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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of joining the other team, are you?

Thu Sep 08, 03:05:00 p.m. EDT

Blogger Christian Conservative said...

Nope... looking for their platform so I can shred it to bits. ;-)

Thu Sep 08, 03:06:00 p.m. EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems to be working now
tried to verify some of the information
couldn't find any information to verify Liberal claims

Thu Sep 08, 04:31:00 p.m. EDT

Blogger Anon1152 said...

I hope you mean "shred it to bits" in a metaphorical, argumentative sense. Otherwise I might assume that you were responsible for the website not functioning.* I have full faith in your ability to "shred" the document in either sense. And, of course, in the literal-paper-shredding sense. I like shredding paper documents. It makes me feel important. But I digress.

I hope this election isn't as disappointing as the 2007 election (in terms of the level of democratic debate/dialogue), the issues that are focused on and the way they are framed, and so on.


*I realize this might sound like an accusation of some sort. It isn't meant to be. I hope that in person... it would seem like more of a joke. I need to keep in mind how impoverished words-on-a-screen are when it comes to communication...

Tue Sep 13, 01:26:00 p.m. EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice tweet. As if you're blaming Liberal supporters for damaging signs. EVERYBODY knows that Conservative supporters are the usual culprits. Stop being such a hypocrite. "As usual, little damage to #OLP signs" - how would you notice with your head up your butt?

If you really want to blame somebody, blame Tim Hudak.

Thu Sep 22, 09:48:00 a.m. EDT

Blogger Christian Conservative said...

I call it like I see it Anon@9:48. For the record, ALL of our supporters and volunteers are CLEARLY told not to touch the other team signs, except to REPAIR them... which I do on a regular basis, for the record. (except for Liberal signs of course... which I hardly ever see damaged, by the way. Now why do you think that is?)

Thu Sep 22, 09:58:00 a.m. EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see what you want to see, I see signs from all sides damaged, many Liberals signs too.

Everyone pretty much knows that when it comes to election time, there is nobody greasier than a Conservative.

Besides, you should be rooting for McGuinty. When he wins again, he'll be less likely to jump to Federal politics where he'd once again establish a Liberal majority.

Thu Sep 22, 01:19:00 p.m. EDT

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