

Mind power

Today's lesson: don't play with fire

The 21 people treated for burns after walking over hot coals at a Tony Robbins seminar last month may be re-thinking the maxim that you really can do anything that you put your mind to.

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Business sense

Network your way to the top

Whether you're seeking out contacts that could help fuel your company, looking for industry advice from experts in the field, or on the prowl for a business partner, there's no better way to achieve your overall goal than networking.

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Business sense

Network your way to the top

Whether you're seeking out contacts that could help fuel your company, looking for industry advice from experts in the field, or on the prowl for a business partner, there's no better way to achieve your overall goal than networking.

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Not everyone finds it easy to work in an open plan environment.

Work rules

Surviving the open-plan office

Everyone just has to follow a few simple rules of etiquette to avoid the pitfalls of the open plan office.

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Email: heaven sent saint or time sapping sinner?

Email etiquette

The Deadly Sins of Email

Do you remember the good old days when we actually spoke to the people we work with and posted letters using 'snail mail'?

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Business sense

Yes, first impressions really do stick

You only get one chance to persuade someone to be interested in what you're saying, so first impressions meetings are everything.

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Some companies are finally waking up to the importance of the wellbeing of staff.

Work matters

A salary with a smile

Happy at work? The corporate sector has finally woken up to the importance of keeping staff smiling.

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Work matters

How to get home on time

Smart people can do dumb and unproductive things when they are overloaded and under constant stress, but it doesn't have to be so.

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