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branchandroot: oak against sky (oak on clouds)

I have held back no water in its season.

I have extinguished no fire in its season.

Seed Account

Created on 2009-03-26 18:44:48 (#6174), last updated 2017-03-17 (1 day ago)

26,054 comments received, 11,824 comments posted

5,686 Journal Entries, 589 Tags, 1 Memory, 126 Icons

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Location:United States of America
Website:Branch and Root
A keyblade Partially Locked A keyblade

Public: All fic posts, coherent fandom posts, major social awareness posts, public service posts.

Locked: Daily life, teaching, most design, fandom squee, preliminary thoughts. Subscribe to posting filters here. A parrot on a rainbow strip

Access: If you want access, just ask. Some helpful posts in deciding whether you want to ask: my 'hello world, about me' post and my 'intro to the inside of my head' post.

Regarding Fic: Many of my fic posts here are summaries with links to my archive site. To search for fic most easily, you will want to visit my fic archive itself which has all the series/arc/pairing/character indexes and tags. *tips hat* While we're on the subject of fic "concrit" is not welcome, and anyone disregarding this warning can expect a very brisk response. If you want to critique, do it in your own space, not mine.

A stack of books
Other handles under which you may have known me: ravenwoodiii, alltrees, _branch_ and branchfic.

Interests (38):

anime, beauty, better living through metadata, binge-downloading, dancing, designing, displays of intellectual prowess, finding patterns, gardens, gerald vizenor, humans, ignoring football, intelligent conversation, intelligent feedback, lois mcmaster bujold, magic realism, manga, meta, michigan, mikhail bakhtin, myriad inherence, neil gaiman, organizing, reading voraciously, really good fic, round-robin stories, salt, spinning-off, sprak, tai chi, tanya huff, terry pratchett, unmitigated splendor, ursula k leguin, useful critique, warm fuzzies too, women blues singers, writing in the margins
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Open Gives Access To (218):

7veils, adalger, aellia, afuna, aliceylain, alikcin, althea, ameagari, andreaphobia, anehan, ankari, annotated_em, anoyo, applecameron, ariaste, armadillo, arrghigiveup, ascendantclassic, askerian, aveleh, bacchus, baggyeyes, bahamagirldreamer, battle_stations, beckerbell, bell, bewize, bibbinut, birdwingheart, birgitriddle, cassowary, cathexys, cavisze, ceresi, chronolith, commodorified, coraa, cuddlefish, daggerwest, dancing_serpent, dee, deleerium, denise, dianavilliers, dingsi, dozing_dreams, dragonscrawl, drich, edenfalling, ekmisao, eleanorjane, elialshadowpine, elizacake, empererpenguin, eos_joy, ephemera, esmenet, evildrem, ex_ironfist454, ex_wicker969, feralfae, firstlight, flightsoffancy, flourish, forthwritten, fox_inari, foxinthestars, fulselden, gadgetgal, georginasand, gisho, graychalk, hakainokami, harrellj, helens78, highlander_ii, hydrangea, jaebility, jenett, jennaria, jesse_the_k, jetsam, jimhines, jjhunter, jk, jmtorres, john, jyuukoi, kaigou, kemis, kenllama, kiritylasrai, kitestrings, kitschful, krait, krimie, lacey, lazulisong, ldybastet, legionseagle, lexicology, lilmoka, lindra, liyana, love, maat_seshat, macha, madame_parker, margrave, marshtide, martzin, marycontrary, midorigirl, milongel, mitsuhachi, mitsuna, mllelaurel, momijizukamori, morally_diseased, musyc, nakuru, nan, nanslice, neith, nicki, niqaeli, notchedgear, nox, order_of_chaos, peoppenheimer, petronia, phoebe_zeitgeist, phoenix, pineapplechild, prillalar, qem_chibati, qlick, quillori, radiantfracture, ranalore, ravelqueen, readerofasaph, recessional, rikugou, rogue, rthstewart, rubyfruit, sabriel, scarletsymphony, scarykitteh, seagull2eagle, selphish, shiraume, silv_magiccraft, silverhare, skarlettvixen, skylines, snarp, sofiaviolet, sporky_rat, staranise, stormyseasons, straycat_cayra, subbes, surpluscat, suzanne_scot_girl_012, sylvaine, synecdochic, taithe, takerzmuse, tamouse, telesilla, tessercat, the_rck, theodosia21, thursdaynext_27, ticktocktober, tigerlily, tofsla, tucuxi, ukefied, uminohikari, unjapanologist, ursamajor, vampyrechilde, veatariel, verie, vikki, villeinage, wicked_socks, willidan, wingblossom, winneganfake, woggy, wombat1138, xovq, youareanotherme, ysobel, yvi, zarhooie, zoe_nichols, zoisaito, zulu
OpenID[] arrghigiveup, midorigirl
OpenID[] _sabriel

