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Is the world a laughing matter? One Night Stan's comics on why comedy has a vital role

Tom Ballard is chatting to a fantasy eight-year-old version of himself in his dressing room ahead of his show The World Keeps Happening at Melbourne's Comedy Theatre.

The world, as he explains to his younger self in the prologue to his upcoming TV special, is extremely messed up.

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Six feature-length stand-up comedy specials with the cream of Australian comedy talent including Wil Anderson, Tom Ballard, Celia Pacquola, Tom Gleeson, Sam Simmons and Judith Lucy.

"There's a lot of problems and challenges facing my generation and my country and the human race and there's not a lot of hope out there.

"It's pretty depressing and scary."

To which Young Tom responds, "And you just tell jokes?"

It's a fair enough call. In this era of far-right madness, Donald Trump and Pauline Hanson, when truth is absurdly stranger than fiction, is making people laugh a futile exercise in the grand scheme of things?


Ballard's take on the world at large appears as one of Stan Original specials One Night Stan, alongside Wil Anderson, Celia Pacquola, Tom Gleeson, Sam Simmons and Judith Lucy.

His set, the 27-year-old Ballard says, is a pretty wide-ranging affair, tackling homophobia, sexism, terrorism, his love life and cheese. "There's something for everyone."

But, all jokes aside, comedy at the moment has a very powerful role as a filter for the constant onslaught of outrage perpetrated through social and traditional media across both sides of the political spectrum. Is comedy more important than ever?

"As a comedian and to perpetuate my own career and industry, yeah," says Ballard. "The only way to defeat Donald Trump is to keep watching The Daily Show and keep coming to my stand-up."

In all seriousness, however, he says it's important to back up discussion with action, like US comedian and host of Full Frontal Samantha Bee, who is putting her politics out there but also attending rallies and raising money for advocacy group Planned Parenthood.

"Comedy can make you feel and think about things in a whole new way," says Ballard. "It can be a cathartic experience of lifting off the weight and troubles of the world. But also I am hesitant to overstate its role in changing the world. I think It's ultimately an indulgence, a pleasure that we all partake in but I hope that people who will watch political comedy and laugh along and go, 'yeah, those politicians are idiots' will also start to realise that you can't just do that, you also need to get out on the streets and call your MP and perhaps run for office yourself and actually get your shit together."

Wil Anderson says it's a challenging time for comics in how they interpret events. He says it's important to tackle the ideas, not the people, in politics – he says he invokes the "Voldemort rule" and doesn't actually name the US President during his show, for example.

"If you disagree with what Pauline Hanson has to say about vaccines, don't make a stupid joke about Pauline Hanson, make a great routine about why you should trust vaccines. That's been my approach – write something that explains to people why vaccines don't cause autism and what the miscomprehensions are, and let that be your reaction."

Of course, there is a level of preaching to the converted – it's unlikely any One Nation supporters would be coughing up for a ticket to one of Anderson's gigs. He says we're trapped in our own confirmation-information bubbles and shouting at each other from diametrically opposing standpoints solves nothing.

"As a communicator, I'm always looking at ways to get beyond that," he says. "How do I get beyond preaching to the converted and talking to the choir, and getting angry at the other side so they double-down on their beliefs and never can be invited in.

"I think there's got to be a more clever and constructive way to do that, where you can filter that information and that truth for the audience that demands that but that you can open the door for people who are hesitant and deciding which path they are going to take. At the moment we're slamming the door in those people's faces rather than going 'Oh, come on in here, you might enjoy it.'"

Tom Gleeson has a novel approach to tackling the fake news and post-truth climate in his act – he asks audiences at the end of the show to guess which parts of his routine were fibs.

"Sometimes you tell a story and you might stretch it a little bit just to turn it into a routine and so I invite the audience to tell me which bits they didn't buy," he says.

His routine on One Night Stan takes in One Nation, Malcolm Turnbull, solar panels and lighter notes about his parents' "Fawlty Towers-type" hotel in Merimbula.

For the tougher subjects, he says, it's not particularly a good thing that there is an overwhelming amount of inspiration out there. "It's bittersweet, you know, " says Gleeson. "Because I'd prefer that the world was just better and comedy was failing. There's always going to be something to joke about. But maybe it feels a little bit more necessary because when there's idiocy happening on such a huge scale, it needs to be made fun of."

Gleeson says Trump is not necessarily on his radar as his audience are not US voters, whereas tackling domestic politics is a different story.

