Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

PCPO Convention 2012 - Executive Picks

UPDATE: Thanks to the kind soul who sent me the "official" nomination list for the correct spelling of everyone's names!

Looking for candidate names and voting recommendations for the 2012 PCPO Convention in Niagara Falls? Look no further, I got ya covered right here!

It's been a while since I spent any time blogging, and this week I was semi-publicly reprimanded by a prominent Canadian for taking a hiatus. (you know who you are, Sir... thanks for the kick in the pants!) So I thought with the Bi-Annual PCPO Convention coming up next weekend in Niagara Falls, maybe it was time to put fingers to keyboard. (as opposed to pen to paper... this is the 21st Century after all!)

I've been spending some time thinking about who to support and why, so I decided to check online for more info about some of the candidates. So I punched in some search terms into good old Google, "pcpo 2012 executive". Makes sense, right? Well low and behold, the second hit offered up by Google was... none other than my own blog. Which, in my case, wasn't too helpful, because I only have info posted on the PCPO President's race! (in which, for the record, I'm proudly supporting my friend Richard Ciano... because it's TIME TO WIN)

So, since I seem to be a prominent place for people looking for info on the candidates, I thought I'd avail myself of the opportunity to pass on some recommendations... ;-)

Richard Ciano
Kevin Gaudet
John Snobelen

There's no surprise here... it's TIME TO WIN. The only way that's going to be possible is if Richard Ciano is at the helm. I've known Richard for a number of years, and he's one of the best organizers in the business. He's was a real help to me personally as I sought to run my first municipal campaign back in 2010, and has what it take to lead us to victory in the next election. Plus as a former VP of the CPC's National Council, he has the experience we need to put together a winning team... something that's been sorely lacking at HQ for a number of years now.

1st Vice President
Pam Hundal
Fitz Matheson

My pick here is pretty easy. One candidate is backing Richard Ciano, the other is backing another candidate. As such, I'm throwing my full weight behind Pam Hundal, go check out her website at

2nd Vice President
Allan Boynton
Hartley Lefton
Mark Straub

Another easy pick... because Allan Boynton is a great friend of mine! He's an amazing organizer, a real go-getter, and will be a perfect addition to our Executive PCPO! His Facebook page is here.

3rd Vice President (Policy)
Ian Bourke
Mike Chopowick

Ian Bourke is another friend, and great guy. He was involved in policy back in the Mike Harris era, which is a BIG PLUS in my books. His info can be looked up at

4th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Robert Elliot - I orginally met and supported Robert four years ago in London. Congrats Robert! Keep up the good work!

5th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Charmaine Clayton

6th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Dan White

7th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Ken Audziss

8th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Gaggan Gill

9th Vice President (ACCLAIMED)
Megan Boyle

Zorah Churchin
Robert Col

Don't know either of these guys, nor who they're supporting for President, which is an important aspect for my vote. Please pass on any info you have on them.

Christopher Deans
Silvia Gualtieri

Again, no info on either candidate. Stay tuned.

Central East RVP
Heather Kenny
Keith Strachan

Central West RVP
Andrew Johnson
Eugene Pasternak

I know both of these guys, so this one was a tough one for me. But due to several issues that have arisen in my area over the last year, I've decided to throw my weight behind Eugene Pasternak. He's a final year financial student at Waterloo, and has the youthful enthusiasm we need on the next Executive. You can join his Facebook page here.

East RVP
Chris Crawford
Larry Malloy

This one is a no-brainer for me... CHRIS! CHRIS!! CHRIS!!! Chris has been a friend for many years, I got to know him from his time at UofG. If I had to describe him, there's one phrase that quickly comes to mind... HE ROCKS!!! He's an amazing organizer, and he's THE BEST Canvassing Coordinator I've ever seen in action. He's all go-go-go, and no stopping until the job's done. Plus he's experienced, as this is actually a RE-ELECT campaign, as he's served as East RVP for the last two years. He's been a hard worker up on Parliament Hill for years, and he's a total blast just to be around. I am PROUD to call him my friend. This kid's going places! Check him out at

Jag Badwal
Gurdev Gill
Eric Wen

North RVP
Tannis Drysdale
Mitch Ouimette

South Central RVP
Les Kobli
Myles Wilson

North PCOF
Bob Bateman
Fred Slade

GTA East RVP - Steven Cooke
South West RVP - John Nater
Toronto RVP - Justin Van Dette
Central East PCOF - Doug Earle
Central West PCOF - Gary Clement
East PCOF - George Hood
GTA East PCOF - Andrew Wallace
GTA West PCOF - Harjit Jaswal
South Central PCOF - Lawrence Scott
South West PCOF - Gary Filan
Treasurer PCOF - Rocco Rossi

All the info above is subject to updating, so please, send your updates my way. And remember to check the page out over the next few days as I post the updates! I'm also looking for advice on who to endorse for Treasurer, Secretary, Central East RVP, East RVP, GTA West RVP, North RVP, South Central RVP, and North PCOF. If you're affiliated with any of these campaigns, get in touch with me via the comments or by e-mail, at cc(at@)christianconservative(dot.)ca.

