Glenn Stevens interview: the full transcript

Transcript of the Australian Financial Review’s interview with Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens on December 10, 2014.

The AFR’s editor-in-chief Michael Stutchbury (left), and economics correspondent Jacob Greber interview RBA governor ...
The AFR’s editor-in-chief Michael Stutchbury (left), and economics correspondent Jacob Greber interview RBA governor Glenn Stevens.   Photo:Louise Kennerley

AFR: Governor, thank you very much for agreeing again to take part in the interview with the Financial Review. We very much appreciate your time.

MR STEVENS: Well, it's a tradition now.

AFR: We like to think it is. Two years ago when we started this tradition you warned that the growth gap for the Australian economy could open up in 2013, and that did occur. Is this growth gap still persisting? Is there a weakness in the economy's ability to transition from the mining investment boom?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think the transition is clearly still under way and I think we're going to be talking about this handover transition issue for a while yet. That was largely inevitable, I think, given the size of the episode that we have been in, with the mining story and so on. And I also think that is given some of the other changes that have been going on in the economy, more or less independently of the mining boom. If you think about the changed behaviour of consumers, the rise in leverage they had in the preceding decade, they're handling that fine. But that's a one-time adjustment; it's not going to happen again. So the notion that the consumer would be the driver of growth in the way they were in some of those earlier periods, that isn't going to happen; we have been saying that for some time. So, and that is orthogonal, more or less, to the mining story. So that's a transition too.

And then we have got, I guess, you could say the need for the public accounts to be put on a sustainable basis over the longer run. I don't actually think that's, you know, a short-term emergency, but it is a medium-term issue that we have to grapple with. So you have got all those things going on, and this will be a work in progress, I think, for a while. Doesn't mean we can't get reasonable growth – and we are growing, but this issue of transition, of adjustment is something that we have had for a couple of years and we're probably still going to have some of it for a little while yet. You can't make that go away. What you can do, I think, is articulate it, face up to it, and then do the adjustment as best we can. I think right now what we need is a little more confidence in our own ability to make that adjustment; a more positive narrative around the idea of "Yes, we can do this adjustment if we put in the effort." We need a bit more of that right now I think and a bit less of the negative "it's all too hard" sort of narrative that is so easy to tell.

AFR: In relation to the narrative and how people feel about the economy, a month ago the central scenario, as you yourself set out mid-year, was that at some stage, perhaps in the first half of next year, you would remove the period-of-stability language from your correspondence, and that was seen as a signal that most likely the next move in interest rates would be up. Now, it seems for the past month a lot of sentiment has turned more bearish on the economy. Markets and leading financial economists are now suggesting "No, the next move in rates is down." Just what do you think has happened?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think there are a few questions in there. I think market commentators and market pricing wax and wane. We have had, a few times over the period of stability that we have already had, at various times some commentators saying they still think rates might go down a bit. That swung to "They will go up". It swung around a few times. Right now there is a bit of excitement that they might go down. I don't really want to comment obviously in any detail about that. I think when you think back, actually, a year ago we were saying growth in the economy would be between 2 and 3 per cent in 2014. It will be, I would say. On the latest data it's in the 2s, and my guess is by the time we get the December numbers, which is still a few months away, that will still be the case.

We were saying the inflation rate would be between 2 and 3 – well, it is. We don't forecast a point number for unemployment, but I think it was fairly clear that the unemployment rate would probably incrementally go up a bit over that time – it has done that. So in that sense, things as they sit right now, are not especially different, I wouldn't say, to what was expected a year ago. What I think is in question is whether we have got a sense of a gradual build-up of momentum as we go into next year. Now, I think for much of the year it has been possible to tell the story that there were signs of momentum building. Most of the business surveys would have told you that. They have been a little bit wobbly again just lately, so the question is, is that a turn back down? Or is it just a short-term perturbation that will pass? The answer to that is we can't really know, I think. But that's the thing we have to watch.

So far as monetary policy goes, I think the only comment I really want to offer is in two parts. We started easing three years ago. I think, you know, in a very timely way, we brought interest rates – the cash rate – to the lowest level it has been in my lifetime on a sustained basis. Interest rates for borrowers have commensurately come down and they have actually come down a little more since we stopped lowering the cash rate. In my view, over the past year or so, I have been asking myself what can we do that will be most conducive to supporting confidence, predictability, the sense that people can make some plans for their business, their own life, whatever it might be. And the view I came to pretty early on was: what we should be doing is giving a message of stability and predictability insofar as we can. We can't be perfectly predictable because we don't know ourselves what is going to happen in the future. But to the extent that we can have understandable and reasonably predictable behaviour, and a sense that things were stable at a low level of interest rates, I felt that was a thing we could do – if we could offer that it would be conducive to confidence, if you think that the main thing that ails us is that we need a bit more in the way of confidence, animal spirits. And that is more or less is my diagnosis I think. I don't think we see many people at all saying, "Look, the cost of money is too high", or, "I can't get money." I don't think that's really the problem now. If you think that confidence is the thing that is kind of the missing ingredient, then what can we do for confidence? The answer that I came up with is we could be steady and predictable and be clear about that. So that's what we have sought to do. And I think that was the right call.

Now, if at some point we can be more helpful for confidence by doing something different, then obviously that will be on the table, and we will take a fresh look at all these things in the new year. But that, I think, is the way that I have thought about it. And I have felt that thus far that has been the sensible thing for us to do. And for more confidence we probably need some other things to go right as well, things that we obviously can't control.

AFR: We will come back to some of those things you're talking about domestically. But when we're trying to figure out what has changed in the last, let's say couple of months, to what extent has the fresh worry about global weakness and deflation now become a new factor on the outlook?

