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I stood side-by-side with a Catholic priest to overturn Queensland's homophobic law

It's fair to say that Australian politics isn't exactly a fount of good news at the moment. As a nation we're lagging sorely behind on climate action, we're still locking up innocent people in offshore camps for no good reason and Pauline Hanson is dishing out medical advice.

Things have gotten so bad that even Jeff Kennett has endorsed the decriminalisation of marijuana and ecstasy, presumably so that we can momentarily take our minds off this stressful chaos and just chill out whilst listening to Mogwai.

In such dispiriting times, it's important to celebrate the little victories: those small but vital moments when our elected officials actually get around to doing the right thing. So let us celebrate what happened this week in the Queensland parliament: the government finally – finally – abolished the "gay panic" defence from Queensland law.

"Gay panic" is not a medical condition or the name of a drag queen. It's an actual legal defence for murder that until now could be found on the state's books. The defence gave credence to the idea that if a victim was found to have made a homosexual advance on their murderer, the killer's ensuing "gay panic" could go some way in justifying their actions and the charge could be downgraded to manslaughter. This arcane piece of bigotry sent a clear, odious message: gay people are gross and if a gay man is going to be so gross as to come on to you, it's somewhat understandable that you'd kill him.

The defence reared its ugly head in the 2008 trial over the killing of Wayne Ruks in Maryborough. Ruks died from internal bleeding after two men, Jason Pearce and Richard Meerdink, chased him, tackled him and then kicked and punched him for several minutes while he was on the ground. His body was found in a churchyard by a parishioner on their way to mass. Pearce and Meerdink claimed Ruks had made a homosexual pass at Pearce, thereby provoking the violence.

The judge didn't find those particular arguments to be ultimately convincing, but the two men were still found guilty of manslaughter, not murder. Pearce was released after four years. Meerdink will be up for parole next month. He will have served just nine years.


This fossil of institutionalised homophobia was irrefutably unjust and dangerous. Wayne Ruks wasn't even homosexual. As his mother Joyce Kujala has noted, "Being labelled a homosexual can bring about your death even if you're not one. That law is a danger not only to homosexuals but a danger to anyone – anyone can say he made an advance on me and get out on manslaughter."

After this blatant indecency was committed against Mr Ruks, a movement began. Father Paul Kelly, the Catholic priest at the church where Wayne was killed, decided to act. He started a petition, writing, "I've made it my mission to see this revolting law abolished. I have no words to describe how offensive, harmful and dangerous it is that the Queensland government upholds that a person can be panicked enough by gay people to justify murder."

That mission would last five years. Through sheer bloody-mindedness and with the support of Joyce and a number of high-profile LGBTIQ+ Australians and allies, Father Kelly grew his petition to a stunning 290,000 signatures on, making it one of the biggest petitions in Australian history. Thousands of ordinary Australians have lobbied their MPs, spoken out to the media and mobilised an unrelenting campaign, fuelled by the simple knowledge that this was the right and fair thing to do.  

I am very proud to be one of those supporters. I'm proud to have played my small part in rectifying this outdated relic of a less-enlightened era. Yes, five years is five years too long to wait. Yes, politicians on both sides of the aisle have delayed and ignored this issue, perhaps because it would fail to grab headlines or win votes. Yes, this change cannot bring Wayne Ruks back to life.

But I cannot help but be filled with hope by this small victory. I'm no fan of organised religion and the Catholic Church in particular has a less-than-glowing record on queer rights, and yet here I am, standing side-by-side with a Catholic priest, working together to overturn this homophobic law; a law that demeans same-sex attracted Australians and perverts the cause of justice. I am inspired and grateful that so many of my fellow citizens recognise that injustice.  

This wave of passionate people power has compelled the government to see sense. Queer Australians still have a long journey to full equality in this country, from trans rights to sexual education reform to marriage laws, but we must take heart in the fact that battles like this are being won all the time. I honour the incredible work of Father Kelly and the family of Wayne Ruks in this cause and as a proud rainbow Australian, I say a heartfelt thanks to the people for acting and the politicians for listening.

This fossil of institutionalised homophobia was irrefutably unjust and dangerous. Wayne Ruks wasn't even homosexual.

The abolition of the gay panic defence proves that if we try, our political action can change things for the better. No matter how grim the state of politics may appear to be, we'd all be well served to keep that truth in mind.

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