Open Has Access From (165):

7veils, adalger, aellia, afuna, aliceylain, alikcin,, althea, andreaphobia, anehan, ankari, annotated_em, anoyo, antoinettesmo123, ariaste, armadillo, ascendantclassic, askerian, aveleh, bacchus, baggyeyes, bahamagirldreamer, battle_stations, beckerbell, bewize, bibbinuss, bibbinut, birdwingheart, birgitriddle, cassowary, cathexys, ceresi,, chronolith, copperbadge, coraa, cuddlefish, dancing_serpent, dee, deleerium, dianavilliers, dingsi, dragonscrawl, drich, ekmisao, eleanorjane, elialshadowpine, elizacake,, eos_joy, ephemera, esmenet, evildrem, firstlight, flonnebonne, foxinthestars, fulselden, gadgetgal, gisho, graychalk, helens78, hydrangea, inkmyname, jaebility, jaysteele, jenett, jesse_the_k, jetsam, jimhines, jjhunter, jk, jmtorres, jyuukoi, kaigou, kemis, kenllama, kiritylasrai, kitestrings, kitschful,, krait, krimie, lacey,, legionseagle, lexicology, love, maat_seshat, macha, margrave, markmanching, marshtide, martzin, michicohb, midorigirl, mitsuhachi, mllelaurel, momijizukamori, morally_diseased, nakuru, nan, nanslice, neith, niqaeli, notchedgear, nox, phoebe_zeitgeist, phoenix, pineapplechild, prillalar,, qem_chibati, quillori, radiantfracture, ranalore, ravelqueen, readerofasaph, riverbanks, rogue, rthstewart, sabriel, sam_storyteller, scarykitteh, seagull2eagle, selphish, shiraume,, silv_magiccraft, skarlettvixen, skylines, snarp, sofiaviolet, sporky_rat, staranise, stormyseasons, straycat_cayra, subbes, surpluscat, sylvaine, synecdochic, telesilla, tessercat, the_rck, theodosia21, thursdaynext_27, tofsla, tucuxi, ukefied, umadoshi, uminohikari, ursamajor, uss_spambot, vampyrechilde, veatariel, verie, wicked_socks, willidan, wingblossom, winneganfake, woggy, wombat1138, ysobel, zarhooie,, zulu

Open Subscriptions (218):

7veils, adalger, aellia, afuna, aliceylain, alikcin, althea, andreaphobia, anehan, ankari, annotated_em, anoyo, anthonynonso, applecameron, ariaste, armadillo, askerian, aveleh, bacchus, baggyeyes, bahamagirldreamer, battle_stations, beckerbell, bell, bewize, bibbinut, birdwingheart, birgitriddle, cassowary, catecumen, cathexys, ceresi, chromotherapy, chronolith, ciceqi, commodorified, copperbadge, copracat, coraa, cuddlefish, daggerwest, dancing_serpent, darkemeralds, dee, deleerium, dianavilliers, dingsi, distractionary, dozing_dreams, dragonscrawl, drich, edenfalling, ekmisao, eleanorjane, elialshadowpine, elizacake, empererpenguin, eos_joy, ephemera, esmenet, evildrem, ex_ironfist454, ex_wicker969, feralfae, firstlight, flightsoffancy, flourish, forthwritten, fox_inari, foxinthestars, fulselden, gadgetgal, gchick, ghostdrive, gisho, graychalk, hakainokami, harrellj, hearthesea, helens78, heresluck, highlander_ii, hopeofdawn, hydrangea, ilyena_sylph, jaebility, jenett, jennaria, jens, jesse_the_k, jetsam, jjhunter, jk, jmtorres, john, jona, jyuukoi, kaigou, kemis, kenllama, kiritylasrai, kitestrings, kitschful, krait, krimie, lacey, lazulisong, ldybastet, legionseagle, lexicology, lilmoka, lindra, linzer, love, lysapadin, maat_seshat, macha, madame_parker, margrave, marshtide, martzin, melredcap, metisket, midorigirl, miko_no_da, misskat, mitsuhachi, mitsuna, mllelaurel, momijizukamori, morally_diseased, musyc, nakuru, nan, nanslice, neith, nicki, niqaeli, notchedgear, nox, opusculus, order_of_chaos, panna, peoppenheimer, petronia, phoebe_zeitgeist, phoenix, pineapplechild, prillalar, qem_chibati, quaint_twilight, quillori, radiantfracture, ranalore, ravelqueen, readerofasaph, recessional, ricochet, rikugou, rogue, rthstewart, rubyfruit, sabriel, sam_storyteller, sassbandit, scarykitteh, seagull2eagle, selphish, shiraume, silv_magiccraft, silverhare, skarlettvixen, skylines, sofiaviolet, sporky_rat, staranise, starlady, stormyseasons, straycat_cayra, subbes, surpluscat, suzanne_scot_girl_012, sylvaine, synecdochic, taithe, takerzmuse, tamouse, telesilla, tessercat, the_rck, theodosia21, thursdaynext_27, tigerlily, tofsla, tomomichi, tucuxi, twopointoh, ukefied, umadoshi, uminohikari, unjapanologist, ursamajor, uss_spambot, veatariel, verie, vikki, villeinage, wicked_socks, willidan, wingblossom, winneganfake, woggy, wombat1138, ysobel, yvi, zarhooie, zoe_nichols, zulu

