miss_s_b: (Mood: Belligerent Wheel of Fortune)
- still being at the office at ten to eleven at night
- Smeg appliances, and the repairpeople thereof
- suppliers of gravel
- Victorian houses with fittings measured in imperial when everything is metric now
- HP printers
- Virgin routers
- Lib Dem Federal conference committee and all the associated paperwork

Roxy is still poorly, although the antibiotics seem to be having some effect. I still have waaaaaaaaaay too many responsibilities for someone as irresponsible as me. I have to go to That London tomorrow for federal conference committee, and (having examined the submitted motions for conference) I have unkind things to say about several of them.

Frankly, I have very little patience right now, and I pity anyone who gets in my way.

PSA: Twitter

Tuesday, December 27th, 2016 12:39 pm
miss_s_b: (Mood: Miserable Brian :()
So I said something ill-thought-out on twitter, and it caused an argument with someone I really care about, and I just wanted it all to go away, but it didn't because while I was having the argument lots of other people were joining in on both sides, and the original ill-thought-out-tweet was being retweeted and it's all got too much.

So I've deleted my twitter account, apart from anything else, just to stop people RTing that tweet. I've got 30 days. I may reconsider.

YAY happy birthday to me.

About This Blog

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion

Charities I support:

The Survivors' Trust - donate here
DogsTrust - donate here
CAB - donate here


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Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org.

Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously).

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