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Set up your Facebook Page

Setting up your Page

You can set up a free Facebook business Page in a matter of minutes, from a mobile device or a computer.

Create a Page

What you’ll need to set up your Facebook Page

How to create your Facebook Page

A name for your Page and a blurb about your business

Your Page name can be your business name or another name that people may search for to find your business. Use the About section to tell people a little bit about what your business does.

A profile photo and cover photo

Choose photos that best represent your business. You may use your logo as your profile photo and an image of your store, products, or one from a current marketing campaign as your cover photo.

The action you want people to take when they come to your Page

At the top of your Page you can add a call-to-action that directs your Page visitors to do something, like visit your website or call your store. Adding a call-to-action button is as easy as a few clicks.

Have a Facebook profile you want to convert into a business Page?

Once you’ve created your Page...

  • Publish your Page when it’s complete

    You can make sure people only see your Page when it’s finished by keeping it unpublished while you’re creating it. You can change these details in your Settings tab any time.

  • Start posting right away

    You want your Page to be active and informative before you start promoting it. So start posting updates about your business, special offers and more as soon as it’s live. Learn about publishing posts to your Page

  • Turn on messaging

    Facebook Messenger is integrated with your Page, so you can connect with customers one-to-one. Messaging on your Page makes it easy for people to contact your business with questions and feedback. Learn about using Messenger for customer service

  • Understand your Page results

    Click on Insights at the top of your Page to see how people are engaging with your business on Facebook. You’ll learn how many people your posts are reaching and much more. Learn about measuring results on your Page

Example of a Facebook business Page on mobile

Establish your business on Facebook today to start connecting with people.

Additional resources

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.