Hivos International

Whither goes the GCF?

Will the Green Climate Fund overlook decentralised renewable energy enterprises, or will it promote a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development?

2015 Annual Report

The Hivos Annual Report shows how we gave shape to our ideals in Latin America, Africa and Asia in 2015.


Knowledge Dossiers

Hivos operates at the cutting edge of developments. To stay ahead of the curve, Hivos invests in knowledge creation. Browse through our dossiers for a wealth of insights.

Portraits in Courage

Stories of brave, determined activists who fight for MENA women’s empowerment and influence. Their dream is a just, democratic and equal society in their countries.

Facts & Figures


People reached 18.7 million

Number of partner organisations 445

Number of countries 33

Total liability € 91.3 million

Offices abroad 4 regional and 6 local

Number of employees 337


The heavy focus on technical aspects of renewable energy projects tends to overlook the vital gender aspects that can make or break the uptake of projects. In many cases, energy projects are treated as gender neutral based on the assumption that energy bottlenecks and solutions impact men and women in similar ways. 

Even though progress has been made in increasing the participation of women in politics in Zimbabwe, women's participation in government at all levels, from the local to the national, remains extremely low.

On March 8, while the world celebrated women’s historical fight for equality and equity on International Women's Day, almost 60 Guatemalan girls were locked up and burned alive inside the “Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción” shelter, located in San José Pinula, Guatemala. At present, 40 have died, many others remain missing and some survived.

Blog posts

Hivos Southern Africa has urged civil society organizations (CSOs) to integrate social media into their communications matrix as this provides a valuable opportunity for them to reach their communications goals and new audiences more efficiently.

The city of Valencia hosted the 3rd Internet Freedom Festival from 5-10  March 2017. The festival brought together a diverse group of over 1200 people from 114 countries to discuss issues related to privacy, anonymity, access to information and policy and advocacy for Internet freedom.  Internet Freedom in Africa was widely discussed with the issues of privacy, repressive regulations, Internet shutdowns, and user awareness on rights and government surveillance.

Lea la versión en español de este blog acá.

It's three in the morning, when most people are asleep and haven’t even started thinking about the chores of the day, let alone water, a resource many of us take for granted. But not doña Ángela*. She is already up and making her way to Matagalpa, the biggest nearby town, to buy much-needed chlorine for her community’s water system.