MR STEVENS: But is it really that weak? I mean, you know, people are making quite a lot of the fall in oil prices, which is obviously bad news if you are a producer. But actually, historically, low oil prices have been good for the global economy. In my opinion on the whole, this is good news, not bad news. It isn't that many years ago actually that we agonised over whether the price of oil would be $15 [$US a barrel], or $20, or $25. It goes to $100 plus, and actually the world economy coped with that, and now it has gone down to, say, $60. I actually think that's a bullish point for global growth. If you're an energy producer there is obviously an adjustment there and there are a whole bunch of issues for the relevant countries. And we have some energy producers affected here, so it's an issue for them as we have seen in the financial markets. But the main point is; cheaper natural resources and energy is actually good for global growth. So I'm a bit reluctant, I must say, to get too pessimistic about the global outlook on that score.

The Chinese economy we would still say, I think, is looking like it's going to deliver the sort of outcomes that they had in mind – seven-ish [per cent growth a year]. There are significant uncertainties in China surrounding the property sector, the associated borrowing and so on, but we have articulated all that at some length over quite a long time now, and I don't think there's anything much new to say there. The United States, I would say, is proceeding quite nicely economically. I think confidence is growing that the US is on quite a good track now. So yes, you have seen renewed weakness in Japan, that's true, and we know that Europe is still struggling; that was always going to be true, really, given the starting point they had and given some of the structural challenges they face.

So yes, probably at the margin, estimates of global growth have come down a touch over recent months, but I don't think it's as dramatic really as some of the commentary might want to suggest. And I still think, you know, if you have got the US firing well, and if you have got China managing their problems OK, that's still not too bad an environment for Australia. We have our own challenges, to be sure, and they're not trivial, but they ought to be manageable.

AFR: I don't want to dwell on it too much, but in that case, is the oil story really a supply story? Or is there something else going on?

MR STEVENS: It is mostly supply. If you look at our statement the other day, we said somewhat weaker demand but more importantly, additional supply. The US has added, I think it's 3 million barrels a day to their own supply over the past several years. And more fundamentally, most observers of the US economy that I know think that the advent of cheaper energy is actually quite a bullish factor for the US economy and historically that has certainly been true. So, I think there are some quite important positives in there that we should not neglect in our focusing on some of the things that are still clearly a challenge.

AFR: As you know, the terms of trade are always a big topic in Canberra in terms of the effect on the budget. A bit like the oil story, you've got supply boosting shipments of iron ore and coal from BHP and Rio Tinto. How much is that playing into the weakness in prices?

MR STEVENS: Clearly, supply is a big factor here – and it's our supply, as it turns out, or a couple of our major companies' supply. So, if you thought there was going to be a higher level of long-run demand and quite rapid growth in the short run of demand, and asked, who is going to be the guy that gets to supply that? It turns out it was us. Which has to be better than some of the alternatives of letting suppliers located in other countries get it. So that, it seems to me, has been a positive for Australia. The prices have come down quite a lot lately and probably not many people will have predicted the extent of that in such a short time. I'm no expert in the economics of iron ore but my understanding is certainly those two large producers are still quite profitable at these prices or even lower.

What other things are going on in that market, in terms of strategic behaviour and so on? Well, you know, I'm not qualified to really comment on that. But the big picture is, I think; there has been a step-up in the global demand for these products. Sure, we can't be 100 per cent certain exactly what pace that will grow in the future. But there has been a big step-up in that demand of historic proportions and it turns out our companies are leading the charge to be the suppliers. That's a good story, isn't it?

AFR: But does it mean that the terms of trade are falling more rapidly than forecast?

MR STEVENS: Probably, yes. They're falling further and faster, certainly, than was assumed a year back. That variable is notoriously more or less impossible to forecast. I mean, it rose much faster and further than any of us were prepared to assume and it is now coming down sharply. Still, the terms of trade are historically high.

AFR: Well, I noticed you did drop those words from your statement after the December board meeting.

MR STEVENS: Well, they are. They are historically high still. You know, I think you're interested in the celebrated 22,000 flat screen TVs [per ship of iron ore]. To the extent went from 2200 to 22,000 and then down to about 17,000, I think, now, to the extent that you can still do that calculation because the flat screen TV of yesterday has moved up in quality from when I first did the calculation. So it has come down. But 17,000 is a lot higher than 2200. It's seven times higher, actually.

AFR: When we spoke at this time last year, the Australian dollar was around US90¢ and you suggested you would like to see it closer to US85¢. That took quite a while but now it's down to US82¢, US83¢. You've just strengthened your language, though, on the dollar saying that it still needs to fall further. What sort of level do you think it does need to fall to, to achieve balanced growth?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think it's quite likely that it will a year from now be lower than it is today, on the basis of the facts that we presently have. And, yes, a year ago I said probably 85 US cents was better than 95. And if I had to pick a figure now, I would say probably 75 is better than 85.

AFR: And even when the Australian dollar has fallen against the US dollar, on a trade-weighted basis it's probably about where it was, maybe a touch lower than a year ago.

MR STEVENS: Not much has occurred. I think that's right. So the thing we are mostly seeing is the US dollar being re-rated against most other currencies. That's logical given the state of the US economy, given that it seems pretty clear, at this point, that it will be the first to begin the normalisation of interest rates before the other major jurisdictions. You would expect the US dollar to reflect that and, really, in a way the puzzle was why that didn't happen a bit sooner. So much of it is – as you say – a re-rating of the US dollar. There's probably a little bit more adjustment of the Aussie dollar against some of the others just lately than there had been. But, as I say, I think given that the terms of trade are doing what they're doing, even though they're still historically high, my guess is the likelihood is that the Australian dollar will probably adjust further yet before this is over.

AFR: And is that true across the basket of currencies in the trade-weighted index?

MR STEVENS: Well, I'm not going to make you a price for all the cross rates. But you would think that, on a trade effective basis, it will probably decline somewhat.

AFR: Even with the headwinds coming from quantitative easing in Japan and Europe?

MR STEVENS: I think on an effective trade-weighted overall basis – without wanting to pick out which ones, you know, might look different – you would expect it to come down somewhat further. And I think the market is starting to behave more consistently with that view now.