And just for fun, I threw together a handy "ABC Guide to Voting" the other day... was thinking of throwing it onto a t-shirt and wearing it to the Convention... LOL...

May the best man, or woman, win!

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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

"CIANO - Time to WIN" - Platform Launched!

Today, Richard Ciano's "Time to Win" campaign launched his platform for reforming the Ontario PC Party, laying the roadmap for rebuilding the Party to enable it to win once again. Give a listen to Richard's platform intro message, and then check out the platform for yourself here!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

"Ciano - Time to WIN" - Successful Launch!

For those of you who missed the event live, you can catch the launch of Richard Ciano's campaign right here, thanks to YouTube.

All the best Richard! It's time to win, together!

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

"CIANO - Time to WIN" - LIVE FEED of Campaign Launch

As the various campaigns for PCPO Executive get underway, I'm gonna come right out of the gate and throw my support 100% behind RICHARD CIANO for PCPO President!

I met Richard a number of years ago, and I firmly believe he's the guy that can reorganize the Party in a manner that can, you know... ACTUALLY WIN AN ELECTION. His campaign slogan is spot on... "Ciano - Time to WIN".

He's launching his campaign today in Richmond Hill, and for those who can't attend, they're going to broadcast the campaign launch LIVE online... and we're hosting it RIGHT HERE! Check out the LIVE FEED below of the campaign launch event, scheduled to start at 7:00PM TONIGHT, Wednesday November 9th.

For more information, or to sign up for updates, or to join the team, check out his website at

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

OOPS: McGuinty's OntarioWay = WRONG WAY

A picture really CAN be worth a thousand words...
The Liberal FAILBUS is BACK!!!

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dalton McGuinty's "Jedi Mind Trick" on Ontario

But the question is, will it work... AGAIN?

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Change Ahead - The Ontario PC Convention

If you can't make it to this weekend's Ontario PC Convention, HAVE NO FEAR! They're webcasting it LIVE right here...!

And keep your eye on my Twitter feed, @ChristianConsrv as I'll be liveblogging/tweeting the event!

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Saturday, May 07, 2011

My CPC Seat Prediction was... 162

And my friends thought I was nuts... who'da thunk I'd guessed TOO LOW. Final result: 167.

Post-Election review hopefully coming early next week, once I've caught up on a few things.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The landscape is shifting

And I'm not just talking about the political EARTHQUAKE in Quebec, where now THREE pollsters, CROP, EKOS, and Nanos all show the NDP in either first or second place... AHEAD of even the Bloc!

No, I'm talking about the reality on the ground in local ridings. An interesting and almost unheard of phenomenon is going on... there are Liberals in our campaign offices.

No, not spies... long-time Liberals, who are showing up one after another, taking signs, putting up signs, stuffing envelopes... WORKING for the local Tory candidate.

I was briefly in the Guelph campaign office of Marty Burke, another place where this is occurring. There seems to be two major factors driving it... dislike of Michael Ignatieff, and an extreme dislike of Frank Valeriote, the local MP. (even amongst his own extended family... the Italian vote isn't rock solid Liberal anymore!!!)

I've been hearing the same story from contacts in other ridings too... where traditional Liberal voters are "crossing the floor" to support us. And you know what the number TWO comment from them is? (with Michael Ignatieff being number ONE)

They quote Mr. Harper... "It's time for a MAJORITY."

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

FUNNY: Iggy's "Old Spice" Ad

LOL... I wish I could pull stuff like this off. A GREAT roast on Iggy that's been put out there, in parody of the "Old Spice Guy" ads!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


No question about it, Jack Layton had the line of the night with this barb he threw at Michael Ignatieff, over his lack of attendance in the House of Commons.

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Friday, April 08, 2011

And now we juxtapose: "Kissing Babies"



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Tuesday, April 05, 2011


WOW... just possibly THE BEST political ad I've ever seen!!! Way to go CPC!!!

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Micheal Ignatieff's Contempt of Parliament

In an ironic twist, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has today called on Prime Minister Harper to show contempt for Parliament!

Yes, you heard that correctly... Michael Ignatieff actually WANTS the Prime Minister to do something that would be in contempt of Parliament! First, Iggy falsely accuses the PM of acting in contempt, and with his Opposition allies forces an election over his false accusations. But today, he's flip-flopped on that position, and now wants Mr. Harper to directly interfere with a report from an independent Officer of Parliament, and usurp the prerogative of the House of Commons by making her report public before the House has had the opportunity to see it first.

Which is it, Mr. Ignatieff? You can't have it both ways... you can't falsely accuse him of contempt, and then actively encourage him to do something that would in fact BE an act of contempt. That's what we call "Hypo-Grit-cy".

