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sir_guinglain: (parrot)

sir_guinglain's Journal

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Created on 2009-04-22 08:44:32 (#115145), last updated 2017-03-22 (8 hours ago)

1,182 comments received, 2,338 comments posted

3,421 Journal Entries, 274 Tags, 0 Memories, 55 Icons

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Birthdate:Nov 24
Location:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
An employed historical researcher, doing a few self-employed projects, which merge with his hobbies, chiefly the study of Doctor Who.

Interests (97):

aristocracy, arthurian legend, arthurian legends, arthuriana, ashes to ashes, babylon 5, barons court, bbc, biography, blake's 7, blogging, british broadcasting, british history, buffy, caroline of ansbach, charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz, cheddar cheese, chocolate, county durham, darras hall, democracy, docsoc, doctor who, doctor who fandom, dogs, doonesbury, eighteenth-century history, electress sophia, english heritage, fairport convention, fandom, fanzines, folk music, folk rock, folk song, frederick prince of wales, gateshead, genealogy, george i, george ii, george iii, horace walpole, house of hanover, humanities-geek things, j r r tolkien, jonathan strange, learning, life on mars, little chef, london, london transport, london underground, low fell, monarchy, mr norrell, national trust, new cross, newcastle upon tyne, non-chic geeks, north-east england, northumberland, northumbria, old television, open-mindedness, oudws, oxford, oxford arthurian society, oxford university, oxford university student societies, oxfordshire, parliament, patriot kingship, philip pullman, politics, ponteland, radio, radio 4, roads, robin of sherwood, royalty, samoyeds, sapphire and steel, science fiction, sophia dorothea of celle, studio 60, taruithorn, the west wing, tolkien, torchwood, tories, tristram shandy, trying to understand everything, university of oxford, west kensington, whigs, woodstock, woodthorpe
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