RBA's Glenn Stevens says he needed to use 'overkill' to quell the GFC panic

On the morning of October 8, 2008, as the global financial markets spun ever more rapidly out of control, Stevens came ...
On the morning of October 8, 2008, as the global financial markets spun ever more rapidly out of control, Stevens came to the realisation there was no longer room for half-measures. Louie Douvis

It will forever be the moment that defines Glenn Stevens' decade as governor and cemented his reputation as a bold mover in the world of central banking.

On the morning of October 8, 2008, as the global financial markets spun ever more rapidly out of control following the collapse of Lehman Brothers a few weeks earlier, Stevens came to the realisation there was no longer room for half-measures.

Having just days earlier prepared to recommend his nine-member board approve a 50-basis point rate cut, Stevens sought the advice of his closest colleagues one final time.

Deputy governor-select Guy Debelle – who headed the central bank's markets division where the turmoil was most vivid – told Stevens it was time to consider a bigger move.

Nov 7 Stevens raises rates three weeks before the Federal election.
Oct 12 Federal government guarantees bank deposits as CBA takes over Bank West.
Aug John Howard announces in parliament “Interest rates will always be lower under a coalition government”.
Ben Bernanke
Mar 2008 Stevens raises rates to their peak of 7.25 percent.
Nov At G20 in Washington China announces huge stimulus.
Sep 15 Lehmann Brothers files for bankruptcy.
Apr As western Sydney suffers, Daily Telegraph splashes Stevens on its front page. Headline: “Is this the most useless man in Australia?”.
Nov 2 RBA moves to cut rates
A turbulent decade
Apr 9, 2009 Interest rates bottom at 3 percent.
Aug Iron ore prices start a huge rebound.
Sep RBA becomes first major central bank to lift rates post GFC.
Click buttons for main event details
May The Age newspaper reveals a foreign bribery scandal at RBA subsidiary Securency. Stevens says: “It is quite easily the most unpleasant and difficult set of issues I have had to deal with.”
Oct 2011 Greek debt crisis triggers global panic.
Australian cash rate (%)
Sep 2006 Phase One: The commodity boom
Nov 2015 US raises interest rates from zero, taking pressure off the AUD. Stevens: “We should just chill out.”
Glenn Stevens was appointed RBA Governor replacing Ian Macfarlane following his retirement.
Feb 2012 Australian dollar peaks at $US1.09.
Cash rate
Second Greek bail-out triggers euro-zone crisis
Policy rates - G3
Capital inflow
Apr 2013 Stevens re-appointed for abridged three-year term.
Oct 2010 Julia Gillard forms minority government
Feb 2007 “I don't think any central bank could accept the notion that somehow a rate change is off limits for one year out of three. That would be crazy.” - Glenn Stevens
May Taper tantrum hits emerging markets as the Fed considers ending Quantitative Easing.
Sep Tony Abbott wins government.
Oct 7 RBA starts unprecedented rate cuts.
Very low global rates have pushed up the Aussie
* Since April 2013, the Bank of Japan’s main operating target has been the money base
Policy interest rates–G3 (%)
Australia has cut reliance on foreign debt to finance investment
Australian net capital inflow (% of nominal GDP)
* Includes March quarter only
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

"It was pretty clear that this was going to be a very big event and we were going to need to ease a lot," he told The Australian Financial Review this week in his final interview as governor.

Recalling that the Lehman's aftermath – on markets and confidence was rapidly starting to become "pretty violent" – Stevens decided to do what has become habit when when faced with a diabolical choice.

He started by writing two press releases. In this case, one for a 50-basis-point cut and another for a reduction of twice that much and the biggest single move in the inflation-targeting era.

"I often did this, where, considering a couple of courses of action, one of the tests is can I write a convincing statement ... of course hoping that when we press the button to go we actually send the right one," he jokes.

Stevens said his board members assembled in the central bank's dealing room after the traditional post-meeting lunch to watch the impact of the supersized cut on financial markets as the news was transmitted at 2:30 pm.

Australia has just gone 25 years without recession
GDP growth
GDP growth (%)
Budget balance
The big three inidcators
The new problem: Inflation is too weak
Consumer price inflation* (%)
* Excluding interest charges prior to the September quarter 1998 and adjusted for the tax changes of 1999–2000
The elusive surplus
Australian government budget balance* (% of nominal GDP)
Underlying cash balance; 2016-17 Budget
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

The stakes were sky high. Would it be seen as too little, too late, in a world spiralling towards the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression? Or would a major decrease in the cash rate add to the panic?

"That's always true, but in the end, you can't let the possibility that you will be misunderstood prevent you doing what has to be done. Otherwise you would always be behind," says Stevens today.

Heart-in-mouth, Stevens and the board stared at the trading screens, watching the market rally. Success, for now, even if the gains unravelled in subsequent days as more bad news thundered in from abroad.

But the key thing about that moment was that foreshadowed another four cuts over five months to lower the cash rate by another 300 basis points to what was then described as an "emergency-low" of 3 per cent.

RBA Index of Commodity Prices (SDR, 2014-15 average = 100, log scale)
Iron ore price
In China’s orbit
Commodity prices
Oil price
Brent oil price ($US/barrel)
Iron ore price ($US/oz)
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Bold action demands effects

Critically, his bold action on that October day had two immediate effects. It sent a message to the broader world that Australia was prepared to use its monetary policy ammunition, leading the world's central banks in the process.

Second, it destroyed any remaining complacency about the seriousness of the crisis.

Then Treasurer Wayne Swan recalls that news of Steven's double-sized cut – filtered through as Cabinet sat in Canberra – helped galvanise remaining doubters within the government of the need for significant action, particularly fiscal stimulus.

