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Work: it’s time for a new year’s revolution

Feeling burned out in your work for peace and social justice? A new book provides essential guidance.

Welcome to another year of transformation

We need your help to expand our coverage of deep-rooted personal and political change.

Can prayer also be action?

Prayer can break down or reinforce power structures in surprising ways. 

Building community in Berlin’s Sharehaus

Often, things that are seen as a problem in society are not: the house where locals and refugees live and work together. 

Wrestling with my white fragility

This moment in American history calls me to enter spaces where my people’s shame can arrive with me, charging in on white horses.

President Trump and the Christian right

Does Trump’s election represent a victory for reactionary religion or a prelude to faith-based opposition?

God is justice: the social spirituality of Dorothee Soelle

A unique synthesis of mysticism, activism and feminism which still resonates in a world that’s filled with both beauty and injustice.

Spirituality and the insurrection of seeds

All monopolies—religious, social, political and economic—spring from the desire for power and domination.

Why we should embrace the good, the bad and the ugly

Since democracy is a form of dependency on the will of others, we need to work a lot harder to overcome our narcissism and belief that we know best.

Ferguson Rises: a documentary on love, hope and beauty

Mobolaji Olambiwonnu hopes his new film on the killing of Michael Brown will bring healing, dignity, and investment to Black communities affected by police violence.

Fear of a living planet

By refusing to recognize that the Earth is alive we implicitly endorse the worldview that enables our destruction of the planet (3k words).

Recomposing the fabric of affection

Living well together helps everyone to be connected, and it’s connection that makes us thrive as human beings. Español

What can be learned from recent studies on nonviolent action?

Books about peace are rare when compared to books about war, but a raft of new work expands our understanding enormously (3k words).

After the violence and videos, therapists learn to treat racial trauma

From specialized clinics for African Americans to social media events that take the shame out of sharing, there's a growing movement to heal the psychological scars of racism.

Teaching values of collective prosperity

How the Zuni Tribe are strengthening communities through culture and sacred spaces.

Love without monogamy

Expanding the meaning of marriage beyond heterosexual relations captures the spirit of the times but misses the pulse of the future.

Six books Muslim (and non-Muslim) women should add to their reading list

These books on faith and feminism will force you to reevaluate your stereotypes of Muslims. 

Buddhism and economic transformation

Economies have no essential nature. Once this is recognized, many more opportunities for change present themselves.

How can we make our politics reflect what’s best in us and not what’s worst?

Both inner and outer change are essential for political transformation.

Fierce contemplation: meet the nature-loving nuns who helped to stop a pipeline

As fewer women enter convents, what will become of their rich tradition of social and environmental engagement?

Can religion be a positive force for social change?

Faith is neither a poison pill nor a silver bullet, but understanding its significance is crucial. 

Looking back: 12 of Transformation's greatest articles

I'm leaving after three years at openDemocracy. Here are some of my favourite, must-read articles from writers to watch out for.

Islam and the future of tolerance

A new book by best-selling atheist Sam Harris and Islamist-turned-reformist Maajid Nawaz fails to convince.

#BlackLivesMatter makes some people angry. Isn’t that good?

A new wave of activism is rooted in a different spiritual tradition to the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

Four ways mainstream animal rights movements are oppressive

Animal rights campaigns like PETA care more for animals than they do for the lives of marginalized people.

Get real! Five spiritual responses to political reality

Do you belong to one of these five groups of people who are changing politics through spirituality?

The cyber-age demands a politics of the spirit

As people explore new forms of agency online, where is the politics that can serve their growing sense of possibility?

Why progressives need to take higher states of consciousness seriously

Far from being detached from reality, visionary alternatives to neo-liberalism are the product of deeper and deeper engagement.

Will the Universal Basic Income make us lonely?

A policy that parcels out money to people may maintain, or even exacerbate, levels of loneliness and individualism.

How to stay human

Neoliberalism encourages us to treat every aspect of our lives as if it were on sale in a marketplace: is it an anti-spiritual project?

Why spirituality is the key to a more visionary politics

Progressive renewal lies in a deep recognition that we are not choosing our current lives. An introduction to this week's guest-edited series: spirituality and visionary politics.

This is why using 'they' as a gender pronoun is so important

The 'they' prounoun carries emotional weight, affirms others, and challenges our assumptions about gender.

The life and death of Daniel Berrigan

Celebrating the remarkable life of a renowned peace activist and writer who died on April 30 2016.

How war trauma is passed down through families

After VE Day, a look at how trauma can transcend generations, and the need for peacebuilding work to overcome the consequences of conflict.

Does a fear of death lie at the heart of capitalism?

True wealth and power are found in collectives of people working together to radiate out justice and equality.

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