AFR: Do you think that the dollar market now is looking as much at our terms of trade as it is at US dollar strength? Is that where we're going now?

MR STEVENS: Well, who can say what's in the minds of the myriad people that are responsible for what is an $80 billion or $100 billion-a-day turnover? Who can say? But I think the adjustment we have been seeing is taking us closer to where most fundamental metrics would have you be. But I doubt that adjustment is yet complete. That's really what I'm saying.

AFR: So it's not yet at the stage where it would be assisting the economy in the way that you would expect it to be given what has happened to the terms of trade?

MR STEVENS: Well, it's doing more of its job than it was doing. But I suspect it may do more.

AFR: So coming from US90¢ to US75¢, how much of a stimulus do you think that would provide to the overall economy?

MR STEVENS: Well, it depends what else is happening. That's the point. The exchange rate responds to the various fundamental forces. And we've just been discussing the terms of trade and so on, that they're adjusting as well. So this is in some sense a bit of a moving target. And you can't really assess the amount of stimulus or otherwise independently of that. Longer-term, we've come from US$1.05 to now US82¢ and that was a very elevated level, very unusual. Surely unsustainable and it hasn't been sustained. And some further adjustment is going to have us much more like normal historical levels, at least against the US dollar and maybe some of the others. But I think that process is not yet complete. It has a bit further to go. And the exchange rate, if that occurs, will be doing what we have customarily been able to expect and it will be doing what it should be doing.

AFR: So when you bring all this together, you're saying that, to the extent there's any more weakness in the economy than might have been thought, it would be better if this was done through the exchange rate performing its normal cushioning activity rather than pushing your other lever into areas where you've never been before.

MR STEVENS: Well, I think I said last time actually that it would be good for at least some of the "further easing in financial conditions" that might be needed to occur via the exchange rate. Because, at a very broad level, stepping back, it certainly a year ago seemed to be the financial price that looked out of whack. We had low rates and I think it has been clear as the year has gone by that the low interest rates are doing many of the things they normally do. The cost of credit is low. The exchange rate was the price that seemed in an unusual place. We've pointed that out repeatedly. And it is adjusting to be, I think, closer to the sorts of places that you might expect. I don't want to say that there are no circumstances in which we would consider further changes in the interest rate. I think that has to remain an open question. But I think it's good that the exchange rate looks like it's doing more of a normal role. But that's to be welcomed, I think.

AFR: When you get to this level on a cash rate, can cutting below that actually deliver much more stimulus to the economy?

MR STEVENS: Interesting question. I wouldn't want to say that, at this level, we've run out of effective capability to deliver stimulus. So I wouldn't say that. I think what you would say is that these are the sorts of levels where things that could accompany even lower rates that are a little bit unhelpful enters the thinking. So there's more of a cost-benefit calculation to be done, I suppose. Perhaps that's better said as more of a risk-reward calculation. I'm not saying that it's definitely negative. But there is more thought to be given, I think, to those things. Savers, you know, their incomes have fallen a lot. And most of my correspondence now is from them. And you would still expect, I think, that lower interest rates are stimulatory for the economy. But we're certainly reaching levels where, for those who have interest rates as their income, the income effect on them is clearly quite something to be thought about.

AFR: You said earlier the price of money is not the issue. The availability of money is not the issue for people who are borrowing. Does the fact that you end up with a 2 or a 3-and-a-quarter per cent cash rate – whatever it might be – just remind everybody that there is something wrong?

MR STEVENS: Well, let me repackage your question into this: if my diagnosis is right that we've got a lot of settings in place for stronger growth and the missing ingredient is the confidence of people to say, "You know, I will do that project; I'm going to take that risk; I will borrow that money, because it's so cheap; I will take on that worker; I will try that new process or product." Whatever. If we're a bit lacking in that confidence then, for us, the question is what narrative can we give people that's confidence enhancing?

If there is a confidence-enhancing narrative surrounding a decision to lower interest rates, if that would actually be helpful, then that's obviously something that needs to be on the table. So my question is, you know, can I tell that confidence-enhancing story? And to come to your question, if the story is, "Oh, look, it's so bad we've just got to cut you know" – well, if we have to, we have to. But one would be hoping, actually, that any decision that might be taken for even lower rates is actually more of a positive narrative.

AFR: Could it be that if inflation is lower than forecast, if the oil price falls, and there are generally deflationary pressures from the global economy, that could be perhaps a more positive story in support of rate cuts?

MR STEVENS: Well, a positive narrative might be inflation is not any impediment to even lower rates if they would be helpful. And I would say even now that I don't think we're going to have a problem with inflation being too high any time in the next couple of years and from everything that I can see, we're locking in quite a moderate performance on domestically generated inflation generally speaking, because wages growth is very contained, and most people expect that will continue. So that will be part of the narrative. You know, a calmer housing market probably also will be part of it, and a sense that such an action would actually help confidence. That's the narrative you would want to be able to tell if you took such a decision.

We're getting very hypothetical here. I think the thing for us to do is to take a break, calm down, it has been a busy year, and have a fresh look in the new year, and ask ourselves what is the thing we can most do to support confidence for sustainable growth, and I think, I must say, that that same question needs to be asked about policies generally.

AFR: Just one last question on inflation. Have you been a little surprised at how little inflation has come from the decline in the dollar? Do you have any views on what's driving that?

MR STEVENS: I don't know that there's a really particularly large story there. Pass-through is a moving feast on a quarter-to-quarter basis. Our general position has been we think we're going to be consistent with the [2-to-3 per cent inflation] target, even with lower levels of the exchange rate. We've never felt in the past year or so that we were at material risk of overshooting the target. We did have a couple of high numbers, I think, back earlier in the year, but my view has been we're going to be all right on inflation, and there have been some effects of the decline in the exchange rate, and there will be more in the period ahead, I think, but I think they're quite manageable.

