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Blogger Anon1152 said...

First, I want to say something off topic (realizing this may disqualify my comment, but as long as you get the message, that's ok with me): It's great that your back. Bloggingtories.ca hasn't been the same without you.

Secondly: I'm not sure that this will be Obama's Waterloo. Even without the Benghazi incident, Obama could still lose. And the people who are paying close attention to the incident (Fox News viewers) are unlikely to vote for Obama anyway.

I'm disturbed by how divided/separated readerships and viewerships are these days. We live in separate epistemic universes these days. It's a division that in itself undermines democracy (since we all belong to the same demos).

For my part, I think that the Benghazi incident is... a mess. A mess that probably won't be sorted out for some time. We may never know what really happened, especially given the numerous conflicting accounts. That's a shame too.

But: Waterloo? That may be true. But I'm not sure that a "Waterloo" outcome would be deserved. And, as I suggested above, Obama might lose even if Benghazi never happened.

Sat Oct 27, 09:35:00 p.m. EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts." Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Wed Nov 07, 08:03:00 p.m. EST

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