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Work: it’s time for a new year’s revolution

Feeling burned out in your work for peace and social justice? A new book provides essential guidance.

Building community in Berlin’s Sharehaus

Often, things that are seen as a problem in society are not: the house where locals and refugees live and work together. 

Wrestling with my white fragility

This moment in American history calls me to enter spaces where my people’s shame can arrive with me, charging in on white horses.

Sustainable activism: managing hope and despair in social movements

A new generation of activists is developing a much healthier and more emotionally-intelligent culture.

Making our movements work for kids and families

Children have always been part of people’s work for rights and social justice, so what does it take to make activism more family friendly? 

When a tiger has no value

The quest for profit is transforming the natural world. Can it be halted?

The rise of veganism in politics

On World Vegan Day it’s time to recognize that veganism isn’t just a fashion statement. The decision to boycott animal products has major political implications.

Where strangers become family

A unique affordable-housing community supports both foster families and elders who might be looking for a few extra grandchildren.

Social movements need imagination, which is why I’m not buying my kids any more toys

Resistance means more than politics; it involves poetry, magical thinking and wonder, and begins with children having time and space to be creative.

What’s the point of prison?

Well over half of all prisoners in the UK have personality disorders and other mental health problems. What are we doing?

Why should Bill Gates decide how our children should be educated?

Billionaire philanthropists are imposing their views on the rest of society with little accountability for their actions.

After the violence and videos, therapists learn to treat racial trauma

From specialized clinics for African Americans to social media events that take the shame out of sharing, there's a growing movement to heal the psychological scars of racism.

How storytelling can help to address police violence

Stories engage areas of the brain beyond those that simply process information, facilitating negotiation and creating coherence out of traumatic experiences.

Does poverty cause crime?

Socio-economic determinism is inadequate as an explanation of criminality.

We already know how to reduce police racism and violence

Recent research has shown what works. For starters, hire more female police officers

Looking back: 12 of Transformation's greatest articles

I'm leaving after three years at openDemocracy. Here are some of my favourite, must-read articles from writers to watch out for.

Why shouldn’t the law ignore emotion?

If the justice system becomes an assembly line devoid of feelings, reconciliation and social justice will suffer.

Gathering and assembling: Judith Butler on the future of politics

A new book from one of the world’s leading philosophers brims with ideas about gender, collective action and insecurity.

Zoos are the problem, not the solution to animal conservation

Instead of imprisoning animals for profit, why not support shared efforts in coexistence?

Transforming the poverty industry

When governments place maximizing revenue over serving those in need, the vulnerable are harmed. And when the vulnerable are harmed, so are we all. 

Is there life after capitalism?

What’s the point of living longer if we face more years of isolation, poverty and neglect? 

Husbandry: a feminist reclamation of men’s responsibility to care

To stop the economy’s advance towards greed and destruction, we need new metaphors and images that inspire a radically different alternative.

Happiness and children

Depression and anxiety are rising rapidly among young people: what’s going on?

How war trauma is passed down through families

After VE Day, a look at how trauma can transcend generations, and the need for peacebuilding work to overcome the consequences of conflict.

If you want change, learn when to argue and when to stop

Getting stuck in the wrong fights can eat up energy—so learn to use it wisely.

Transforming the politics of makeup

Drag is everywhere. Drag is looks you created and looks you woke up with. At heart, the transformative nature of makeup is about allowing your curious self to flourish.

Stephen Fry and the importance of self-pity

Is it ok for victims of childhood abuse to pity themselves?

What’s the point of education?

Can creativity survive in the climate of fear and coercion that’s emerging in our schools? 

How to decolonise mental health services

UK mental health service providers are still failing to deal with race and ethnicity.

Seven ways social justice language can become abusive in intimate relationships

There is always a choice. If we have the strength to survive oppression, we have the strength to choose not to abuse each other.

Three myths about sex work that harm everyone

It's not just young girls and big bad wolves. Lies and misconceptions about sex work can hurt women and keep negative stereotypes alive.

Decolonial love: five ways to resist oppression in your relationships

We're never going to get anywhere as long as our economies of attraction resemble the economies of attraction of white supremacy.

Why shouldn't heroin addicts be punished?

Drug users should get the help they need before they die. 

On Mother's Day: how to be an unconventional mum

I never wanted a child. But now I am a double mother: to my own mother as she copes with Alzheimer's, and to a son I didn't give birth to.

Oradour-sur-Glane: “a place of endless mourning”

Europe’s collective amnesia about its human atrocities and refugee flows is becoming more pronounced. Here's why it’s vital to remember them.

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