"If we can pick at the flaws of the current government or anyone who is in power at home, maybe those people will remember that when they go to vote later, or maybe it gets them to see things in a little bit of a different light. I've always enjoyed political humour, more just because I like sticking it to the man," he says.

For Ballard, comics have a role in cutting through all the propaganda.

"Something I love about comedy is the way that it can yell the truth in your face," he says. "In the cacophony, in the noise, in this post-truth era with fake news swimming around and all these commentators and pundits weighing in, you watch the news and it all feels so hopeless and stupid and you don't know what to feel about anything. You can go see a comedian and a comedian can zero in on something. Forget all the bullshit – yes, everything is complicated, but there are just basic truths."

Ballard says it's important to keep a healthy sense of self-deprecation amid the fact that comics are interpreters of the wider world.

"It took me a while to find that balance," he says. "To both put my opinions out there and rant and rave on stage, but also be conscious that I am an idiot and the idea that I, a 27-year-old comic, know anything at all literally is just insane."

He's also aware that he exists ensconced in a bubble populated by those who mirror his world.

"But the bubble is so great because of smashed avocado and lattes and The Guardian and bi-curious hipsters, and all my friends are in the bubble. We're all living in bubbles because we're tribal creatures, that's how we work."

But whether preaching to the converted or not, comedy can have an impact by a sort of osmosis out into the wider world.

"I do think comedians have this special role," says Ballard. "This special opportunity to just constantly f--- shit up and challenge people to think about things in different ways, because your whole job is just bringing people together in a room and laughing and talking about life and the world. That's actually a really special place and a really great opportunity to throw out crazy ideas and to encourage everyone in that room to be nicer to each other and to the people outside the room. So that's what I love."

For Judith Lucy, it's not about the politics, it's about the personal.

"I will say that I am really self-obsessed and if it hasn't actually happened to me, I'm simply not interested in talking about it," she says in her inimitable droll manner.

Her shows, she says, are simply about the things that have happened to her since the previous tour, like in this instance, the menopause and grieving.

"It doesn't sound like talking about menopause and death would be really that amusing, but I've managed to fashion something out of those topics."

Comedy, she says, is a unifying force, regardless of subject matter.

"I will say comedy is important, apart from the fact that it's my job. We all deal with shit that happens to us by laughing about it, don't we? I think it's just a coping mechanism that humans have had for a very long time. It's why people have wakes – you stand around and get drunk and tell funny stories about the person that's just died because you're actually also incredibly sad.

"Of course, I think it's important when the world has gone insane that we talk about those things but I think whether you're talking about politics or personal things, it's a way of connecting with an audience who are sitting there thinking I am afraid of that too, or I'm angry about that too, or I'm sad about that. You might be talking about Donald Trump or ageing and it's always a way of just tapping into stuff that's universal, whether that's on a personal or international scale. It's always important, comedy."

One Night Stan streams weekly from March 24 on Stan.


Wil Anderson

The best thing about Donald Trump is … that he won't make America Great Again, but he has made Saturday Night Live Watchable Again.

The worst thing about Australian politics right now is … that it's not worth writing material about the prime minister because when you get it right they go and replace them.

The topic I won't touch is … questions about which topic I won't touch.

Tom Ballard

The best thing about Donald Trump is … his odious, corrupt, racist, sexist, queerphobic, xenophobic and cruel brand of politics might finally be the catalyst to compel the Left to effectively organise and rise up in solidarity to defend our values of decency, humanity, science and compassion. Plus he has funny hair!

The worst thing about Australian politics right now is … it involves Pauline Hanson.

The topic I won't touch is … Ebola. I don't think touching Ebola is good for you. Safety first.

Tom Gleeson

The best thing about Donald Trump is … I wake up excited every day. I can't wait to check my phone in the morning and see what he's been up to overnight. He never disappoints. It's always something I can't predict and it's always nuts.

The worst thing about Australian politics right now is … the government's devotion to coal. It's like watching a car salesman talk up the virtues of a steam train.

The topic I won't touch is … nothing. If you have the right angle and you know what point you're making, no topic is off-limits.

Judith Lucy

The best thing about Donald Trump is … Surely he can't live for that much longer.

The worst thing about Australian politics right now is … the total and utter lack of courage. I don't think anyone is interested in policies anymore. I think everyone is too fixated on trying to survive, so leadership seems to have just gone out the window.

The topic I won't touch is … Obviously I would never talk about stuff that might happen to a nearly 50, menopausal, adopted comedian. I mean, who needs to listen to that crap?