
This Black December

Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece. Weeks earlier, prisoners, including hunger-striker Nikos Romanos, called for a “detonator for the restart of anarchist insurgency, inside and outside the prisons” in the stirring… Continue reading

Kropotkin and the Prison System

At the time of writing (12th August 2014), Nick Hardwick, the Chief Inspector of Prisons, has come to the conclusion that much of the country had come to months ago- that Tory policy on prisons is dehumanising, that being imprisoned… Continue reading

Anti-fascist prisoners update

Prison moves and sentencing updates

Further information on the six anti-fascist prisoners convicted earlier this year for conspiracy to commit violent disorder as part of an anti-fascist protest against a Blood and Honour neo-Nazi gig in Welling, south London.… Continue reading

Prison News

With the events in Libya and Japan and the protest over the Cuts at home continuing to hog the headlines, events in prisons across the world have largely escaped the media’s attentions. Here is a rundown of a few key… Continue reading

Georgia Prisoners, Standing Up By Sitting Down!

USA prison system in a state of collapse as inmates get organised

As we went to press with the previous issue, news was breaking of a historic strike by U.S. prisoners in at least ten Georgia prisons, including Baldwin, Hancock,… Continue reading

Prisoner Support: Latin America


  • Always put a return name and address on your envelope and your letter/card.
  • For UK prisoners always include their name & prison number on envelope and each sheet or paper/item in it. Enclose an SAE if you’d… Continue reading

Prisoner Support: North America


  • Always put a return name and address on your envelope and your letter/card.
  • For UK prisoners always include their name & prison number on envelope and each sheet or paper/item in it. Enclose an SAE if you’d… Continue reading

Prisoner Support: Europe


  • Always put a return name and address on your envelope and your letter/card.
  • For UK prisoners always include their name & prison number on envelope and each sheet or paper/item in it. Enclose an SAE if you’d… Continue reading

Prisoner Support: British Isles


  • Always put a return name and address on your envelope and your letter/card.
  • For UK prisoners always include their name & prison number on envelope and each sheet or paper/item in it. Enclose an SAE if you’d… Continue reading

Prisoner Support List – February 2011

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross’ monthly list of UK & international prisoners welcoming support – February 2011

ABOUT THIS LIST: This list is compiled from various… Continue reading