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  1. “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” — Margaret Drabble
  2. So now we have to worry about cannibalism?… #sailing #sail #cruising #puddlejump #bajahaha
  3. Local TV choppers hovering live over the morgue watching Lindsay Lohan arrive for morgue public service. "There she is, guys!" #GoodLord
  4. I want to start peppering my speech with "How long will this blizzard of shame go on?" from Johnny Depp's "The Rum Diaries" trailer.
  5. Perry’s Texas environmental commission brazenly defends suppressing climate change science:… #tcot #climate #p2
  6. Rachel, it's so cool when you do birth control/abortion issues so strongly, as you don't really have a dog in this fight. Bless you. #maddow
  7. Fox News. Because the 1% doesn't want to have to actually talk to you. (via @LOLGOP)
  8. Afghanistan troops burning Bill O’Reilly books:…
  9. I have fond memories of my pre-EPA childhood. For pocket money, I would shovel the smog off the neighbors' driveway. (via @StephenAtHome)
  10. And he was so close to making general... #Gadhaffi (via @sethmeyers21)
  11. NY Times: The Evangelical Rejection of Reason:…
  12. ‎"The more you extend kindness to yourself, the more it will become your automatic response to others."- Wayne Dyer
  13. McDonalds announces hiring 60,000 new employees; immediately receive 1 million applications. Unemployment is real, not a character defect.
  14. I agree that #OWS anger should be aimed at Wash DC. It's like blaming unruly children when it's the parents who let the kids run amok.
  15. When Repubs say they want to help women, they mean they want to hurt them; same with the middle class, gays, the environment. It's stunning.
  16. "I would get the government off the backs of the banks" -- Herman Cain (via @thinkprogress) #ows #tcot #p2