AFR: On the so-called macroprudential front, APRA has just announced the details of its moves to rein in investor housing. I know it's policy for a related agency, but how do you see how that will play out in the housing market, and how it might affect your considerations?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think they're doing what you would expect. I think this is to be seen as a further incremental stepping-up in the surveillance, if you like, of what's going on in housing lending particularly, and especially for investors. If you look back over the past couple of years there has been a series of incremental comments by us, by APRA as well, which just reflects the way the housing market has evolved and, as I said I think in the CEDA talk, the reasonable person faced with the things we've observed would simply ask, "Are we confident lending standards are being maintained here, or are people getting a little over-excited?" And we would ask that question, and we would go take a look, and I think, not wanting to put words in their mouth, but I think what they're saying is, if you're growing your investor housing loan book rapidly, we're going to come and talk to you, have a look, satisfy ourselves that lending standards are not being eased inappropriately, and we may just tweak capital requirements if we think that's appropriate.

So it's not mechanical, it's not across the board, it's not a sweeping return to, you know, heavy-handed 1970s regulation. It was never going to be that. I think it's a suitably calibrated and measured response to the environment. And it's entirely consistent, I think, with probably our most quoted sentence this year, that one in the FSR [Financial Stability Review] about working with other regulators to ensure sound lending standards. I think that has triggered more commentary than anything else we've said this year. I think it's entirely consistent with that language, what they're doing.

As far as our monetary policy deliberations go, well, I think it's probably stating the obvious that it makes the conduct of policy easier and more straightforward.

The more confidence we can have that we're not going to artificially inflate that particular market and give ourselves a problem down the track that's a complication I can do without, and to the extent that supervisory measures are able to help there, I think that's good. I don't think we should regard this as a miracle cure. I don't think [APRA chairman] Wayne [Byres] would suggest it is either. But it's a sensible step, and I welcome it.

AFR: Is there, though, a risk with these things that they tend to get embedded? And is there an exit strategy to it? What do you and the other members of the Council of Financial Regulators look for that says you don't need to worry about it any more?

MR STEVENS: Well, one would hope that strong lending standards are always embedded. Part of this is about ensuring that that's so. And there's a cyclical dimension to the intensity of your supervision and surveillance to ensure that and that's really what this is about. If all that happens is there's more intense surveillance, and there's a little bit of welcome additional process and procedure around lending standards to make sure they stay strong, that's good and, in a way, you would hope that's embedded really. I would point to the recent stress test that Wayne Byres talked about in that speech as – there's no great disaster there. But that's a reminder that you do need to keep watching this. So one would hope actually that sound standards are already embedded and remain so.

If you were talking about particular actions, and this is entirely speculative at this point, if they turned a capital charge up a bit in some of the banks, it's entirely possible to kind of turn those back down on the other end of the cycle, and I would say there's historical precedent for doing that. Not that I'm an expert in that area. So I don't think that there's a great risk of some tool that's used temporarily becoming permanently embedded in an inappropriate way, and this is still fairly light touch, really.

AFR: It is ratcheting it up a little bit more than, say, the 2003 episode where the RBA did some jawboning and APRA did things behind the scenes.

MR STEVENS: Well, it's from the same family, I guess you would say, as that. Where we put it on the scale, I'm not quite sure, really. We did actually raise interest rates, of course, back then, which we're not doing here. So there are some differences in a few ways.

AFR: Or is there perhaps a danger of some contradictions getting into policy that, at a time when people are a little bit concerned about weakness, the authorities are telling people, or lending institutions, not to lend as much in certain areas?

MR STEVENS: Well, what they're saying to the lending institutions is, "If you happen to be growing your portfolio in this particular area, not across the board but in this area, quickly, we're going to cast an eye over it". I think that's only sensible and, in my view, this is actually not about turning off an expansionary impetus to the economy; it's actually about elongating the upswing in construction by trying to ensure that it doesn't get sufficiently overheated that we then get a crash. To me, this is about holding that level of construction up for longer. That's the idea.

AFR: The Murray review of the financial system released this week suggested that there was a tax bias in the system that is encouraging investor housing. Is that something, do you think, that needs to be looked at in terms of making it easier for you to conduct your own monetary policy?

MR STEVENS: I think, without wanting to get into tax policy, he would not be the first person, or the committee would not be the first group, to make the observation that there are aspects of the tax system that could be seen as somewhat in this space. So plenty of people have said that. It's a matter for the government whether they're prepared to address that concern, if they share it. And, presumably, in the forthcoming tax [white paper] – that's an appropriate location in which to have a further discussion about that. But even in the event that there was to be some change in the tax rules here at some point, I would see that as a structural change. Isn't it, really? It's not a kind of countercyclical device – or at least I haven't thought of it in that way. And I'm not sure that – even if there was the prospect of changes to negative gearing or capital gains tax or whatever in several years time, how big a bearing that has on what we do in the next few months. I'm not that clear.

AFR: But isn't it when you're pushing monetary policy to the limit here in the Australian sense, you find that that's causing problems in a volatile section of the economy which could rebound on you later.

MR STEVENS: Well, to the extent that tax things have some bearing on the issue of how much cheap money pushes up prices as opposed to activity, to the extent it has a bearing on that then, obviously, that's probably of more than passing interest to us. But, you know, I can't get into the discussion of what they should do about that. Even if something is done to change that in welcome fashion, it's not going to be any time really soon, is it? So I'm not anticipating there's going to be a major help to us in finessing this in the next year.

AFR: You're taking it as a given over the forecasting horizon?

MR STEVENS: I think you have to.

AFR: But David Murray's report also suggested that the tax bias is injecting – and it's a point that the IMF has made – through high prices a potential systemic risk into the entire banking system.

