Mexican peso undervalued by 10 per cent, says Agustin Carstens

The central bank has raised interest rates for four consecutive meetings to 6.25 per cent, and economists expect another ...
The central bank has raised interest rates for four consecutive meetings to 6.25 per cent, and economists expect another quarter-point hike at its March 30 decision. Susana Gonzalez
by Nacha Cattan and Erik Schatzker

Mexico's peso is undervalued by as much as 10 per cent even if the "unknown" of bilateral relations with the US is taken into account, central bank governor Agustin Carstens said.

The currency is closer to where it should be, but is still undervalued by "no more than 10 per cent," Carstens said in an interview on the sidelines of a banking conference in Acapulco. Carstens added that while the central bank is watching inflation to ensure it doesn't get out of hand, for now it is progressing as it should given the price shocks Mexico is facing, such as a surge in gasoline prices.

Mexico felt the initial brunt of Donald Trump's presidency after the peso crumbled amid threats he'd rework or scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement and build a border wall that Mexico would pay for. The currency has since made a comeback as one of the best performers this year after White House officials said they're confident a trade deal can be reached to benefit both countries, although it has yet to return to pre-election levels.

"There's still an important unknown there, which is that we don't know how exactly the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the US will shape up," Carstens said. "But even taking that into account, and given the other fundamentals of the Mexican economy, I think the peso is still undervalued."

Mexico's peso briefly extended its gain after Carstens's comments and rose 0.4 per cent to 18.9576 per US dollar in afternoon trading in Mexico City. The currency has strengthened 9.3 per cent so far this year, the top performer among major currencies after the South African rand.

The recent peso appreciation hasn't been fully incorporated into inflation expectations, Carstens said in a separate interview. The stronger peso "without a doubt will affect the process of price determination in the economy and this should speed up the convergence" of inflation toward the 3 per cent target, he said.

The central bank has raised interest rates for four consecutive meetings to 6.25 per cent, and economists expect another quarter-point hike at its March 30 decision as inflation expectations soar well above target. Annual consumer price increases will reach 5.48 per cent by year-end and 3.66 per cent in 2018, according to the most recent Citibanamex analyst survey.

Consumer prices rose by an annual rate of 5.29 per cent in early March, the highest since 2009, when the nation was hit by a recession. The inflation rate surged by the most in 21 years in January after Mexico rolled back subsidies on gasoline it could no longer afford and the peso dipped to record lows due to uncertainty over Nafta negotiations.

The central bank and the Finance Ministry are working to preserve the value of the peso, Carstens said. He was responding to US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross's comments earlier this month that mechanisms for making the peso-dollar exchange rate more stable should be considered as part of Nafta talks.

It's important that the US be assured that there's no need for concern that Mexico might be intervening to weaken its currency, when what it has done, on the contrary, is take actions to prevent an accelerated depreciation, Carstens said.
