Scrub Hub: An autonomous Mutual Aid response to COVID-19

In the Covid-19 crisis the combination of serial incompetence, public services scythed by forty years of neo-liberalism, and a callous disregard for the lives of ordinary people came together with murderous results under Boris Johnson and the Tory party. The death of almost 65,000 people so far in the UK as a consequence of Covid-19

‘Independence Day’ – the U.K.’s own Horror Story

The so-called “Independence Day” U.K. is taking place on the 4 July while the virus is still claiming lives and no vaccine or effective treatment yet exists. To add sweetener the government has reinstated the national “clap” for the NHS on the day following.  Once again the valse triste of happy clappers is enacted at

The Alarming Rise of Virgin Care – and Branson’s threat to the NHS

Manchester SolFed analyses the career of billionaire railway subsidies junkie Richard Branson and the ways he’s expanding into the British healthcare system, with potentially fatal results. Good old Sir Richard Branson has once again managed to get himself to the front of the queue for state handouts. Having spent years channeling public money into massive

Democracy and the NHS

The mythology regarding the 1945-51 Labour governments dies hard on the left, particularly in the era of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour which often sees itself taking up the mantle of an older, less compromised, form of state socialism. The foundation of the welfare state and the National Health Service is a special touchstone, with both it

Suicide rates soar as mental health funding falls

January saw Theresa May launch her vision of a “shared society” with a focus on mental health and reducing the stigma attached to it. The Prime Minister pledged new initiatives for schools and employers to provide mental health support, as well as plans for new alternatives to hospital treatment, however barely any extra funding was