Mind, Body & Fitness


Vitamins: pissing away your money?

Benefits of multivitamins questioned

Vitamins are useful for treating specific deficiencies but most Australians who use multivitamins just have very expensive urine, Australian Medical Association President Michael Gannon says.

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'I have given up dieting for that reason. At least my weight stays stable now. I eat sensibly, exercise daily and am ...

Want to lose weight? You've been doing it all wrong

We've never spent so much time and energy thinking about, writing about, documenting and analysing what we eat. There's never been more advice, more experts, more information about how to lose weight. Yet, we've never been fatter.

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The biggest health stories from 2016

From Zika avoidance to Australia's oldest mum, it's been a big year in health news. Here are some of the top headlines of the year gone by.

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