RAND Alumni Association

The RAND Alumni Association (RAA) offers social and intellectual engagement opportunities to all current and former RANDites. Our global RAA community of more than 2,000 is free to join. Don't miss out: Become a member today!

Featured Initiative: Alumni Impact Fund

  • Alumni Impact Fund 2016 - Winning Projects

    Mar 7, 2017

    The votes have been tallied and two projects have been awarded Alumni Impact Fund support. Congratulations to the recipients, and thanks to all who supported the 2016 Alumni Impact Fund campaign.

From the RAA President

  • Issue 70 of Alumni Bulletin, Now Available Online

    In this issue of the Alumni Bulletin, we remember Charles Wolf, Jr., a former RAND trustee is awarded the country's highest civilian honor, an Alumni Impact Fund-winning project to address antimicrobial resistance makes progress, and more.

Alumni Association News

  • Former Trustee Minow Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Dec 1, 2016

    Newton (“Newt”) Minow was awarded the medal, the nation’s highest civilian honor, by President Obama at a ceremony at the White House on November 22, 2016, where he joined this year’s 20 other distinguished honorees.

  • Sina Beaghley Discusses the "Going Dark" Problem

    Dec 1, 2016

    At an alumni event in Santa Monica, Sina Beaghley discussed how—in the wake of the Edward Snowden unauthorized disclosures—privacy questions were raised in the U.S. and around the world about the extensive reach of government surveillance activities.

The Latest from the RAND Blog

  • How Will Defence and Security Be Affected by Brexit?

    Mar 16, 2017

    As the UK and EU move to define new defence and security roles, these can only be sustainable if built on inclusive national conversations. Security initiatives or defence integration must take into account voters' everyday values, fears, and aspirations.

  • What Are the Chances of the U.S. and China Going to War?

    Mar 14, 2017

    War between the United States and China seems far-fetched. But complacency would be a mistake. Washington and Beijing should keep a direct channel open between their defense ministers to defuse any potential crises or escalation.

  • Beware the New Mujahideen: The Threat from Future Jihadist Networks

    Mar 14, 2017

    Today's terrorist networks will multiply far beyond the wars in Iraq and Syria. When one conflict ends, these fighters often join another. It is critical they be denied safe haven and the ability to train and network in ungoverned territories.

  • Why a Dying ISIS Could Be an Even Bigger Threat

    Mar 13, 2017

    The collapse of the so-called caliphate won't eliminate ISIS or similar groups. In the short term, the threat of ISIS-related attacks on the West may even grow.

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