MR STEVENS: Well, presumably, their point is that it could be a contributing factor. But we're quite – I don't want to get into this in much more detail, you know if the AFR prints, "Governor calls for negative gearing to be abolished", how many minutes will it take someone in Canberra to have to come out and deny that. So that, I don't think, will be helpful. The right way to talk about this structural taxation matter is in the Taxation White Paper, I think it's called, that's forthcoming.

AFR: The other big issue out of that Murray report was obviously the need for additional capital for banks, something they obviously complain about. They say it will drag on profits, on their ability to lend, and therefore, presumably, economic growth. Do you have any sympathy for that view given that we're moving towards perhaps a sort of European view of how you manage these things when we're in a much faster growing part of the world.

MR STEVENS: Well, I think the way to think about this is, in a way, its a service that the [Murray] Inquiry has done. They've said we should think about these things in a kind of a cost-benefit framework. So, yes, higher capital strength does have a cost. Now, I think there may be a bit of a tendency in the part of the industry to overstate how big that cost is. But, nonetheless, it's not zero. There is a cost. And then the Inquiry has said, "But if you have a financial crisis that's of a systemic nature, that's also extremely costly". It's a low probability event, but a very costly one. And so although it's a hard calculation to do, the framework in which to think about this is: how much insurance should we buy against that low probability but very costly event. And insurance is not free. And the more risk, the more residual risk you want to take out of your risk portfolio with your insurance, the more it costs and, at some point, starts to get very costly. So where do we position ourselves on that? I think the argument for those who are saying that we would like more capital strength in the banks" would be, "Well, the risk return or the cost benefit trade-off at the moment is reasonably favourable – it's not that costly to get noticeably more insurance – so we should consider doing it." That's really the argument that is being made.

And, you know, I think they're really to be applauded for having grappled with this. They've obviously given it a lot of thought. They've tried to embed it within a sensible framework and then they've put it on the table and said, "This is a thing that the community should think about." And I think that's to be welcomed. And as a community – regulators, government, industry – we will have to have a conversation about this and find a point on that insurance premium frontier. And I think what Mr Murray's Committee is saying is they think we should be buying a bit more insurance with higher capital. And I think their other point is that we should be thinking about total loss-absorbing capacity and reducing the residual risk to the taxpayer in the event there's a problem in one of the majors. Now, I mean, it's not surprising that people think about that issue. Because that's what's happening around the world. Certainly, the Australian community is assuming that these banks are extremely safe and have virtually no probability of failure. So the question is, you know, shouldn't we be marrying the actual safety with that assumption without leaving a large contingent liability with the taxpayer to make the assumption and the reality meet.

AFR: Well, one way of doing that was put up by the previous federal government: to put a price on the deposit insurance. Now, that's not recommended by the Murray review.


AFR: It seems that we have a system of really retaining the traditional Australian system for dealing with banks if something goes terribly wrong. That is, the authorities work it out. And by putting in more capital and putting in some bail-in capability to make it less likely that the taxpayer is to fork out.

MR STEVENS: I guess that's right. We had put the view that the government is giving free insurance of deposits and should charge for that. But they've said, "Well, we're content for there not to be an ex-ante price; we think that the ex-post funding would be adequate." But they've also – I mean, it's not that in isolation – they've also said that, "We think that there should be more upfront shareholder capital and more ways of finding loss absorbency out of the private sector in the event of failure". So in a way they've married their view on ex-ante pricing with these other things. And, you know, I think that that's eminently logical.

AFR: You've been involved, Governor, in a lot of the Financial Stability Board discussions through the whole G20 process. How convinced are you – with the various bail-in measures and loss-absorbing capital – that the other authorities or the other banking systems have their head around how this would actually work and how you might apply it in an Australian situation?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think that's an open question. I think the difficulty is that although the notion of bailing-in some of the private creditors – and, you know, many bankers have actually proposed these arrangements as well, it's not just a construct that has come entirely from the official community. You can see the logic of (a) having more genuine equity capital and then, secondly, having the ability to turn some of the debt instruments into equity in a given situation. You can see why that's logical. The one uncertainty that remains in my mind is, as far as I know, this hasn't actually been done successfully in practice for a large institution yet. I mean, in a way, one would hope it never has to be done. But that will mean we will never find out whether it works. But to the extent that I have a reservation, it's simply that I would really like to see someone else do this before we ever have to – to just see how it works. Something that we've always felt slightly uneasy about is, could there be contagion across these debt instruments across institutions. Even of an irrational nature and, if that happened, that would greatly complicate resolving the crisis. So we just can't know.

So we're in a position, I think, where you can see why the other countries have gone down this route. They've had their taxpayers put their hand in their pocket. That has been, politically so difficult to manage – understandably. They've said, "Really, this must never happen again", "We've got to design a better system". As Mark Carney has rather colourfully said, you know, "We had a sort of 'Heads, I win, tails, you lose' arrangement". We can't have that. We've got to have the risk residing back in the private sector where it should be. And we've got to design a system that allocates those losses without the taxpayer being on the hook. You can see why people feel they've got to go down that route. As I say, the difficulty is we can't be 100 per cent sure just how smoothly it will work in practice. And so we retained that sort of slight sense of unease for that reason, really.

But this is the framework that's coming into place for systemic institutions globally. There's a lot of work still through the G20 and FSB ahead to nail it down. But that's the track we're on. And this is a thing that we will have to give thought to in all the other jurisdictions – including our own as well over time. And so it's on the table as a result of the Inquiry.

AFR: Your comments bring to mind the fact that we did not have the image of Treasury or the Reserve Bank having to bail out one of our big four banks in the financial crisis in the way that Europeans did. So we haven't had the crisis. We haven't had the burning platform to remind people of why you need all those other things. What's your sense of the political resolve on this question of going down this path? Clearly, Murray is a first step. But there's a long way to go yet, isn't there?

