Ford Road in Dearborn. It's one of the oldest Islamic congregations in Michigan and has become known as an icon of Islam in the U.S.

Speaking Friday night to a packed crowd of a youth group, Al-Qazwini strongly denied the allegations contained in the letters, which were mailed last year to the homes of Muslims who attend the mosque. He admitted he sent some money to his father's orphanage in Iraq, but said that's a legitimate institution.

"Remove this cancer," Qazwini said of board members attacking him "who are racist, who are selfish...We need to stand up."

In his 45-minute talk Friday night, Al-Qazwini said he's been attacked often by some board members who don't like the fact he is Iraqi.

"For 18 years, I kept my mouth shut," he said. "I'm not going to take it anymore."

The letters also criticized Al-Qazwini for supporting Ron Amen, chair of the board, claiming he was not an observant Muslim. Amen could not be reached for comment.

During his talk Friday night, Al-Qazwini said the board was pressuring the center to hire unqualified people with ties to the board rather than the most qualified applicants. Kassem Allie, executive administrator of the Islamic Center, angrily interrupted Al-Qazwini, saying: "That's a lie...I'm qualified."

Backers of Al-Qazwini then shouted their support, drowning out Allie, who left the room.

After Al-Qazwini announced Friday in Arabic he was leaving, some started to cry out their support, including Moussa Hamka. Hamka then spoke at the mosque in support of Al-Qazwini.

"The community rallied in support of him," Hamka told the Free Press afterward. "There was an unprecedented amount of support at the Friday prayers. ... The community supports the imam. We're not going to allow the status quo to continue."

Hamka said that members of the mosque began chanting Al-Qazwini's name in a show of support.

On Twitter, supporters rushed to defend Al-Qazwini with the hashtags #SupportQazwini and #WeSupportQazwini.

And after Al-Qazwini spoke Friday night, members of the mosque spoke at the podium in support.

"You are irreplaceable," said Dan Makled. "You did not deserve this treatment."

Al-Qazwini, who has met and spoke with Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama when he was campaigning in 2008 for President, has become known nationally since coming to the center in 1997.

Najah Bazzy, a mosque member, said that the board members who are attacking Qazwini want to turn the Islamic Center of America into the "Islamic Center of Lebanon."

Majed Moughni, a Dearborn attorney, said Friday: "We should take this opportunity to bring reform and help build a better mosque for all our community."

Afthal Alshami, of Dearborn Heights, who attended Friday night's meeting said: "The community is with (Al-Qazwini). We support him all the way."

Contact Niraj Warikoo: 313-223-4792 or Follow him on Twitter @nwarikoo

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