Sense of place secures Brae chef Dan Hunter a spot in publishing's pantheon

A staff member picking ingredients. Dan Hunter admits there are times of the year when the garden produce really pushes ...
A staff member picking ingredients. Dan Hunter admits there are times of the year when the garden produce really pushes the menu. Colin Page
by Marguerite Winter

When Dan Hunter set out to establish his regional Victorian restaurant in 2013, he wanted to create an "immersive" experience, and a setting and menu with a real sense of "identity".

The immersion begins at the farm gate as you pass through an abundant orchard and vegetable garden wrapping the curving gravel drive to the old white weatherboard farmhouse that is Brae.

Inside the light-filled, uncluttered dining space the identity comes into focus. Your attention is immediately drawn to the paraphernalia of a working farm on all sides, outbuildings and chickens on the loose in landscaped grounds, and more distantly to the gently dimpled paddocks of the surrounding grazing country of the Cape Otway hinterland. It is a very Australian scene.

Hunter has said that he wanted his farmhouse restaurant to feel like a home, and watching diners take a stroll around the property at a pause in the meal or drop into the kitchen to say farewell to the chef and team after lunch, you get the feeling he's pulled that off nicely. And in fact, you can stay over – in one of six luxury suites tucked away on the property.

Dan Hunter describes his food as rustic and grounded.
Dan Hunter describes his food as rustic and grounded. Colin Page

Throughout the course of your meal, any one of the capable and accomplished staff might call in on you to introduce a dish or a wine, leaving the impression you've met the entire family by the time you quit the place.

Now the chef who first captured the attention of Australian and international diners by catapulting the Royal Mail Hotel in the remote Victorian township of Dunkeld into the first order of food destinations has pulled off a publishing coup that celebrates and salutes Brae's identity in a superbly produced book from Phaidon, to be released on May 1.

Search pays off

Hunter and his partner, Julianne Bagnato, took four years to find the right property for the operation they envisaged and it appears their long and discriminating search has paid off in spades. Over the past decade, the London-based publisher Phaidon has produced a series of monographs on the most influential and revolutionary international chefs of the new century, people such as Spaniard Ferran Adrià of ElBulli in Spain, Rene Redzepi  of Noma in Denmark and Virgilio Martinez of Central in Peru and the environments in which they work. Now Hunter and Brae have joined their ranks.

According to Emilia Terragni, who produces those celebrity chef monographs, Hunter is doing something "more extraordinary" than anyone else in Australia. "We publish chefs that we believe are bringing something different, creative and personal to the table," she tells Life & Leisure from London. "Dan is definitely doing just that … his entire cuisine is built around his landscape and the produce he can grow directly.

The restaurant is surrounded by farm paddocks.
The restaurant is surrounded by farm paddocks. Colin Page

"He has chosen to be in a place that is challenging because it's not in the city; it's a destination. You have to travel there. He chose it because he has the possibility of having the land, the garden, and to be in the middle of nowhere but in a place that gives him a lot of inspiration."

That symbiotic relationship between garden and chef centres all of Brae's operations. There are chooks and honey on the property and Hunter draws on local artisanal suppliers wherever he can, including excellent seafood from the nearby Otway coast around Apollo Bay. That's all part of the identity.

But he admits in the book there are times of the year when that organic garden produce really pushes the menu. "[It] assists my creative process in a way that can make me question if I'm in charge of the direction we're heading or merely just another force existing symbiotically with all the other energies sharing space on this hillside," he writes.

Natural benefits

Sheep's curd and spring harvest honey grilled with squash blossom over juniper is one of the treats served up at Brae.
Sheep's curd and spring harvest honey grilled with squash blossom over juniper is one of the treats served up at Brae.

His chefs are out picking produce in the early morning and he believes anyone who cooks benefits from time spent in nature. He cites moments in the garden where you might chew on something and at the same time pick up the scent of something else nearby that can result in inspired pairings.

Hunter valorises the serendipitous at a number of points in his book ("as chefs we can only control so much," he says during our interview) but no reader would fail to miss that you are in the company of someone capable of intensely focused concentration backed up by those twin complementary attributes of iron discipline and creative vision. It's all on display at Brae.

It may also help explain why it took him a mere six or seven years from his first apprenticeship in Melbourne to the role of head chef at the Spanish sensation Mugaritz, run by Andoni Luis Aduriz. He credits Mugaritz and its natural cuisine set deep in the Basque tradition with his own ambition to develop something with identity back in his homeland, where "the restaurant culture is not as developed as some other places".

