Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

"CIANO - Time to WIN" - Platform Launched!

Today, Richard Ciano's "Time to Win" campaign launched his platform for reforming the Ontario PC Party, laying the roadmap for rebuilding the Party to enable it to win once again. Give a listen to Richard's platform intro message, and then check out the platform for yourself here!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

"Ciano - Time to WIN" - Successful Launch!

For those of you who missed the event live, you can catch the launch of Richard Ciano's campaign right here, thanks to YouTube.

All the best Richard! It's time to win, together!

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

"CIANO - Time to WIN" - LIVE FEED of Campaign Launch

As the various campaigns for PCPO Executive get underway, I'm gonna come right out of the gate and throw my support 100% behind RICHARD CIANO for PCPO President!

I met Richard a number of years ago, and I firmly believe he's the guy that can reorganize the Party in a manner that can, you know... ACTUALLY WIN AN ELECTION. His campaign slogan is spot on... "Ciano - Time to WIN".

He's launching his campaign today in Richmond Hill, and for those who can't attend, they're going to broadcast the campaign launch LIVE online... and we're hosting it RIGHT HERE! Check out the LIVE FEED below of the campaign launch event, scheduled to start at 7:00PM TONIGHT, Wednesday November 9th.

For more information, or to sign up for updates, or to join the team, check out his website at

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

OOPS: McGuinty's OntarioWay = WRONG WAY

A picture really CAN be worth a thousand words...
The Liberal FAILBUS is BACK!!!

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dalton McGuinty's "Jedi Mind Trick" on Ontario

But the question is, will it work... AGAIN?

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Thursday, September 08, 2011

OLP Website DOWN

LOL... EPIC FAIL guys...
(Ontario Liberal Party's website @ 2:35pm, Sept. 8, 2011)

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Change Ahead - The Ontario PC Convention

If you can't make it to this weekend's Ontario PC Convention, HAVE NO FEAR! They're webcasting it LIVE right here...!

And keep your eye on my Twitter feed, @ChristianConsrv as I'll be liveblogging/tweeting the event!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ontario's "Working Families Coalition" explained

Everything you need to know about how the "Working Families Coalition" actually works...
More money for unions means more donations to the McGuinty Liberals, and more attack ads from WFC. Which results in getting the McGuinty Liberals re-elected, which means even more money for the unions. Which means more donations to the McGuinty Liberals and more attack ads from WFC... you get the picture.

You know what they say... FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Your money, their friends.

You can break the cycle at October's ballot box.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

"Working Families" launch attack ads: Obviously Unions don't need any more money!

Once again, a third party Liberal front group is taking the dirty attack shots at the Opposition, seeking to mitigate any flack that the Ontario Liberals might get were they to run these ads themselves.

We're all familiar with the expression, "It takes a VILLAGE to raise a child". But they seem to misunderstand that statement, thinking that it actually means, "It takes a UNION to raise a child".

Well, my thought is that obviously, there should be no problem with implementing a full scale public sector wage freeze after the next election... BECAUSE THE UNIONS OBVIOUSLY HAVE MORE MONEY THAN THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH!!!

At a time where business are struggling, and scraping by trying to avoid laying people off, what do we see the unions doing? Blowing wads of cash, all in an effort to keep the guys who are giving them a sweet deal in power. Ever wonder why McGuinty only implemented a NON-UNION Public Sector wage freeze? THIS IS WHY... to keep the fat cat union leaders on side.

Once again, we have McGuinty and his MPP's refusing to actually govern, refusing reign in the exponentially growing demands of their union cronies, in a reprehensible and desperate bid to stay in power. That's right, they're spendingYOUR MONEY, in an effort to keep THEIR FRIENDS happy.

But Ontarians get it this time... they're getting SICK of these whining unions demanding more and more money, at a time when many families are facing layoffs, wage freezes, and even wage rollbacks. Ontarians get that we're STILL in the midst of an economic crisis, and that we simply CANNOT afford to give in to the unions demands anymore... a truth that the unions simply don't want to, or simply can't, comprehend.

