Dalek Relaxation Tape

Thursday, April 5th, 2012 04:32 pm
miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Daleks)
miss_s_b: (Who: Dalek porn)
For no other reason than that they cheer me up when Gideon is being a pain in the ovary, and you can never watch them too many times, here are some of my favourite dalek videos:

Kitkat advert.

Hitchiker's Guide to the Daleks.

Dalek election debate.

How to improve the new design daleks - short and to the point.

And of course (you all knew this was coming, right?):

My Pet Dalek featuring the most wonderful little girl on the planet.

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miss_s_b: (Who: Dalek porn)

Victory of the Daleks was a bit of a flashback to RTD-era, wasn't it? There were cool things and cool moments (YAY SPOILER! )!) but the whole thing didn't hang together that well, and SPOILER! ) was an avatar, rather than actual SPOILER! ), and there was the whole OMG HUMANS YOU'RE SO FAB thing that Tennant did and... Yeah. A bit of a let down after the last two weeks.

I don't like SPOILER! ). They look SPOILER! ). The SPOILER! ) were lots better than the SPOILER! ).

Still, I like the Doctor and Amy and how they interacted, and for the third week running, SPOILER! ). This is good. And like Meatloaf said, two outta three ain't bad. Let's see what next week brings.
miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Glorious)
Making up new lullabies with Shrubby. This evening, instead of the wheels on the bus, we sang:
The wheels on the dalek go round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheels on the dalek go round and round
All day long.

The gunstick on the dalek goes shoot shoot shoot
Shoot shoot shoot
Shoot shoot shoot
The gunstick on the dalek goes shoot shoot shoot
All day long.

The plunger on the dalek goes grab grab grab
Grab grab grab
Grab grab grab
The plunger on the dalek goes grab grab grab
All day long.

The voice of the dalek goes order order order
Order order order
Order order order
The voice of the dalek goes order order order
All day long...
etc. etc.

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picture of Jennie Rigg

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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