But even upon his accidental arrival in the game at the humble level of dishwasher in what he calls "a bitch of a job", he loved the atmosphere of the kitchen. "I liked the rhythm, the energy, the waves of increased pressure and workload, the shit-stirring between the chefs … the rush and the clean down, the laughs, the calm and then the next day doing it all again," he writes. Having found his zone, he determined to work hard and get to the top of his game.

Native flowers provide a striking table arrangement for diners.
Native flowers provide a striking table arrangement for diners. Colin Page

Element of surprise

Hunter describes his food as "rustic and grounded", which makes it all sound rather simpler than the usual upmarket degustation fare. What plays out on the plate is that he resists the tendency to let every dish be a knockout; alternating light and shade where the surprises that jump in the mouth alternate with things that speak for themselves.

"That's the game for me," he says. "I try to surprise on a few different levels throughout the time you are here and some things are pure technique; they're an idea that's been worked on … and other things are just the joy of the day, hopefully. And they are much more whimsical and just sort of thread themselves through these weighted down points on the menu.

"The problem with fine dining is it's just relentless. There's no let up, which is why people say it's just too fussy. But there's so much pressure at a certain band in this industry. The attention is so intense and people are critiquing so much that everyone's just trying to hit impact, impact, impact with dishes at a certain level.

The cover of the monograph that celebrates and salutes Brae's identity.
The cover of the monograph that celebrates and salutes Brae's identity.

"You know, this is a farm. I always come back to that. I think today more than ever I'm letting the values that we set within the business guide the cooking more than the cooking guide the future values."

Brae: Recipes and Stories from the Restaurant by Dan Hunter is published by Phaidon. RRP $75. It will be released on May 1.

In the autumn garden right now

strawberries / squash / different basils / last tomatoes / juniper / dill / chervil / red stem chicory / red vein sorrel / malabar spinach / apples / miners lettuce / golden beet / golden nugget / celeriac / golden turnip / japanese turnip / purple top turnip / cherry belle radish / pink beauty radish / breakfast radish / purple plum radish / pears / daikon / hollow crown parsnip / ruby chard / perennial silver beet / osaka mustard / red elk mustard / lots of potatoes / nasturtium / burdock / shungiku / horseradish / kohlrabi / red russian kale / figs / pistachios / custard squash / last zucchini fruit and flowers / tomatillo / bordeaux spinach / egyptian spinach / saltwort / miners lettuce / kankong / epazote / red orach / chrysanthemum / mustard / pak choi / green elk / melon / quince.

In the summer garden (in February)

jostaberry / tomatillo / mulberry / lots of potatoes / golden nugget / boysenberry / red currant / last asparagus / zucchini / different basils / juniper / dill / danvers carrot/ chervil / red stem chicory / red vein sorrel / malabar spinach / first apples and pears / saltwort / miners lettuce / kankong / epazote / golden beet / flat beans / raspberry / bush beans / celeriac / golden turnip / japanese turnip / purple top turnip / cherry belle radish / chesnok red garlic / pink beauty radish / first figs / purple plum radish / chanteney carrot / daikon / hollow crown parsnip / ruby chard / perennial silver beet / osaka mustard / round beans / red core carrot / red elk mustard / nasturtium / burdock / purple sicily cauliflower / purple sprouting broccoli / florence fennel / germidour garlic / bronze fennel / celtuce / pak choi / shungiku / sugar loaf cabbage / italian purple garlic / purple podded pea /  radicchio / miners lettuce / horseradish / aquadulce broad bean / greenfeast pea / breakfast radish / kohlrabi / red russian kale / paris market carrot / strawberry / lots of tomatoes / crimson flowered broad bean.


Launch Dan Hunter will prepare stand-up tasting menus of some of Brae's signature dishes and talk about the monograph at events in Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. In Sydney, he will host a one-off "Brae at Quay" dinner. All guests will get a signed copies of the book.

Details Cutler and Co (Melbourne) on May 1; Penfolds Magill Estate Restaurant (Adelaide) on May 3; Quay (Sydney) on May 9; and The Euro (Brisbane) on May 10.

To book see

Brae open for dinner Thursday to Saturday and lunch Saturday to Monday. Degustation $220 a person; with matched wines, $130pp; or non-alcoholic drinks, $65pp. Accommodation There are six beautifully appointed guest suites, POA. Address 4285 Cape Otway Road, Birregurra, Victoria. Tel (03) 5236 2226. For more see

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