AT&T picket

17,000 workers at AT&T's telephone service group in California and Nevada walked out on strike Wednesday after AT&T change work assignments for both technicians and call centre...

The workers from one of the biggest Bulgarian retail stores Picadilly, along with anarchosyndicalists from Autonomous Worker’s Union went on wildcat strikes across the country.

Statement from an indigenous group from the Bachajón area of Chiapas, Mexico, who blockaded a major road in protest of the arrest of Zapatista prisoners.


Police attack a striking worker, India 2015

Criminal Capital explores the relationship between neoliberalism, criminality and the reshaping of class in modern India. It discusses how the political vocabularies of urban industrial workers...


Strikers during the 1925 Hong Kong general strike

A short account of the mass struggles in China from 1925 up to the Shanghai insurrection of 1927 and its crushing by the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek, who was supported by the Chinese...