The ironic thing is, if he hadn't forced this unnecessary election, the AG would today be issuing that report that Mr. Ignatieff so desperately wants to see...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"The Last Liberal" - Inside the Liberal War Room

Almost forgot about all these videos... but this last one is SOOOOO appropriate right about now!!! If you remember the final scene from "The Last Starfighter", here's a more modern interpretation... in the context of Ignatieff and the Liberal election campaign...

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PM Stephen Harper performs piano with 10-year old Youtube sensation Maria Aragon

Love his line... "and no religion too... I'm gonna get in trouble for that..."

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Another Liberal talking point gets TRASHED

Oh, so Ignatieff is claiming that Harper tried to form a "coalition" back in 2004, is he? Let's hear the truth from their own mouths instead, shall we?

Let's turn our attention back to those heady days back in September of 2004, shall we? Then Prime Minister Paul Martin had struck the Gomery Commission, who's mandate was to look into allegations of corruption relating to the Liberal Party of Canada in Quebec. By September of 2004, explosive testimony had already been heard, and there was fear that Martin may seek to force an election before Justice John Gomery had a chance to complete and issue his first report. The Opposition Leaders discussed the situation, and decided together not to form a coalition, but to ensure that Prime Minister Paul Martin could not engage in any underhanded manoeuvres to force a new election prior to Gomery's Phase I report being tabled. The Opposition leaders, then being Harper, Layton and Duccepe, were simply ensuring that the Liberals could not sweep the AdScam scandal under the rug, and that the Canadian public would be able to see the full report before any election.

That's right... there was no coalition. Just an insurance policy to prevent Martin and the Liberals from sweeping their corruption under the rug.

But I guess we ought to thank Mr. Ignatieff for reminding us of about what was going down in the Liberal Party back in 2004... scandal, corruption, kick-backs, money in brown paper bags, and if I recall correctly, the Liberal Party of Canada handing the Canadian taxpayer a cheque for $1.14 MILLION DOLLARS... a fraction of the missing money that AdScam stole from us. Where did the rest of it go? We still don't know.

Any ideas on that Iggy? Oh, right, never mind... you weren't around back then.

(Side Note: Mr. Duccepe called Mr. Harper a liar this week... suppose he's going to apologize, now that his own statement has come to light? Yea, I don't think so either...)

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According to Liberal MP David McGuinty

Here's the scenario... on Election Day, Mr. Harper wins with the most seats, but falls just shy of a Majority. The Governor General asks him to form a Government, to see if he can maintain "the Confidence of the House".

Considering that the Opposition Parties just voted non-Confidence, the likelihood is VERY HIGH that they will NOT grant Mr. Harper the "Confidence of the House".

So what happens in that result? The Governor General will then, according to Constitutional tradition, approach the Leader of the SECOND PLACE party, and ask him to seek the "Confidence of the House" by forming a Government.

That's right folks... THAT'S how the Opposition parties are planning to make Michael Ignatieff the Prime Minister, even if Stephen Harper wins the election without an outright Majority.

Don't believe me? Then listen to Liberal MP David McGuinty, as he lays out that very scenario for CBC's Evan Solomon...

There you have it folks... if Stephen Harper does not win an outright Majority on May 2, the Opposition Parties will ensure that they wrest power, and anoint their anointed Leader, Michael Igantieff, as Prime Minister.

Because don't forget... THE COALITION DEAL IS STILL IN FORCE!!! This was their plan all along... wait until the Budget came down, drop the Government, fight an election campaign, and then take power by ANY MEANS NECESSARY, since they already had the framework in place.

There's only one way they can disprove my theory... for Michael Igantieff to publicly withdraw his signature on the Coalition Accord.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

OOPS - Anyone checked out

If you're going to put your website address on your election signs... YOU THINK YOU'D MAKE SURE IT WORKS FIRST!!!

Guelph Liberal Candidate Frank Valeriote's team have been proudly putting up their election signs in Guelph for the last two days, with their website address, (UPDATE: link severed, see below) proudly displayed, as seen in the picture here posted by the UoG's Young Liberal Association...
However, has anyone bothered to look and see what's posted on that site? I'll bet you at least a few dozen people have... and what, you ask, might they find there? Some words of encouragement on why they should pick Frank to be Guelph's MP? Maybe some policy positions of the Liberal Party? Maybe a photo of Frank posing with his leader, Michael Igantieff? (on second thought, scratch that last one... why would he hang that millstone around his neck...)

How about NONE OF THE ABOVE? I present to you, Frank's website as of this very moment!
And just in case, I also checked out, which some voters may mistakenly assume is the website, based on his signs...

Nope, not that one either! Sigh, poor old Frank... right out of the gate, and falling flat on his face. There's a real sense of irony in his slogan too... "Doing the right thing". #FAIL

UPDATE: Took them a few days, but they FINALLY got things working... therefore, to ensure that I'm not driving any traffic his way, the above links have been severed. ;-)

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Election concerns of kids

True story from a friend's dinner table tonight, when discussing the prospect of a Federal Election. Concerned about a possible Green Party win, my friend's son asked the following:

"Will the Green Party take away my meat?"

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