Financial Review Business Summit Panel: Selling into Asia - opportunity and reality Livia Wang, Chief Executive Officer, ...

Working China's grey channels

CHief Executive of Access CN Livia Wong tells The Australian Financial Review Business Summit how the grey channel of Australian goods into China operate, in this edited extract of her remarks

Christian Majgaard, former head of Global Brand and Business Development Lego.

Best to play alone

Lego's former head of global brand and business development Christian Majgaard tells The Australian Financial Review Business Summit that working with others can be too complicated.

Atlassian's Mike Cannon-Brookes says we have to have an honest conversation.

Facing up to new technology

Mike Cannon-Brookes, the co-CEO of Atlassian and The Australian Financial Review's joint Business Person of the Year told the Financial Review's Business Summit that honesty is the best policy in dealing with those who lose their jobs to technological disruption.

BHP Billiton chief financial officer Peter Beaven.

Iron ore is as good as it gets

BHP Billiton chief financial officer Peter Beaven hoses down all the excitement about high resources prices at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit held last week.

A professional attitude, no matter what you do... is what elevates one from a machine," Mr Gonski said.

Corporate tax cut won't make a difference

ANZ chairman David Gonski says focusing on one part of the tax system, such as the corporate rate, won't help. Welcome to day two of our second annual Summit. We'll bring you all the action live.

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