In 1995, Ontarians understood this... and they ushered in "The Common Sense Revolution" to deal with the union caused economic crisis we faced. Thanks to the "Working Families Coalition", they're only setting the stage for Ontarians to cry out for some more "Common Sense" to come to the rescue at Queen's Park.


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Monday, November 22, 2010

McGuinty Libs attack Hudak, but BACKFIRES HUGE!

Are you kidding me? In an desperate attempt to turn the tables and attack Tim Hudak over the HST, the Ontario Liberals have completely shot themselves in the foot!

In a Press Release entitled "Tim Hudak: HST Here to Stay", they attempted an "GOTCHA!" attack, when Tim Hudak admitted publicly that the Ontario Tories, should they win the next election, will be unable to repeal the HST.

Did you catch that? He didn't say "UNWILLING"... he said "UNABLE". Why is that? Because when the McGuinty Liberals made the switch to the HST, they enshrined within the legislation various clauses that prevent any future government for making any changes to the HST whatsoever for the first number of years. Translation? When the McGuinty Liberals screwed up their implementation of the HST, they ENSURED that Ontarians would be screwed for years to come, and that no one could immediately fix the underlying problems with the HST itself.

As a result, the Hudak Tories won't be able to repeal it, or even reduce the rate, right away. Instead, they're going to have to look for other ways to help Ontario families deal with a horribly implemented tax increase that is hurting their every day lives. While Tim had indeed committed to trying to "stop the HST in it's tracks", as the Liberal Press Release also reports, it was the McGuinty Liberals to used their majority to ram the HST through.

So here we have the Liberals, in what can only be described as total desperation, attempting to attack Tim Hudak for, wait for it... TELLING THE TRUTH. Which, of course, makes perfect sense, if you're a Liberal... BECAUSE TO LIBERALS, TELLING THE TRUTH TO THE VOTERS IS CRIME THAT MUST BE PUNISHED.

Now there's something you don't see everyday... the Liberals are issuing Press Releases on behalf of Tim Hudak, informing the public that Hudak is being honest with Ontarians? Not only that, they're helping to remind the voting public that it's their own Party who screwed the province with the HST.

Okay, it's official... NOW I HAVE seen everything!

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

McGuinty Liberals voting on Nov 1st to KEEP the HST tax hike on Hydro bills

Not really any way they can spin this one... Mr. McGuinty's Ontario Liberals voted against a motion yesterday to remove the HST tax hike from all our Hydro bills.

That's right... they voted 41 vs 21 to KEEP the HST tax increase on our Hydro bills.  It was especially interesting to see folks in vulnerable seats voting to keep the tax increase in place.  Remember that next October folks.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

McGuinty's new Cabinet Minister a 2003 CTF Teddy Award Winner

Just who is Glen Murray, McGuinty's latest Ministerial appointment?
“Our Teddies are an appropriate way to give them the recognition they so richly deserve,” he said. But half a dozen golden sows are languishing in CTF’s Ottawa office because only former Winnipeg Mayor Glen Murray has actually accepted his award.

Williamson said CTF Manitoba director Adrienne Batra showed up at Murray’s office in 2003, statue in hand. Murray came out of his office, accepted the pig and put it on his toilet in the mayor’s office.

Among other tax dollar abuses, Murray was cited for his pet project of a $1 million toilet on the Provencher footbridge as part of an ambitious $5 million urban facelift project.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

"The Truth about Dalton McGuinty's HST"

From the Ontario PC Party...

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Thursday, June 10, 2010


As our "HST Rebate Cheques" (aka - buying your vote with your own money) will be arriving any day now, it's time to send a clear message to the McGuinty government... when you get your cheque,


By sending all or even a portion of your rebate cheque back to Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC's, you can almost DOUBLE the value of Liberals HST bribe, AND make a contribution to the Liberal's defeat in 2011. For every $100 you send Back to Hudak, you get a $75 tax credit... bringing the total value of the initial $100 to $175, $100 to the Ontario PC's, and $75 back to you when you file your taxes next year.

