Morrison to kill off 'lawyer's picnic' in competition effects test

Big business is unlikely to be pleased with the Coalition's move on anti-competitive behaviour.
Big business is unlikely to be pleased with the Coalition's move on anti-competitive behaviour. Alex Ellinghausen

Firms which believe they are being monstered out of business by companies with "substantial market power" will have greater recourse to the competition watchdog under changes to the Coalition's long-awaited effects test laws.

In a move that delivers a significant win to small and medium-sized businesses, Treasurer Scott Morrison will on Thursday move an amendment that would alter the Competition and Consumer Act to make it easier for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to act against anti-competitive behaviour.

"The amendment will further strengthen laws that prevent firms with substantial market power engaging in conduct that harms competition in Australian markets," Mr Morrison told The Australian Financial Review.

"This is particularly important for Australia's more than two million small businesses which make up more than 97 per cent of all businesses."

The planned amendment to changes to section 46 of the act would remove a list of so-called "mandatory factors" that courts would be forced to consider when deciding whether a company's actions "substantially lessen competition". Those factors include issues such as enhancing efficiency, innovation, product quality or price competitiveness.

Small businesses have been alarmed by the risk that a dominant player would be able to use those caveats to successfully fend off a challenge of anti-competitive behaviour. For instance, a company could argue before the courts that even though its actions may look anti-competitive, it shouldn't be sanctioned because its business was delivering efficiency and innovation.

Rod Sims, the ACCC chairman, said he strongly supported removal of the mandatory factors because the rest of the act already covers a test for substantial lessening of competition and because it reduces confusion and uncertainty for all businesses.

"The problem with the current section 46 is that it's become so complicated it's unusable," Mr Sims told the Financial Review. "Keep it simple as that way everyone knows what it is and it's easier for the courts to enforce."

In a reference to one of Labor's main objections to the Coalition's laws, Mr Sims pointed out that removing the mandatory factors would remove avenues for lawyers to argue out of an anti-competitive behaviour charge.

"If you've got any concerns about it being a lawyer's picnic, you have to be happy about getting rid of mandatory factors," he said. "They'll be the food and wine of the picnic."

Small business lobby groups are likely to welcome the changes after the Council of Small Business Australia raised concerns about the test in January.

​Reform of the competition act has had a politically painful history. Triggered by a competition policy review commissioned under Prime MInister Tony Abbott and headed by Professor Ian Harper, the new laws were introduced into Parliament late last year and are still to reach the Senate.

Labor – in tandem with the Business Council of Australia – has fought the changes, arguing the introduction of a so-called "effects test" was bad economic policy.

The issue languished in limbo under Mr Abbott, but was included in the refreshed Coalition agreement between the Liberals and National Party after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull won the leadership spill in September 2015. 

When tabling the amendment, Mr Morrison will argue that removing references to innovation and efficiency and other factors will reduce the complexity of the law.

According to an explanatory statement for the amendment it would also reduce uncertainty about how courts would interpret and weigh each of those questions, as well as reduce the risk that the question around whether a firm is "substantially lessening competition" would take on different meaning.

"The removal of the mandatory factors does not change the objective of the new section 46, which is to target anti-competitive behaviour by firms with substantial market power, while allowing legitimate pro-competitive behaviour even if this results in harm to inefficient competitors," the government said.

It adds that the proposed law remains focussed on so-called "harm to the competitive process" rather than individual firms. "[It] does not shield inefficient competitors from the natural effects of strong competition".