Business investment* (share of nominal GDP, %)
Business confidence
The mining boom and bust
Business conditions
* Adjusted for second-hand asset transfers between the private and other sectors
* Net balance; deviation from average since 1989
NAB business conditions index (ppt)
NAB business confidence index (ppt)
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Looking back eight years after the crisis, it's easy to forget how close it felt to the end of times.

"It was a period where every day you would come to work and there had been something happen overnight; and you could get the sense that the world was teetering a bit."

Stevens, who is still reluctant to go into details, says he spent the whole weekend on the phone with his counterparts around the world in an ever more desperate fight to keep abreast of the crisis.

"At times like that, the central bank's job is to make sure everybody who needs funding is going to get it from somewhere."

One of the biggest priorities in those frenzied days and weeks was to stem the growing tide of fear ordinary Australians had in the security of their bank savings.

Again, Stevens was instrumental in bringing focus to the debate, according to people who were there, particularly in the lead-up to the infamous two-day "kitchen cabinet" over the weekend of October 11 and 12, when the crisis had reached the point of no return.

Aside from agreeing to unleash an unprecedented stimulus package to buttress shattered consumer confidence, the government decided that the issue of a bank guarantee could no longer be left unresolved.

Stevens confirmed in his interview that policymakers were caught off guard on this point, having taken too long to develop a financial claims scheme that had been in the pipeline for several years.

Stevens 'extremely calm'

"Glenn was extremely calm – I thought remarkably self-assured," said one observer. "It was during that week [before the October 11 & 12 meeting] that at some point he decided 'look, we really have moved into the world of guarantees. At some point, the government is going to have to announce one'."

Deeply unsettling stories abounded, Stevens recalls, from anecdotes about people walking out of banks with millions in cash, to a rush of Armaguard vehicles scrambling to satisfy demand for banknotes.

"You were getting troubling things like people ringing up radio shows to ask: "Is my money safe in bank X?", where X might be a pretty large bank.

"People are observing major global financial institutions going to the wall or being guaranteed by their governments. So it's not surprising that people would be pretty tense."

The greatest fear was that there would be a rush on banks as had happened with British lender Northern Rock a year earlier.

Making life difficult was the growing political escalation around the size of the guarantee.

The original proposal – cooked up well before the crisis – had been for a more modest claims scheme of between $20,000 and $50,000 to reimburse customers in the case of a liquidity crunch.

"We had been working on the financial claims scheme for a long time, but that actually hadn't been on a fast-enough track, in hindsight," says Stevens.

While many other countries already had such a guarantee, in Australia the situation was vague, with surveys showing most people had mistaken ideas around who would bail them out, including some who said it would be the Australian Bankers Association, a lobby group.

"There was once a time when it was thought constructive ambiguity was good," says Stevens. "The crisis hit before all that was really properly worked out, so we had to accelerate that."

It fell ultimately to Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan, who announced on the Sunday that the government would protect deposits up to $1 million, a figure that drew criticism for being excessive, and certainly far higher than the $250,000 figure then opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull had called for.

"I remember sitting in church, but sitting at the back because I was expecting the phone to ring," Stevens says of October 12.

While there have been criticisms of the size of the government's guarantee, Stevens defends its magnitude because it ultimately calmed depositors, which is "99 per cent of what matters".

"If there's actually an incipient panic, you've got to overkill. I think that's the lesson from the UK experience."

'Making the best call you can'

Stevens still struggles to describe the violent shift in thinking that the crisis imposed – from the normal day-to-day "increment mode" of regular central banking to the big-stick action required to avoid Armageddon.

It's an experience he hopes will be a "once in a lifetime" event.

"At those moments you're drawing on all the skills and experience you can find around you and making the best call you can.

"That's what they were doing in Canberra, and as it happened, we had people leading the Treasury who had been through other big economic episodes and who had some pretty well-developed views about the appropriate fiscal response.

"That was to the country's advantage."

While the crisis will forever define Stevens' time in the top job, there are other big moments that underscore his ability to handle pressure and criticism.

Lifting rates during an election

Most famously, of course, was the decision in 2007 to hike official rates in the middle of John Howard's election campaign, effectively torpedoing the Coalition's record for keeping borrowing costs down.

The episode continues to elicit grumbles from some Liberals – people who generally ignore the broader economic reality of the time, which was dominated by rising inflation.

Stevens says he hasn't heard those complaints first hand and applauds the Howard government for scrupulously keeping private any criticism they may have had. "That's very much to their credit."

Another difficult time came before the crisis struck in April 2008 when Stevens was attacked by The Daily Telegraph on its front page as Australia's "most useless" man for failing to chide banks that were hiking mortgage rates faster than the official cash rate.

Stevens will never forget that front page and what it did to his family.

"My 16-year-old daughter worked in a newsagent and we didn't know it was coming," he says.

"So the first person in my family who saw it was her. It was also the day we were doing the 21st birthday for my older daughter – so it was a bit of a downer for the family."

Stevens says the incident is part of a broader increase in the visibility of central bankers, both here and abroad, and a tendency towards "celebritisation".

"I've certainly found it has risen a lot in my time – there are plenty of people with selfies with me in Martin Place," he says.

"It can be uncomfortable, but that's the way the modern world seems to work."

Looking back, Stevens says he has no regrets about his time as governor, even if he jokes that he would probably be "a bit wealthier" had he taken any of the many private sector offers made during his 36 years at the bank.

"I was given the opportunity to lead a fantastic institution for 10 years, and people seem to think we've done a reasonable job. How could you regret that?"

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Glenn Stevens full exit interview