Where else can you get a return like that on your investment? You can grow that money, AND make an investment in Ontario's future by helping to ensure the Liberals are defeated in 2011! While it's true you'll be out a grand total of $25, isn't $25 a worthwhile investment toward getting rid of the Liberals next year?

And don't forget, if enough of us do this, what a message it will send to the Liberals when Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC's report a MASSIVE spike in donations next quarter?

So, when you get your first cheque, there's only one thing you need to remember... SEND IT BACK TO HUDAK!!!

From the Ontario PC website:
Personal Tax Credit Information

Personal tax credit calculation: 75% of the first $372 plus 50% of the amount between $372 and $1240 plus 331/3% of the amount between $1240 and $2821.The maximum personal tax credit is $1240.

See following examples:

Corporate/Trade Union Tax Information

Corporations making political contributions can deduct up to a maximum of $16,800 from the Ontario portion of their taxable income in any fiscal period.

Note: The portion of donations over the central party limit will be distributed by the party to riding associations and/or registered candidates.

*Donations to special events are receipted less expenses.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Charges against Michael Bryant DROPPED

I didn't post on the story when it broke, and I recall urging my fellow BTers to "wait and see". Sounded to me like it was pretty cut and dry when it happened... it sounded like the cyclist just lost it on Bryant, and his actions were defencive in nature.

The charges against former Liberal Attorney General Michal Bryant have now been dropped, on the advice of the special prosecutor appointed in this case, Vancouver lawyer Richard Peck. (in and effort to avoid any kind of conflict of interest)

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Online petition to support Dalton McGuinty"

Just got this from a co-worker... it actually blindsided me, didn't see the punchline coming, thought it was something serious... for all of about 10 seconds.
As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails. BUT this one is important. It has been circulating for months and has been sent to over 20 million people.

We don't want to lose any names on the list so just hit forward and send it on. PLEASE keep it going!

To show your support for Dalton McGuinty please go to the end of the list and add your name.

1. Mrs. McGuinty
Scary thought though... there's only one "Mrs. McGuinty" listed... what about his mother, and his brother's wives? ;-)

UPDATE: Turns out that this post was a bit of a milestone... post #2400 for this wee lil blog.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

McGuinty Proroguing? That's an OUTRAGE!!!

In a blatantly undemocratic and partisan move, Dalton McGuinty says he will prorogue the Ontario Legislature sometime between now and the end of the Vancouver Olympics.

It's an outrage I tell you, an OUTRAGE!!! The people of Ontario should go out and protest in the streets! He's obviously just trying to change the channel, with all major the problems he's facing... you know, the wasted $1,000,000,000 at eHealth, the brewing scandal with the Samsung contract, his Ministers jumping ship left and right, etc.? Yea, that's gotta be it... I smell a major cover-up! What a disgusting abuse of power!

Oh, did I say "undemocratic" and "partisan" move? Actually, scratch all that... what I meant to say was that he's using his perfectly legal right via his democratically endowed powers as Premier to reset the agenda, and begin a fresh new Session at Queen's Park.

Yea, there's nothing to see here... move on.

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Did the McGuinty Government quietly restore teacher's union right to strike?

I'm asking a serious question, because I can't make out what exactly they've done here in a small sub-section of the recently passed Bill 212, the "Good Government Act, 2009". Any guidance by any of you legal-beagles would be appreciated.

Anyway, I was looking over the text of Bill 212, in the context of the changes related to the Municipal Elections Act. Anyway, while looking over the text, I found this section that intrigued me... and I'm not entirely sure of what it means, or of what potential consequences there are for parents here in Ontario.
Bill 212 - Good Government Act, 2009


Repeals and Revocation
5. (1) The following are repealed:

1. Back to School Act, 1998 .

2. Back to School Act (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board), 2000 .

3. Back to School Act (Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board), 2002 .

4. Back to School Act (Toronto and Windsor), 2001 .

5. Back to School (Toronto Catholic Elementary) and Education and Provincial Schools Negotiations Amendment Act, 2003 .

6. City of Toronto Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2002 .

7. Sections 3, 7, 8 and 9 of the Fairness for Parents and Employees Act (Teachers' Withdrawal of Services), 1997 .

5. (2) Ontario Regulation 13/98 (Application Deadline), made under the Fairness for Parents and Employees Act (Teachers' Withdrawal of Services), 1997, is revoked.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those are pretty much ALL the Acts invoked to deal with the striking unions during the Harris era, right?

