Angel Alley

Freedom needs your help! Or at least the Freedom building in Whitechapel does.

One of East London’s last radical bastions, since we moved into 84b in 1968 the Freedom building has weathered firebombs, arrests, police infiltration, stalkers, threats of all kinds and more movement shenanigans than you can shake a very large stick at. And now we’re facing a major rebuilding project, costing up to £50,000, including vital works to fix the roof, walls and even stairs.

2016-17 is going to be an important year for the rebuilding process, needing £13,000 to do the outdoor works — mainly on the roof and repointing outside walls. If you can afford to chuck us a bit of cash, do a fundraising event or even volunteer (skilled) services, we’d like to hear from you! You can give through PayPal, via cheque made payable to “Freedom Press” or by direct bank transfer (call the shop for details).

Help us bring 84 back to its best so we can continue to work as a vital hub for the anarchist movement!


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