Drake & Josh is an American television sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The series follows the lives of two teenage boys with opposite personalities, Drake Parker (Drake Bell) and Josh Nichols (Josh Peck), who become stepbrothers. Both actors had previously appeared in The Amanda Show along with Nancy Sullivan, who plays Audrey, Drake and Megan's mother in the series. Miranda Cosgrove plays Megan, Drake's mischievous younger sister, and Jonathan Goldstein plays Walter, Josh's father. The series' opening theme song, "Found a Way", is written by Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike and performed by Bell.
The series ran from January 11, 2004 to September 16, 2007, totaling 57 episodes in 4 seasons. It also had two TV films: Drake & Josh Go Hollywood and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh. Reruns of the series currently air on Nickelodeon's sister channels, Nicktoons and TeenNick.
The series is focused on a pair of stepbrothers who have opposite personalities. Drake Parker is a popular but immature aspiring musician idolized by his schoolmates and able to court a countless array of girls with ease, whereas Josh Nichols has trouble with dating and popularity. Drake and Josh live in San Diego, California, with Josh's awkward, unfortunate, geeky father, a weatherman named Walter; Drake's loving mother Audrey; and manipulative and conniving younger sister Megan. The boys are often involved in comedic misadventures and obstacles while also handling teenage situations such as school, dating, and popularity. Over the course of the series, the character changes of both Josh and Drake, and their relationship, develop: Josh loses weight and becomes more popular, while Drake grows up and becomes more caring towards other people, especially his stepbrother.
This is a list of characters from the Nickelodeon television series Drake & Josh.
Drake (Drake Bell) is depicted as a laid-back, charming, immature, and womanizing teenager. Although he often appears unintelligent, his under-achievement seems to be caused by apathy and he has been known not to think before he acts (making straight D's). Drake has great interest in music, playing the electric guitar in a band throughout the series and liking all forms, his favorite being rock. He can also play drums and percussion shown in "Megan's New Teacher" when he tried to play drums and guitar at the same time and in "Josh Runs Into Oprah" where he played the bongos. He usually takes advantage of Josh to get what he wants. He has a lot of success with girls and much of the comedy is his effortless ability to get dates. Drake is also very unhygienic (not washing hands, eating food off the floor). Drake felt embarrassed about his new stepbrother at first, but he has grown to accept Josh. Despite his ignorance and arrogance, Drake still remains a likable character and redeems himself by doing the right thing. He becomes more mature as the series progresses. In 2010, Drake Bell made an appearance in the iCarly Season 3 episode "iBloop" which stars his Drake & Josh co-star Miranda Cosgrove. He reprised his role as Drake Parker to make an appearance in the episode, during which he seems to have stepped into the alternate fictional universe of iCarly where he recognizes Cosgrove's character as Megan Parker and follows by asking the whereabouts of Josh and the rest of his family.
Actors: Alan Abulencia (actor), Alan Abulencia (producer), Alan Abulencia (writer), Alan Abulencia (composer), Alan Abulencia (director), Alan Abulencia (editor), Matt Abulencia (actor), Matt Abulencia (writer), Matt Abulencia (composer), David Evangelista (actor), David Evangelista (writer), Taylor Metras (actor), Taylor Metras (writer), Andrew Mills (writer), Andrew Mills (actor),
Plot: Mayhem. Confusion. Chaos. We have it all here at One-Man-Party-Marty's wonder emporium, and it's only Tuesday. It's all about making it through the work week whether you have to deal with over bearing bosses, bi-polar co workers or maybe even a firearm or two. All this is new for the Rookie as he tries to adjust to this manic workplace. A ditzy secretary, clueless boss and Crazy Steve are just a few people Rookie will have to deal with and learn from. Is riding an office chair really safety protocol? How important are photocopies of your face? Does anyone know what we do here? None of these questions will be answered. So join a ridiculous cast with a shoestring budget for Hawaiian Shirt Tuesday. P.S. I hear the Rookie has crabs.
