RBA governor Glenn Stevens relieved at end of Sydney property boom

RBA governor Glenn Stevens on the rapid rise of property prices

One of Glenn Stevens' big concerns over the past year has been resolved: a property boom in Sydney that had triggered almost panic buying and stretched the gap between rich and poor.

Mr Stevens expressed relief that tougher lending rules imposed by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority seemed to be working. The median property value fell 1.4 per cent in the three months ended November, CoreLogic RP Data says. 

"It had to happen," Mr Stevens said. "I think that's welcome because an ongoing rapid pace of price increase, I think, leads to dynamics in the economy that are ultimately unhelpful – the possibility of people, you know, almost buying in panic, stretching their balance sheet and so on.

"So I think what we've seen is that things have calmed down a bit. I think that's welcome."

The central banker wasn't just worried about Australians taking on more debt than they could repay if interest rates rose. He was concerned that housing was becoming too expensive for many people.

"The pace of growth that we had – you can't keep going at that pace without new stimulus coming into the market from somewhere because the affordability levels just get out of reach for people unless we keep cutting interest rates which we're not doing right at the moment, obviously," he told The Australian Financial Review

Sydney's property market has rocketed for much of the past two years, as official interest rates were cut to 2 per cent and sluggish growth across the rest of the economy triggered a frenzied rush for mortgage market share among lenders.

In recent months, while prices in many areas remain strong, there have been signs of a slowing in demand, partly as additional housing supply becomes available and on a decline in foreign investor interest following a government crackdown.

Auction rates have fallen sharply across Sydney in recent months, industry reports show, and Melbourne's market edged down 0.4 per cent in the three months ended November. The average house price in Sydney hit $1 million in 2015.

Admitting that Melbourne's market "retains a little more buoyancy" than Sydney, Mr Stevens declined to predict where prices would go from here.

He described as welcome the current environment – which was free of "panicked buying", where buyers have time to think about what's "a reasonable price and what isn't", and where they take care with their borrowing levels and banks are imposing better lending standards.

"So I'm happy with the way those things have worked out thus far, but what happens from here, you know, you can't tell. You can't pick that," he said.

Read next: Stevens on China's rapid growth.