MR STEVENS: I'm not sure I'm in a position to opine on that. For Australia, what I would say is that, sure, we can congratulate ourselves. We didn't have the same kind of crisis. That's good and that says something about the quality of supervision and the quality of management in the institutions themselves. That's good. But it isn't as though not having experience mean that there's nothing for us to learn by the experience of others. I think in the regulatory community, certainly, and I would hope that politically also, there are learnings. Other people's misfortune – highly regrettable, but it's an experience – is an opportunity for us to learn what can go wrong and to go back and look at all our own processes and think, well, actually, are there ways that we could strengthen things? So I think that's the right attitude to adopt.

I think the fact that the federal government did feel minded to issue the guarantees – the wholesale guarantee wasn't given; it was priced appropriately. The deposit guarantee, I guess you could say, confirmed what everybody assumed, but then we've had to think about how to structure that. So, and, again, the Murray committee has considered all those matters, a lot of these things have become more front of mind than they used to be as a result of the events we've lived through. We've come through well. We've learned some things, and there's still some thinking work ahead to make sure we get it all bedded down. I guess that's what I would conclude.

AFR: Governor, one of the notable developments in the economy has been the weakness of the various income measures of the national accounts. Some are calling the contraction in these numbers an income recession. How do you think that this weakness in income that is being derived from GDP is feeding into the real economy?

MR STEVENS: The use of the term "income recession", I think, is the latest inventive way of using the R-word, to find an adjective to put in front of it. The arithmetic is such that it wouldn't matter how fast the economy was growing. If you get a big enough fall in the terms of trade over two quarters you will be able to say we've got an income recession. That's just arithmetic. More substantively, what's really is happening is the purchasing power of Australians over foreign goods and services that result from what we export has gone down. It's no great surprise that it's going down. We could debate whether we can all pick the speed and so on, but I think we've been talking about the fact the terms of trade weren't going to stay at those one-in-a-hundred-year highs; they would come back to some extent.

We can debate where to, but there's no doubt they were going to go down. That's no surprise, and I think we did everything you could do to kind of prepare people for that idea. The place that most people are going to feel this effect, I think, and the exchange rate comes back in here, for most of us as consumers, the most direct manifestation is going to be the price of a foreign holiday is higher than it was, and we're going to have more holidays at home as a result of that. The price of petrol at the pump, which is falling at the moment, in Australia won't fall quite as much as it might in America. It will still fall, but not by quite as much, because the exchange rate will be lower. And so for the consumer it's basically lesser purchasing power over foreign goods and services.

There are other effects too through lower returns to shareholders and, you know, you feel that much more indirectly through your super fund or something. Government gets less revenue and, no doubt, we will hear more about that when the mid-year [budget] outlook comes out before Christmas. That has been the dynamic at work there. So all those things will be, sort of, in the general atmosphere. But for most of us the most direct impact is our purchasing power over foreign goodies is not as high as it was. Our purchasing power over domestic things is no different from what it was.

AFR: Doesn't the fact that income is not growing like it was, and probably in some sectors might even be falling, affect the way you behave in the real economy?

MR STEVENS: Well, to the extent you have an income loss, yes. Your spending is lower. And that has to be true at the aggregate level. But for the ordinary person in the street, they have probably seen the rate of growth of their wages already come down. I don't think there's any sign that's slowing down any further. It's pretty low already. They have felt that, and they will notice that, with a lower exchange rate, the price of foreign goods and services is up, and that will affect their behaviour, including the tendency for them to substitute between foreign and domestic. That's the place where nine out of 10 people feel it most directly. That's where it comes, and indirectly the government is a bit more constrained. I don't think they should run around and look for another round of budget cuts in the near term to offset whatever revenue loss might be about to be revealed from the lower terms of trade, and I don't think they will do that. But at some very broad level their capacity to give us nice things is not as great as it might have been. But that's sort of indirect. For most people I think you're going to feel it through seeing the price of traded goods and services higher than it was otherwise going to be.

AFR: If you've got nominal GDP, flat or even contracting, as it was in the last quarter, that gives very little room for wages growth, profit growth, taxes. They can't grow if nominal GDP is not growing.

MR STEVENS: Well, it depends what else happens, including with the exchange rate. If the exchange rate does its job, then you can't make the terms of trade fall go away with the exchange rate, but you can help by a greater or lesser amount the economy to adapt to that shock in a way that continues growth. I think it's certainly true that the terms of trade are what they are, and your living standards are, therefore, different with the lower terms of trade, but we can have some effect on conditioning how the economy responds to that by the exchange rate doing what it needs to do, or not doing it.

AFR: Is there a sense that, with nominal GDP not growing and the income measures so weak, that the pie here is – notwithstanding what happens to the exchange rate and any substitution – not growing here any more? And that people now are squabbling over a pie that's not growing?

MR STEVENS: Yes. Well, the pie is not growing effortlessly. It can still grow though via greater efficiency and productivity. I mean, in a way, the terms of trade debate always takes you back to the productivity question. Right? So I guess I'm making two points. One point is that I think bandying around the term "income recession", which tends to kind of in a way misconstrue to people what this event is about – the economy is not in recession, it's not contracting, we're not having hundreds of thousands of jobs lost over a year. We're not growing jobs quite as quickly as we want to, but we're not in a recession. So I think we need to be careful with the language, just to convey to people what's going on. It's certainly true that living standard growth cannot come from – is not coming from the terms of trade. In fact, it's going backwards from that source. So that puts your focus – it has to put your focus – back to how do we get living standard growth.

You know, we've had this conversation multiple times. The way we will get it is the way we always did almost all of the time, and that is by being more efficient and more productive, and using our labour and capital resources in a way that gets more output per head over time. We didn't have to do that when the terms of trade were soaring. Now we do.

AFR: One of the things that was a little bit surprising about those national accounts was how the strength was really concentrated in New South Wales. I think there was no surprise there's weakness in Queensland and Western Australia, given the degree to which they're tied to resources. Are you a bit shocked though at how fast it seems to be softening in South Australia and Victoria, and do you have any explanation for that?

