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evilawyer: young black-tailed prairie dog at SF Zoo (Evilawyer, I'm Awake Dammit!)

Tales From The Trench

Looking at the Horizon for My Life to Dawn

This journal should be viewed with discretion.

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Created on 2009-05-02 02:41:10 (#196931), last updated 2016-12-19 (27 weeks ago)

2,500 comments received, 4,844 comments posted

1,100 Journal Entries, 295 Tags, 3 Memories, 97 Icons

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Former attorney (though I'll always think like a lawyer, even in my "encore career" --- that way of thinking doesn't go away), current human being, and connoisseur (in my own mind) of good beers.

This started out as my fic backup journal but has morphed over time into a general journal that includes fic and fandom posts. I'm not going to divide it up between an RL journal and a fic journal like I do at LJ. My fic entries (plus ones I never bothered to bring over) can be found at as well as here, unless I forgot to cross-post or thought at the time that there was some reason why I shouldn't. Most of my non-fic entries, with some increasingly more common exceptions, are cross-posted to my regular LiveJournal journal, which is friends locked, whereas this account here isn't "access only" locked. I know, I know. It's inconsistent of me. [Edited 10/29/2012 - No longer crossposting any journal entries of any sort to Livejournal.] My life is fairly uneventful, which doesn't seem to stop me from rambling on, so RL posts may be astoundingly dull. Just a heads up.

As for a subscription/access policy (man, do I feel foolish saying "policy" in this context --- it sounds so very highfaluting of me), people out there can subscribe or unsubscribe as they please. Or not. It's all good. I haven't done huge amounts of subscribing to individual DW accounts. I can't succinctly describe what makes me want to subscribe to any particular account as opposed to stopping by on occasion. As far as granting access to my access only posts, I don't automatically do it. However, the only stuff I regularly post as access only is stuff that's about my real life people who are privacy hounds; I'm careful about access for their sakes so they don't worry that I've given away their true identities (Holy revelation, Batman!). For myself, I'm enough of a narcissist to not worry about that kind of thing, so stuff about me is rarely access only.

Interests (25):

angel, beer, blakes7, blues, buffy the vampire slayer, columbo, crocheting, doctor who, doctor/master, dr who, ethological/genetic impact on social interactions, foyle's war, gerontology, house, inspector lewis, inspector morse, justice and fairness, knitting, microbrews, old school soul, sapphire and steel, spinning yarn, surely there must be more, the prisoner, yarn spinning
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