Open Subscribers (266):

7veils, aconitedoll, adalger, aellia, afuna, aifuru, alas, aliceylain, alikcin,, aliquoricegirl, althea, anathemadelight, andreaphobia, ane, anehan, ankari, annotated_em, anoyo, anthonynonso, applecameron,, ariaste, armadillo, arrghigiveup,, ascendantclassic, askerian, aveleh, azurelunatic, bacchus, baggyeyes,, bahamagirldreamer, battle_stations, beckerbell, bell, bewize, bibbinuss, bibbinut, birdwingheart, birgitriddle, blackmaya, busaikko, cartoonheroine, catecumen, cathexys, cavisze, ceresi,, chronolith, copracat, coraa, cothurnus, cuddlefish, dancing_serpent, darkemeralds, dee, deleerium, dementedsiren, dianavilliers, dimestore_romeo, dingsi, distractionary, dragonscrawl, drich, dustbunny, edenfalling, ekmisao, eleanorjane, elialshadowpine, elizacake,, empererpenguin,, eos_joy, ephemera, esmenet, esther_asphodel, evildrem, firstlight, flightsoffancy, flonnebonne, flourish, foxinthestars, frangipani, fromthursday, fulselden, gadgetgal, galateus, gchick, georginasand, ghostdrive, gisho, graychalk, hakainokami, harrellj, hearthesea, helens78, highlander_ii,, hydrangea, ilyena_sylph, imagina, indywind, inkmyname, inner_angel, jadragon, jaebility, jaysteele, jenett, jennaria, jesse_the_k, jetsam, jimhines, jjhunter, jk, jmtorres, jona, joy_root, jyuukoi, kaigou, kemis, kenllama, kiritylasrai, kitestrings, kitschful,, krait, krimie, lacey,, ladytwist, lascruces, ldybastet, legionseagle, leslie, lexicology, lilysea, lindra, linzer, liyana, love, lurea, maat_seshat, macha, madame_parker, marcella_mcphee, margrave, markmanching, marshtide, martzin, marycontrary, metisket, midorigirl,, mitsuhachi, mllelaurel,, momijizukamori, morally_diseased, musyc, nakuru, nan, nanslice, neith, nhui_kazuya, nicki, niqaeli, nostariel, notchedgear, nox, opusculus, order_of_chaos, othercat, panna, peoppenheimer, petronia, phoebe_zeitgeist, phoenix, pineapplechild, pockynazi, prillalar,, princessofgeeks, pseudorandomlog, qem_chibati, qlick, quaint_twilight, quillori, quinara, radiantfracture, ranalore,, ravelqueen,, readerofasaph, recessional, rikugou, riverbanks, rogue, roguearabesque, roseblight, rthstewart, sabriel, scarykitteh, scribblesinink, seagull2eagle, sedvictacatoni, selphish,, sharpeningthebones, shini_tenshi, shiraume,, silv_magiccraft, skarlettvixen, skylines, snickersd, sporky_rat, staranise, stormyseasons, straycat_cayra, subbes, surpluscat, surskitty, sylvaine, synecdochic, taelle, takerzmuse, tanaqui, teruko, tessercat, the_rck, themadpoker, theodosia21, thursdaynext_27, ticktocktober, tigerlily, tiny_turtle, tofsla, tucuxi, ukefied, umadoshi, uminohikari, unjapanologist, unofficialotwnews, ursamajor, veatariel, verie, verys, wicked_socks, willidan, wingblossom, winneganfake, woggy, wombat1138, xovq, yangomogurt, ysobel, zarhooie,, zauberer_sirin, zoisaito, zombiecookie, zulu
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