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Pierre David (producer), Huggy Leaver (actor), Matt Mitchell (writer), Matt Mitchell (editor), Matt Mitchell (director), Mark Evans (producer), Siobhan Callas (miscellaneous crew), Sharon Lawrence (actress), Simon Woodgate (composer), Jennie Lathan (actress), Josh Myers (actor), Fabrizio Santino (actor), Simon Mathews (actor), Vincent Jerome (actor), Cassandra Orhan (actress),
Plot: The whole "zombie thing" has been hyped up so much that everyone thinks it's the end of the world! Of course, where one man sees the dead rising from the grave, another sees opportunity. Q had a plan: drive the robbery getaway van, deliver everyone to the safe house and get paid - a nice, simple, plan. Unfortunately, life is never really that simple, and to top it all off, this is the first time Q has been a getaway driver. He's coping pretty well though, considering; TONY (the guy who is 'in charge' of the job) is a murderous nut case, DANNY was shot and is now bleeding all over the money in the back of the van, the Sat-Nav has a mind of its own, there's a guy in the back living up to his name "CRAZY STEVE", the safe-house already has police at it, and this whole "zombie thing" seems to be quickly becoming more of a "zombie apocalypse thing". Luckily, TONY knows of another Safe House on the coast. Not so luckily, DANNY dies of natural-ish causes and then rises from the grave. Q and the others have to deal with a recently zombie-fied medieval re-enactment group, a football team that seem hell bent on eating their brains and the van running out of fuel. In their search for refuge and some diesel, TONY spots - of all things - a fortified windmill and the group awkwardly team up with a lovely young woman called CASSIE and her insane, but well armed GRANDMA. As TONY descends into deeper and deeper psychosis, he forces a last stand against a zombie horde, dies horribly and takes GRANDMA with him. Not bad for a night's work. Some men are born into shit-storms, some achieve shit-storms, and some have shit-storms thrust upon them. Q is up to his neck in this one and must now take charge of the group in order to save his own skin - not to mention the much more attractive skin of CASSIE. Finally reaching the coast, the new group must figure out a way off this crazy island - lack of sailing know-how and the walking dead notwithstanding. Just when things couldn't get any worse, one of them suffers an accident and lands Q with a dilemma. In the one hand he holds his own life and in the other the lives of the group. Who does he choose?
Keywords: gangster, gun, zombieActors: Drake Bell (actor), Miranda Cosgrove (actress), Josh Peck (actor), Dan Schneider (writer), Josh Sussman (actor), Jerry Trainor (actor), Allison Scagliotti (actress), Yvette Nicole Brown (actress), Sam Maydew (producer), Michael Green (producer), Jonathan Goldstein (actor), Alec Medlock (actor), Nancy Sullivan (actress), Michael Goldman (producer), Aaron Ray (producer),
Genres: Comedy, Drama,Actors: Scott McAboy (producer), Charles Bornstein (editor), Drake Bell (producer), Miranda Cosgrove (actress), Drake Bell (actor), Claude Forest (miscellaneous crew), Henry Winkler (actor), Daniel Booko (miscellaneous crew), Josh Peck (producer), Josh Peck (actor), Bailee Madison (actress), Julia Duffy (actress), Susan J. Bonno-Buckner (miscellaneous crew), Lori Massini (miscellaneous crew), Erin Lander (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: While trying to avoid an obsessed girl, rocker Drake Parker meets a young girl, who makes him promise to give her family the best Christmas ever. Later, at the Premiere's first ever Christmas party, a group of teens start to make trouble. Concerned, Josh, Drake's stepbrother, calls the cops about a disturbance, but they are confused and think the entire party is the disturbance, and even arrest the kind Josh. Requiring Josh's help to keep his promise, Drake tries to break his brother out of prison, but is caught. At court, the judge decides that the two must give the girl and her foster family the best Christmas ever, or face years in jail. They face many problems along the way, including Officer Perry, a strict detective that hates Christmas; a colorful group of foster children; and a wild wood chipper. It is up to Drake and Josh to save Christmas for the good-hearted children, or face the consequences.
Keywords: ampersand-in-title, character-name-in-title, christmas, holiday-in-title, punctuation-in-titleDrake & Josh is an American television sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The series follows the lives of two teenage boys with opposite personalities, Drake Parker (Drake Bell) and Josh Nichols (Josh Peck), who become stepbrothers. Both actors had previously appeared in The Amanda Show along with Nancy Sullivan, who plays Audrey, Drake and Megan's mother in the series. Miranda Cosgrove plays Megan, Drake's mischievous younger sister, and Jonathan Goldstein plays Walter, Josh's father. The series' opening theme song, "Found a Way", is written by Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike and performed by Bell.
The series ran from January 11, 2004 to September 16, 2007, totaling 57 episodes in 4 seasons. It also had two TV films: Drake & Josh Go Hollywood and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh. Reruns of the series currently air on Nickelodeon's sister channels, Nicktoons and TeenNick.
The series is focused on a pair of stepbrothers who have opposite personalities. Drake Parker is a popular but immature aspiring musician idolized by his schoolmates and able to court a countless array of girls with ease, whereas Josh Nichols has trouble with dating and popularity. Drake and Josh live in San Diego, California, with Josh's awkward, unfortunate, geeky father, a weatherman named Walter; Drake's loving mother Audrey; and manipulative and conniving younger sister Megan. The boys are often involved in comedic misadventures and obstacles while also handling teenage situations such as school, dating, and popularity. Over the course of the series, the character changes of both Josh and Drake, and their relationship, develop: Josh loses weight and becomes more popular, while Drake grows up and becomes more caring towards other people, especially his stepbrother.
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