RBA's Stevens weighs into acrimonious currency war debate

'I don't think it could be denied that people have an eye on exchange rates when they're making these decisions,' RBA ...
'I don't think it could be denied that people have an eye on exchange rates when they're making these decisions,' RBA Governor Glenn Stevens. Louie Douvis

The world's major central banks are undoubtedly keeping "an eye on exchange rates" in setting their monetary policies, according to Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens.

The issue is a highly contentious one in international circles. Leaders and central bankers from the Group of 20 largest economies have repeatedly vowed to avoid a major currency war by refraining from depreciating their currencies to make their exports cheaper in global markets.

But critics allege the extreme monetary stimulus measures, such as negative interest rates and massive bond buying programs, which both the Bank of Japan and European Central Bank have adopted, are chiefly designed to depreciate their currencies in the hope that stronger exports will bolster economic activity.

The scrupulously fair-minded Stevens acknowledged this criticism had some validity.

Nov 7 Stevens raises rates three weeks before the Federal election.
Oct 12 Federal government guarantees bank deposits as CBA takes over Bank West.
Aug John Howard announces in parliament “Interest rates will always be lower under a coalition government”.
Ben Bernanke
Mar 2008 Stevens raises rates to their peak of 7.25 percent.
Nov At G20 in Washington China announces huge stimulus.
Sep 15 Lehmann Brothers files for bankruptcy.
Apr As western Sydney suffers, Daily Telegraph splashes Stevens on its front page. Headline: “Is this the most useless man in Australia?”.
Nov 2 RBA moves to cut rates
A turbulent decade
Apr 9, 2009 Interest rates bottom at 3 percent.
Aug Iron ore prices start a huge rebound.
Sep RBA becomes first major central bank to lift rates post GFC.
Click buttons for main event details
May The Age newspaper reveals a foreign bribery scandal at RBA subsidiary Securency. Stevens says: “It is quite easily the most unpleasant and difficult set of issues I have had to deal with.”
Oct 2011 Greek debt crisis triggers global panic.
Australian cash rate (%)
Sep 2006 Phase One: The commodity boom
Nov 2015 US raises interest rates from zero, taking pressure off the AUD. Stevens: “We should just chill out.”
Glenn Stevens was appointed RBA Governor replacing Ian Macfarlane following his retirement.
Feb 2012 Australian dollar peaks at $US1.09.
Cash rate
Second Greek bail-out triggers euro-zone crisis
Policy rates - G3
Capital inflow
Apr 2013 Stevens re-appointed for abridged three-year term.
Oct 2010 Julia Gillard forms minority government
Feb 2007 “I don't think any central bank could accept the notion that somehow a rate change is off limits for one year out of three. That would be crazy.” - Glenn Stevens
May Taper tantrum hits emerging markets as the Fed considers ending Quantitative Easing.
Sep Tony Abbott wins government.
Oct 7 RBA starts unprecedented rate cuts.
Very low global rates have pushed up the Aussie
* Since April 2013, the Bank of Japan’s main operating target has been the money base
Policy interest rates–G3 (%)
Australia has cut reliance on foreign debt to finance investment
Australian net capital inflow (% of nominal GDP)
* Includes March quarter only
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

"I think you can be forgiven for thinking…that's at least part of the channel they're looking for," he told The Australian Financial Review.

"It's not the done thing in polite company to say that, and everybody has to motivate what they're doing by their domestic objective…but I don't think it could be denied that people have an eye on exchange rates when they're making these decisions."

He added "to deny that would be to deny the obvious, I think".

Global constraints

Mr Stevens also said that Australia could not hope to insulate itself from the effects of the monetary policies being pursued by the major global central banks.

Australia has just gone 25 years without recession
GDP growth
GDP growth (%)
Budget balance
The big three inidcators
The new problem: Inflation is too weak
Consumer price inflation* (%)
* Excluding interest charges prior to the September quarter 1998 and adjusted for the tax changes of 1999–2000
The elusive surplus
Australian government budget balance* (% of nominal GDP)
Underlying cash balance; 2016-17 Budget
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

"In a world of capital mobility, which is the world we've been in for some decades, what the major countries do with their policies is always a constraint at some point."

The interest rate policy of major global central banks, he said, "gets reflected in currencies but probably more broadly as well".

And this imposes some limitations on what actions the Reserve Bank can take.

"Not that you slavishly have to do everything they do, but when the central banks are on a very strong course, you're going to be affected."

He added: "You can try to chart your own course to a certain extent, but there's a limit to how much you can do that, I think, realistically in a world where capital is mobile."

In terms of the Reserve Bank, he said, "that doesn't mean we're completely impotent to do things for our own good, but it's just you're not an entirely independent agent either in that world".

'Mug's game'

Mr Stevens said it was difficult to know the extent to which the Reserve Bank's rate cuts had weighed on the local currency.

"It's very hard to be precise, because there are so many other things affecting the exchange rate, so identifying the interest rate effect is, you know, really a mug's game."

But, he added: "I have to believe that having lowered the cash rate for five years and also made the odd comment, the exchange rate is lower than it was going to be otherwise. The terms of trade are taking it down as well."

Mr Stevens also signalled he was relatively relaxed about the level of the Australian dollar at the moment.

"I think it's doing its job," he said. "You know, when I started this role it was about where it is now. It has moved a lot in the interim."

He said there was a period when he considered the Australian dollar was overvalued and hadn't fallen far enough to reflect the change in economic fundamentals. "When we thought that, we said that." 

"It's possible it [the currency] will give us trouble, but my position in recent times has been it has been adjusting as it should."

Read next:

Central bankers give Stevens AAA rating

Glenn Stevens full exit interview