Showing posts with label T.O. Mass Transit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label T.O. Mass Transit. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

O Inglorious Justin: Bad Bit In New Budget!!!

This one is a personal kick in the nads for both the wife and I, as we prefer to take the buses in and out of Scarborough on work-days rather than upgrade our car insurance.  If the Star is right, then going on with the status quo will cost me an extra $264 a year.  I have always kept the car for weekend shopping and the odd vacation, but that might literally have to change if this measure goes through. So maybe one more car on the road 7 days a week, and Mother Gaia has to go fuck herself.   Not very green, Justin.

Also, not very terribly gender-based, as women make up 57% of the TTC's ridership. The nannies that get bused in and out of  rich-folks neighborhoods will be crying tonight.  But I guess they're the wrong type of women, or at least not the type this budget is concerned with.

 I know almost nothing else about what's in it, but that one measure left a bad smell in this TTCentric, greeny-weeny household.

Who's the new guy for the NDP again?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rob Ford Forces Start Polling On Metro Transit.

They've hired Forum research to do some push polling for them.

How does Rob Ford Match up against Stintz in a mayoral race; how about Rob Ford vs. Stintz and Adam Vaughan (which, when you think about it, doesn't make much sense as a question).

I say its push-polling because when they ask which subway plan you prefer they are being deliberately confusing about the LRT/Subway distinction: do you prefer above ground LRTs versus Subways, the question they ask, is misleading.  The distinction between the two options, as made clear in the Metrolinx glossary, has nothing to do with above/below ground, but how many people the cars can deliver to an area on a per hour basis.  Subway according the Metrolinx is heavy rail which can carry up to 40,000 bodies (like TTC Yonge Line); LRT, no matter whether delivered above of below ground, gets you 10,000 max.

Also polling by age, income, and gender.  And: do you want a plebiscite on the issue?

I got the call about 10 minutes ago.