NEW ADDRESS!!!  This is for Ruth Richman, Yoga Ink, Phone numbers: for Ruth 902-969-3102

Posted on 02 Apr 2017 by yogaink

Doug Keller - May 5-6 - the annual event many wait for - do it yourself Yoga Therapy or if you are a teacher the weekend is fun of information tis bits to bring to your students.  Plus the best led yoga nidra and pranayama.  Charlottetown location, slightly different times this year.  Begins Friday evening and ends Saturday at 8:30 pm.  EARLY BIRD PRICES still in effect - my move delayed lots of things.

Posted on 02 Apr 2017 by yogaink

the Second Spring Sadhana - May 26-28 - a Kundalini retreat at the Villa Madonna in Rothesay, NB.  Join a bunch of smiling happy people chanting, breathing, walking, moving their bodies and feeling GOOD!


Posted on 02 Apr 2017 by yogaink

Yin Yoga with Biff Mithoefer - November 12-17 - another annual event - five days and nights at Villa Madonna - a wonderful retreat which yields 50 hours of Yin Teacher Training credits.  No experience is necessary.  Biff is a warm, poetry reciting teacher that helps you connect to your heart and soul as a teacher and a person.  The theme this year: Story Telling - The Stories of our Lives.  We all tell stories to ourselves and others  and participate in the story of our life - where do they come from and are they helping us?  It is a fun and moving workshop theme.  Always great to be at Villa Madonna with other yogis!

Posted on 02 Apr 2017 by yogaink
Yoga Teacher Training 200 hour and the advanced 300 hour courses begin fall of 2017!

Yoga Ink is a registered private training school in PEI for Yoga Teacher Training, both the foundational 200 hour course and the advanced 300 hour course. New 200 hour and 300 hour courses are beginning September 2017! Funding possibilities exist with the new status with student loans from banks and perhaps from Skills PEI.

The foundations course is eclectic and comprehensive delving into many yoga topics with detail such as asana, meditation, pranayama, how to design classes, how to demonstrate, speak, teach! And many, many other topics are introduced and studied including philosophy, the Bhagavadgita, the Sutras of Patanjali, ethics, and lifestyle. A qualified guest instructor teaches basic anatomy.

Many styles of yoga are introduced to see how they vary in action but are similar in intent. Students get to "try on" Yin, Astanga, Kundalini, Power, Hot, and Restorative and participate via dvds the styles of some of today's top teachers i other styles.

Students teach each other almost every weekend getting comfortable with public speaking, "teaching" vs. "leading" classes, learning to see the way the energy moves in a posture, and probably the most fun - how to assist and how to adjust students in postures.

The course is eight weekends, usually they begin in September and end in the spring.

The advanced 300 hour program is thirteen weekends and has a yoga therapy bend to it. Certified teachers attending bring with them their style and experiences which help round out the course. Each weekend we meet students teach each other with classes for people with special needs (such as movement disorders, scoliosis), classes that target specific body parts, classes that spark their interest (such as kids yoga, Yoga for Compassion Fatigue). In addition there are great books to read and discuss, yoga topics to explore deeply, lifestyles choices to try on, and much much more!

Yoga Ink is recognized by Yoga Alliance (USA) as a registered Yoga School for 200 hour and 300 hour courses and Ruth Richman is recognized by them as a E-RYT 500 (experienced registered yoga teacher 500 hours level, their highest level of recognition).

Ruth has had thousands of hours of training in many styles of yoga and Yoga Therapy. She has been teaching Yoga Teacher Training for 11 years and Yoga classes for more than 35 years. She also has a Yoga Therapy practice called Yoga for You!

To receive more information about the courses or to talk to Ruth email yoga or go to the website yoga or call 902-583-2674.
Posted on 16 Aug 2016 by yogaink
private sessions of Yoga Therapy, Kundalini Sadhana,
Hatha Yoga, Aroma Touch, Reiki, and more recognized by most private health plans!
Ruth Richman ERYT500

Yoga Therapy may help with: stress, scoliosis, PTSD, movement disorders, digestive problems, posture problems, inflexibility, repetitive stress syndrome, balance, insomnia and other sleep issues, arthritis, memory loss, bone density, strength, grief, compassion fatigue, and other inter-related issues. Yoga Therapy is a process that includes my input and your practice, it is not something I do to you.

Yoga for You! Yoga Therapy:

Initial Consultation; includes 2 one hour sessions 1 - 4 weeks apart, intake form, questionnaire, take home practices, printed material.

Yoga Therapy: follow up one hour session
Drop in Yoga Therapy: a one hour session of consultation, information, take home practices, emailed information as needed.

Kundalini Yoga for You!
40 day Sadhana: includes 2 one hour sessions, questionnaire specific to Sadhana (daily practice), a sadhana designed just for you, printed material, and 40 days of online support as needed.
A Second Sadhana: for those that have completed a 40 day Sadhana and would like another. Includes one session, questionnaire, a new sadhana designed just for you, printed material, and 40 days online support as needed.
Kundalini Yoga: enjoy a healing Kundalini experience just for you - can include help with modifications for Kundalini postures, pranayama (breath), guidance in meditation, relaxation with the gong, and chanting.
There are many styles and techniques of meditation. One hour consult to help you find the right practices for you. Reduce stress, create healing habits, enjoy life more! Written and emailed information included.
Led Meditation: one hour session includes a led meditation followed by a deep relaxation. Includes Conscious Breathing and Mindfulness Meditation.
Breath Techniques – Pranayama: the fastest method to connect the spirit with the body and mind is conscious breathing. Within the first breath change begins and benefits are felt. There are many styles and many techniques of pranayama (breath awareness). One hour consult to help you find the right practices for you.
Yoga Nidra: a led practice that leaves you in a deeply relaxed state. Is it meditation? Is it Pranayama? It is “Yogic Sleep” a very healing state. Excellent for sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress.
Breathwalk: a meditation technique to take with you while you walk or run. There are 26 Breathwalks that address different emotional states including depression, stress, and vitality. Warm-up and Cool down included. Come take a walk with me! Handouts included. 1 to 1.25 hour.
Aroma Touch: a relaxing, scent-filled hour combining essential oils and very light touch following energy meridians on the back, hands, and feet. Eases deep stress by balancing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.
Reiki: one hour of hands on or hands off energy balancing for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki encourages the prana (or chi) our "life force energy” to flow easily through the body helping us be healthy and happy.
Food for You!: information and suggestions for eating for You!: one hour session to help bring more light into your food choices. Eat to live happily, healthfully, and more lightly on this earth. Not a fad diet but food ideas to bring into your life. To the table I bring more than 45 years experience of exploring new foods; living and working with alternative diets (vegan, vegetarian, fruitarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free etc.); and living with and observing the connections between food, weight, and emotional health. You bring your questions. Recipes and other information will follow by email. Yoga techniques to help appetite and digestion.
Hatha Yoga: one hour private Hatha sessions (yin, restorative, astanga, or blend) can get you started with a physical practice or take you to a deeper level in your existing practice, or help with modifications for your situation.
Yoga Therapy is recognized by most private health plans through Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (A.N.N. Canada)
HST will be added to all prices.
Please note Yoga Therapy is not a substitute or solution for medical issues.

Posted on 29 Jun 2016 by yogaink
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