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Minister intervenes to stop deportation of 92-year-old war veteran James Bradley

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A 92-year-old war veteran who had been slated for deportation due to potential health costs has been granted a reprieve from Assistant Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, who has intervened in the case.

As Fairfax Media revealed on Sunday, the family of James Bradley had pleaded with the government for clemency, claiming the frail great-grandfather could not survive deportation to Britain.

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Word War Two veteran has lived in Australia for the past 10 years, but James Bradley has recently been caught up in a bureaucratic nightmare. Vision: Ten News

Bureaucrats had determined Mr Bradley fell foul of a sub-sub-paragraph of the Migration Act, which can deny a visa if the applicant is deemed to pose a "significant cost" to the health system.

Mr Bradley and his 91-year-old wife Peggie applied for permanent residency in 2007 but were caught in the lengthy queue of about 80,000 people. Mr Bradley's health has since deteriorated.

Mr Hawke's office confirmed on Wednesday the minister has granted both nonagenarians a permanent visa, which will allow them to remain in Australia with their family for the rest of their lives.

"That's absolutely marvellous," Ms Bradley said upon being told the news. "I can't believe it. It's made my day. God bless him.


"I didn't know what was going to happen if we were suddenly dumped in a country that we'd left 10 years ago. We've been in the doldrums for the last month or two. We'll be able to sleep at night."

Daughter Sharon Bradley thanked Mr Hawke for his intervention and compassion. 

"We just couldn't possibly be more thrilled. The feeling of relief is absolutely indescribable," she said.

"We're incredibly grateful to Alex Hawke for his rapid response, and for bringing some much-needed humanity and compassion to the proceedings.

"My heart goes out to other families who are still on that dreadful waiting list. It seems to be that the system is badly flawed and it needs to be addressed."

Mr and Mrs Bradley live with their daughter Sharon and grand-daughter Karon in the Sydney suburb of Croydon, and draw on their British pensions for daily expenses.

Official documents show the pair will be granted subclass 151 "former resident" visas, one of the few options available to the minister, which allow them to remain in Australia permanently.

The Bradley case, which made headlines in British newspapers and on television after Fairfax Media reported it on Sunday, highlighted the lengthy visa queues that can waylay potential migrants.

Mr Bradley passed medical checks when he applied for residency, but his heath deteriorated in the 10 intervening years and he now relies on a walker. He is also in the early stages of dementia.

Specialist migration agent Anna Dobos said the system was objective but often "ineffective". "It doesn't suit any purpose to have people sitting in the queue 20, 30 years," she said.

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