MR STEVENS: I don't place a great deal of store on quarterly numbers by state. Extracting from just the quarter, the fact that New South Wales is recording considerably more robust performance than it did, well, is welcome because really, New South Wales I think more or less underperformed for a decade after the Olympics. So the fact that it has got a bit more dynamism I think is a good thing. Perhaps not entirely coincidental is that it's also where the housing market has been strongest, and those things are – causality probably runs both ways. So I would make that remark about New South Wales coming towards the front of the pack having been a laggard for various reasons for quite some time.

I think, though, that beyond that and beyond the obvious, you know, mining concentration in the north and the west that is obviously a factor. But beyond that I am a bit reluctant to try to tell too many stories because I think, to be honest, the finer you cut the data, the more risk you're taking of jumping at things that, you know, are not really there.

AFR: You mentioned, Governor, before about the budget update, which is coming out next week. All the signals are that it is going to show a worsening in the budget position. Is there a danger that we were going to be in surplus at one stage a few years ago well and truly by now but now it is being pushed out well into the future? Are we in danger of losing control of our budget position; something that central banks offshore have had to grapple with? And why shouldn't we do something about it now to get on top of it?

MR STEVENS: Well, I think I would maintain – not having a preview of what's in it, but it's to be assumed, I guess, that mainly with the terms of trade being weaker, that's going to affect revenue projections. I would still say that it isn't the right thing to do to have such a fixation on being in a surplus by a particular year – that we take what's a contractionary force for the economy in a lower terms of trade and reinforce that by having a fiscal tightening. You wouldn't do that unless you really did have such poor credibility in capital markets that you couldn't sustain a bit of extra borrowing. We have strong credibility in capital markets, so we don't need to do that.

But what we do need to do, and this is a repeat of earlier sermons on my part, the real issue is that five-year-plus horizon where as a community we have voted for good things to be given to us by the government, or done for us, and we have not voted for the revenue that pays for it. And I guess I would say that I think much of the public debate about the fiscal position still is carried on as though that reality isn't actually real. But it is real, as best we can tell on the best estimates that Treasury and Finance can do. That is a real issue. The conversation we need to have is about heading that problem off before we hit it so that we don't ever get into the position of losing credibility in capital markets and then be forced to be much more pro-cyclical with our policies.

I don't want to get into a detailed discussion of budget measures and so on, but I think the past year shows that this is not an easy conversation to have. It's very difficult, and it will require strong political leadership I think, not just from the government, but from other political parties and individuals who claim to be serious. You have to have a serious conversation about this stuff and not get into slogans and name-calling and that stuff. The serious issue is that five-year horizon.

AFR: But it feels to me like we have been warning about this for a while, people like yourself, people like the Treasury Secretary. And you make the point that it's not about a particular year that is the crux of it, but it's increasingly becoming a question about which decade we're going to get this sorted out.

MR STEVENS: I think this is in some ways a legacy of an over-simplification of the fiscal debate that we have actually had for a long time. I think we have had a tendency to kind of have a few sound bite ideas; surplus good, deficit bad, and as long as we have got a surplus, you know, don't worry about it. Well, actually it matters how you got the surplus; it matters what you did with it. And even if you're reducing debt, it matters how you do that, and what the debt is for. A country with no debt but no public assets, is that actually good? So I think we might have tended to over-simplify this discussion, and then when we get into a complex environment where the message is "let the automatic stabilisers work in the short-term", and if that meant a bigger surplus or a larger deficit, so be it for a year or two, don't be pro-cyclical. But do address these long-term structural issues, and think about what the debt is for. Is it for infrastructure? Or is it for paying pensions? It matters which of those it is.

We're now in an environment where we need these nuances to be more understood. But have we through the last decade actually built a platform of public understanding in order to have that? Maybe we didn't do that quite as much as we could have, and so the legacy of that is that now that we need this nuance, it's very hard to do it.

AFR: We don't have a credible fiscal policy framework like we do for monetary policy.

MR STEVENS: Well, we had a – well, we did have a framework, and we still do of surplus over the cycle.

AFR: Can you see that happening?

MR STEVENS: Well, we're not going to have a surplus any time soon, are we? But the real question is do we have a sustainable fiscal position over the medium term? That's not quite the same question as do we have a surplus in year X? We wanted to simplify it down to that, but maybe that's a bit of an oversimplification. The real question is "Are our public accounts sustainable and robust"? That's the question you would want to ask, I think, and it's the question I would want to ask. And really, is that amenable to just asking – "Do we have a surplus by year X"? Maybe it is, but maybe what we're finding is not quite that simple.

AFR: And do we have a broader issue here about the political system struggling in Australia; struggling to deal with these big issues? You know, we went through a time in perhaps the '80s and '90s where the political system did deliver big change, and now we're seeing one-term governments, minorities controlling upper houses. Is this something that constrains the ability of the political system to deliver the policy responses?

MR STEVENS: Look, I don't know. I can't opine on the political system. I think one could observe that I don't think we're the only country that is finding it harder than we used to craft a narrative and find a consensus. I think that's true elsewhere, so it isn't just unique to Australia. It may be that some of the big things that were done in the 1980s were done with that sense of urgency that "we're actually in a crisis and we just have to", and we don't quite have that sense of crisis right now. And I personally would be rather in two minds about whether we want to find ourselves in a position of crisis. I guess what we're trying to say is let's have the adult conversation about these things before we get to that day if we possibly can. It would be very disappointing if what we find is we can't have it until we are in a crisis. That would be very disappointing; none of us would want that. But you know, beyond that, I'm not sure what I can say to you about those things.

AFR: Governor, one of the sleeper issues out there is the level of youth unemployment. You have got – and most of our forecasts have got unemployment peaking around 6 per cent or a bit above. But youth unemployment seems to have worsened a lot more than that compared to previously. Do you have a feel for what is causing that?

