miss_s_b: (Mood: Sympathy)
I think after the last few days there are a few of us who need hugs, but also a few of us who are feeling like we've had our space invaded once too often, so I thought I'd draw up terms of reference for the AO I jokingly coined on twitter this evening:

1, lib dem friends of cuddles exists to further the idea of comforting contact between sentient beings. Cuddles, hugs and cwtching are all within our remit.
2, a cuddle without consent is not a cuddle, it is assault. Asking for consent does not need to be verbal but it needs to happen. Opening your arms and inclining your head so the other person can lap into your arms is fine. Grabbing them is not*.
3, lib dem friends of cuddles are absolutely encouraged to proselytise the cause of cuddles within and without the party, but must never pressure or guilt trip anyone for not wanting cuddles.
4, We are happy to work with sister AOs in the cause of furthering happiness within the party, especially Lib Dem Friends of Gin, and also LDFO Cake, pie, biscuits & tarts.

*actually one of my favourite moments of lib dem conference was when I was having a weepy moment and someone said "is it OK if I pat your knee". This does not "ruin the moment" or take away spontenaity, you guys. It was really sweet and thoughtful and nice.
miss_s_b: (Default)
... which I suspect they won't publish:
(to the tune of Jerusalem)

And did the Brits
In Ancient time
Pinch all your country's wealth from you?
And did we pinch
Your words as well
To add to England's language true?
We shall pretend the world is ours
By some divine right or something
But really we're the bestest thieves
You see we even nicked this tune
If you want to have a go, you can find the details, such as they are, at the bottom of the page detailing the winners of their last competition.


Sunday, December 14th, 2014 10:29 am
miss_s_b: (Self: Innocent)
Poll #16245 Breakfast
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 18

in order to be properly termed "breakfast" a meal should have

View Answers

All its ingredients fried. In butter
6 (33.3%)

I am incorrect because I wish to select a different option
12 (66.7%)

miss_s_b: (Self: Innocent)
So, who wants to bid for a slot in my Liberal Youth Election Sweepstakes? How long will it be before one of the elected officers resigns in a fit of pique? One week slots are available from the announcement of results. We're playing for pride only here, folks, I don't encourage gambling.

I reckon it'll be about 6 months, so I'm claiming week 26.

Any other takers? I'll edit you in to a list below

Before result declaredNick Barlow
2Sarah Noble
3James Moore
5Matt Downey
7Josh Dixon
10Ryan Cullen
12Paul Lewis
13Ab Brightman
14James King
16Alisdair Calder McGregor
23Andrew Hickey

PS: I would hope it goes without saying that, even for pride, I will brook no officers resigning in their own slot :P
miss_s_b: (Graph)
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 11

What is your opinion of Crocs?

View Answers

They are horrific evil footwear that should be consigned to the bowels of hell
5 (45.5%)

I am clinically insane
6 (54.5%)

(there might be an element of push-pollness here)

((also, knowing my f-list, several of you will want to tick "both" there, won't you...?))
miss_s_b: (Politics: Democracy)

My government’s legislative programme will continue to deliver on its long-term plan to build a stronger economy and a fairer society. My government will introduce a Bill to enable the eating of brains and the gnawing of limbs by undead politicians. Undead yes, unperson no.
... I may not have been paying the fullest of attention to dear old Lizzy. I'm glad that she's a Lib Dem though, because only a Lib Dem would have put SEFS in the very first sentence of a speech but forgot to include the "enabling everyone to get on in life" bit </petpeeve>

In brief, my thoughts on some of the announcements:
  • Small business, enterprise and employment bill: could be interesting, especially the pubs bit.
  • Infrastructure bill: is a mixed bag I can see leading to a LOT of disputes unless VERY carefully drafted.
  • Social action, responsibility and heroism bill: I bet this will be used for farmers who shoot people in the back a lot more than it will be used for ACTUAL have-a-go heroes. Not that I'm cynical.
  • Recall of members of parliament bill: seems to provide powers so narrow they will never actually be used, and thus be utterly pointless.
So... could be worse. And certainly not like a Labour Queen's Speech announcing more legistlation than you can shake a stick at (thankfully). But it could be a damn sight better as well, and the married couple's tax allowance thing really sticks in my craw.

For a more nuanced reaction, Caron's post on LDV is worth a read.
miss_s_b: (Default)
The first thing I did when I got in the office was turn the heating up. That was an hour ago. I am still wearing my coat, scarf and hat and I can't feel my fingers.

Poll #14805 Office heating
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 7

When will it be warm enough in the office for Jennie to take her coat off?

View Answers

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (14.3%)

ten minutes before home time
5 (71.4%)

1 (14.3%)

(ETA: for those interested in my clothing choices: ankle length black leather coat, Cadbury purple crushed velvet scarf, grey Preacher-style hat given to me by A Friend)

ETA additional: ten past 12 and I still can't feel my fingers.

ETA final: congrats to [personal profile] hollymath who was bang on. Coat has just come off. Although in the interests of honesty I should say that neither scarf nor hat have.
miss_s_b: (Who: Six (S.P.C./Eyebrow))
Those of you who have been to conference know what I'm talking about. You'll be sat having a quiet pint in the bar, and in walks Lord Ashdown. There is an instant change in the atmosphere. The sexual tension in the room goes through the roof. All the people-who-fancy-men sigh wistfully, and all the people-who-don't-fancy-men try to look that bit more impressive, while knowing it's futile.

It's hard to believe for someone who hasn't seen it happen; you don't get much of a sense of it from seeing the man on the telly or anything like that. I know this because I have been trying to convince a recent recruit to the party of the power of the Paddy Effect. She thinks she is going to be immune to it. She thinks I'm joking about how potent and irresistible it is. She thinks she'll be the one sat in the bar at Spring conf wondering what the hell is going on while everybody else has a minor meltdown.

I think she's wrong. Hence the poll:

Poll #14678 The Paddy Effect
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 13

Have you ever met anybody who is immune to the Paddy Effect?

View Answers

5 (38.5%)

Don't Be Stupid
3 (23.1%)

Such a Thing Is Not Possible
6 (46.2%)

I wish to lie and say "yes" but I know I'm lying
2 (15.4%)

ticky box
9 (69.2%)

About This Blog

picture of Jennie Rigg

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org.

Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously).

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