Now I know that Omnibus bills like Bill 212 are passed on a regular basis, in order to help expedite the clean up and streamlining of existing legislation. But I'm somewhat curious as to why the McGuinty government has gone and done this now... and what are the consequences of repealing these Acts now. Aren't we heading into a period of labour negotiations with these groups fairly soon?

Here's my theory... the Teachers Unions know that they've got a sweet deal under McGuinty's Liberals, and they don't want to harm them in the polls right now and put that sweet deal at risk. At the same time, the McGuinty Liberals know they've also got a sweet deal with the Teachers Unions, and they don't want to put that at risk either. So, I'm sure there's a little "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" stuff going on in the background, and there won't be any labour unrest with them this year, and the government will give in to the union's significantly reduced demands pretty much without question... though it will still be a deal that's far to rich in these tough economic times, mind you.

Therefore, it's my opinion that these moves (which assumes I'm reading it correctly, which I'll admit may well be off) aren't for this current set of negotiations, but for the next set... WHICH WILL OCCUR AFTER THE 2011 ONTARIO ELECTION.

You know, THAT 2011 Election... THE ONE THE LIBERALS FEAR THAT THEY'RE GOING TO LOSE. Call me cynical, but I'm betting that this is a "Let's screw Tim Hudak post-2011, just in case he wins" move by the McGuinty Liberals.

As I said, this is all assuming that I've interpreted the removal of these other Acts correctly... and assuming that they're still in force, thereby limiting the Teacher's ability to strike. Again, a more learned person's perspective on this would be appreciated, but I just wanted to throw it out there so that SOMEONE who can figure it out will give it a look. Please tell me if I've got it all wrong... I'd actually be relieved to know that.

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Monday, February 01, 2010

McGuinty's chickens coming home to roost?

Unions to McGuinty: "It's time to pay the piper"

The various unions that delivered Queen's Park to the Liberals in the last two elections (in part via some ethically questionable arms-length third party attack ads) have delivered an ultimatum to the McGuinty Liberals... they're cashing in their chips for their upcoming contract negotiations, and making it clear to him that if he doesn't pay up, the Liberals might not be able to count on union support come the 2011 elections.

The unions are demanding, can you believe it, WAGE INCREASES during these tough economic times. And while tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs, they're also demanding that none of their public sector members face job losses. For example, the first set of major negotiations between Ontario's colleges and OPSEU... WHERE THE UNION REJECTED A 5.9% WAGE INCREASE!!! At a time when folks in the private sector are taking WAGE CUTS to keep their jobs, the union is still demanding wage increases? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? And this is just the beginning... there are a number of major negotiations to take place this year.

Well this oughta be fun to watch. My guess? Mr. McGuinty will fold like a cheap suit, and give the unions pretty much everything they ask for... after making a "show" of standing up to them, of course. They'll let one or two of the unions strike for a few weeks, and then make a big show of reaching a deal... a deal which will spend a whole lot more money than we have, and keep us in deficit for years to come.

I mean, just look at the recent Samsung deal... at least the media has clued in, and things are starting to get ugly for the McGuinty Liberals on that front, with even his own caucus starting to revolt. I'm guessing some of them are starting to fear losing their seats come next year.

With these upcoming union negotiations, they should be worried... if they cave and give in to the unions, and run up the deficit like there's no tomorrow, there's going to be a whole lot of angry people in this province.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

OPCYA Convention - GO TEAM BETH!!!

Making my last pitch before heading down for the OPCYA General Meeting this weekend... if you're a delegate and are reading this, VOTE FOR TEAM BETH!!!

They're very well organized, and have the drive and determination to win. In fact, if their list of supporters is any indicator, Team Beth has will do a fantastic job. They have ringing endoresements from LOADS of high profile people, MPP's, MP's, Cabinet Ministers, riding Presidents, and other notables.


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