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Kidspot Pregnancy


How do you know when you’re in labour? How can you prepare for labour? Most importantly, how do you stop the pain of labour? Find out the answers here.

How do you know if you're in labour? Check out these signs and symptoms of labour so you know when baby's really on his way and when to call the hospital.

How do you hope to have your baby? In hospital or at home? By an elective caesarean or vaginally? Read up on all the ways to have a baby so you can make informed decisions.

Don't leave it til the last minute to prepare for labour. Find out what you need to do to get ready for the birth so you can have as calm and safe a labour as possible.

From prelabour to the first, second and third stages of labour, here's everything you need to know about the different stages of labour so you know what to expect and when.

Find out all you need to know about pain reief in labour. What are the options for dealing with the pain of labour and the pros and cons of the pain relief choice you make?

"Well we weren't expecting THAT!": The incredible vaginal birth of twins

Incredibly rare footage shows the awesomeness that is amniotic birth

'I trusted my intuition and it saved my baby'

Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: "I gave birth to twins when only one was still alive"

What to do when someone hijacks your birth announcement

This photo expresses EXACTLY how we feel the second time around

"I had lost all my amniotic fluid, it was bone dry in there"

New research just busted one of the most widely held myths about labour

Sex with my ex brought on a 51hr labour. An epic birth story

73 hours: "It felt like the longest labour known to man"