
SMH Editorials

British Tory MP Tobias Ellwood, centre, helps paramedics try to revive the stabbed officer.

Terror strikes at the heart of democracy

Muslim extremism is being reformed as we speak into two even less predictable threats: a guerrilla warfare outfit that focuses more on western nations, drawing on returning fighters as lone wolves.

Three provisos for same-sex marriage by post

Malcolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton.

On the face of it a postal vote without the need for legislation might settle the issue more quickly and cheaply than fighting for a free vote or traditional in-person plebiscite.

We should talk about the four-day work week

Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra.

Ah, the four-day work week. It's a bit like the paperless office, or world peace. Many agree it's a great idea, and we should do it, but somehow we never get there.

House price shock: governments get serious

Malcolm Turnbull is reconsidering housing affordability options but the property market might beat him to it.

This belated yet welcome effort to make housing more affordable might be for nought, at least if increasing worries about a property market crash become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Defenders needed urgently for the reef at risk

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

The tension between development and environmental preservation is a contest of the fast and the slow. Port Douglas, the once thriving Queensland tourist mecca, is facing a slow decline as the Great Barrier Reef, formerly its big attraction, quietly dies beneath the waters to its east and north.

WA backlash scares Hanson, Berejiklian

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian faces a torried two years to avoid a Barnett-like defeat at the next election.

It is possible – but not certain - that the One Nation revival will burn up like Clive Palmer's star did. The forthcoming Queensland state election will be crucial.

And the Oscar goes to ... Turnbull and Abbott

One little statue means so much.

The Herald recommends Geoffrey Rush as Turnbull up against Russell Crowe as the budgie-smuggler driven by God and Queen to drag Australia back into his old-world view. Magda Szubanski would be a shoo-in for Best Supporting Actress as Pauline Hanson.

Thank you, driver, and goodbye

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

Getting into a car as a passenger is an act of trust: we trust that the driver will be responsible, alert, skilful and knowledgeable enough to get us to our destination without mishap.

A one-state solution is no solution in Israel-Palestine conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney viewing signing ...

The practical purpose of the historic first visit by a sitting Israeli Prime Minister to our shores is to deepen the business relationship between our two countries by "expanding co-operation in cyber-security, innovation and science, agri-tech, energy and resources and the environment". But when Israel is involved, politics is unavoidable.