MR STEVENS: I don't really have any great wisdom to offer. I suppose my sense is that you would obviously come back to, have we done things in labour market arrangements that make it more difficult? Without wanting to offer an answer to that question, that's one you would ask.. And I would also, I think, come to returning to the theme of entrepreneurialism, risk-taking, innovation. Actually a lot of that happens in the kind of younger sorts of businesses that might include those younger people. So a question for us as a country is, if we're not getting as much of that entrepreneurialism risk-taking as we feel we want, why not? Are the reward structures for those kind of people, those kind of businesses, OK? Are we doing anything that's inadvertently impairing that activity?

I can't help feeling that the adaptability, the enthusiasm of the young, you know, if you could marry that with the parts of the business community where that innovation would really take place, that would be a great thing. If that's not happening, we should be asking why not. But I don't know the answer.

AFR: Do you have any view on that debate that has been going on in the US all year about whether there has been a real change – this goes back to the old loom in the industrial revolution – the question of whether computerisation, artificial intelligence is taking away a lot of middle class jobs, perhaps maybe that younger people would have gone into once?

MR STEVENS: Well, I don't know. The answer to that is probably that it's hard to tell, almost certainly too soon to tell, and I think your column today referred to the robots and so on. As I think back, I think about this institution. When I first joined here there was a room with about eight or 10 women with IBM Electric typewriters, which were the hot thing of the day. You took your work in there to get typed, and the day after tomorrow it came back. That's the way the world was, and you think about the way we do it now, it's so much more efficient. We're producing more, and there's still more jobs in the economy today. Even with slower employment growth there's more jobs today than there ever was.

I think about the job my dad did. He was a flight engineer on those old planes, that were highly manual. They had the flight engineer and the radio guy and the navigator. They're all gone. Better navigation systems, much more automation. There's more people flying than ever before, cheaper than ever before, more efficiently than ever before and, you know, those jobs are gone, but the industry and the activities that it supports are still there. So it's natural to be pessimistic, I suppose, and to feel a bit threatened, but isn't it really that there are better jobs? Somebody builds those robots and designs them, and the thing that was in that paper that you quoted, yes, there's jobs that have been shrinking already, and that could be taken over by robots, but there's more jobs that have been growing that they classify as not that likely to be overtaken by robots, and they have been growing faster and there's already more of them. So it's important to keep the positives in mind, and then I suppose to have a society and a set up where people can do different things, where they can adapt, and where we emphasise learning and training and adaptability and the positive side of it. Isn't that the way to respond? That's what I think anyway.

AFR: The G20 Australian Presidency in 2015 seems to have gone well. What's your view on how much this has contributed to improving growth prospects for the global economy?

MR STEVENS: Well, look, I think it has gone well for Australia, and it has gone well for the G20, but let me articulate those just a little bit. I wasn't at the leaders' meeting, but I sat through four meetings of ministers and central bank governors in the year. I think the way we framed the agenda was a bit sharper. People welcomed that. The way the meetings were run, very efficiently, to time and that's not as common as you might expect in international meetings. They were well chaired, mainly by our Treasurer. I think people responded very positively to the way he did that. The logistics worked not quite perfectly, but very, very well, and this is a big thing to put on. So agenda, process, logistics, went very well. Our country could be quite proud of them, and we've had very positive feedback.

The substantive things on the agenda, including but not limited to the growth target – well, the cynic would say this is just a set of promises. Well, so far as it goes, that's true, but when the promises that were offered up at the halfway point only amounted to half of the 2 per cent, people did go back and say, you know, "What more could we do?" They did actually work harder at coming up with a set of proposed changes that go a bit beyond what they were going to do anyway. Now, they still have to deliver that. But, actually, that process to date has been a step up in effort, I think. You have the IMF and the OECD look at it all and, even if they – well, let's suppose they're being a little bit generous, but even so, that has been a serious process.

So people have had to put up their ideas and have it vetted. Now we have to deliver. So it's very important that the Turkish presidency, and future presidencies, keep the feet to the fire, so to speak, that we come back in a year and say, "Well, what have we actually done of our promises?" But we've at least built a foundation I think you can use to do that, and I think that was a substantive achievement by Australia, and by the Treasurer in particular. And the second thing is infrastructure being on the table in a more substantive way than before. It's easy to just wave your hands and talk about infrastructure, but there were actually some serious conversations. I think we learned some things about what the impediments might be, and there's a basis there to do more in this space in the years ahead, which will benefit all the member countries and the world economy if we can do it.

So I think Australia has made, through its chairmanship, the quality of the meetings that were run, a contribution to strengthening the G20 here. Certainly the feedback from my counterpart governors has been very positive. We had the chair of the Fed [US Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen] come to Australia twice in a year. That has never happened before. That's actually a mark of the seriousness with which she took those meetings, and so I think that's very positive for us.

AFR: Do you think that out of the G20, and among the leaders who came to Australia as part of the G20 and gave the big addresses to Parliament and the free trade agreement with China, for example, that Australia's position in the world has been elevated as a result of us being a major supplier to very big emerging market economies, such as China, and then even India and so forth.

MR STEVENS: It has been elevated for that reason, without doubt. I think the fact that we've had – despite the current struggles we have to make the transition – the economic performance record that we've had for more than 20 years now, that has been noticed by enough people that we get listened to more than we once might have. And I think this is what the G20 was about. We can be a highly competent country in these forums if we put in the effort. If you don't put in the effort it just doesn't land in your lap, but if you do put it in, if sufficient people are motivated and determined to achieve what needs to be done, it can be done, and we showed ourselves to be a highly competent host of this process. That keeps us at that table, which is where we want to be, and I would add that I think the G20 week when the leaders were here, and all the other things that happened, as you say, post – or – around it, was a very major, very important sequence of events for our country that, if we use it well will pay dividends for many years. So I think it's a very positive experience, and worth the effort, and worth the dollar cost that we had to pay, and I think that's worth recording.

AFR: Thank you very much, Governor.

The Australian Financial Review