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About David Wearing

David Wearing researches British-Saudi-Gulf relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies, where he teaches courses on politics and political economy in the Middle East. Follow him on Twitter: @DavidWearing.

Articles by David Wearing

This week's editor

Adam Ramsay, Editor

Adam Ramsay is Editor of oD-UK.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Racism and xenophobia are resurgent in the UK, and the centre-left is partly to blame

Rather than engaging with the prejudices and misplaced fears of one section of the working class, the Labour party has given validation to forms of bigotry that have deep roots right across society.

What would a post-xenophobic politics look like?

How do we challenge the frames which perpetuate the politics of hate?

Six problems with Sarah Ditum’s article about Iraq and the left

Sarah Ditum misrepresents the left and the case against the Iraq war.

Gordon Brown has some nerve criticising Jeremy Corbyn on foreign policy

Gordon Brown should think carefully about his own relationship with violent extremists before he talks about Corbyn.

A party of enemies has no future. Labour’s left and right need to go their separate ways.

The left and right of Labour have almost nothing in common. Why continue the pretence?

Why is the BBC presenting RUSI as objective analysts of the Middle East?

The ‘Royal United Services Institute’ has close links with the British state and its military establishment. The BBC should not present its analysis as apolitical ‘fact’. 

Ed Miliband's foreign policy would not be benign

For political reasons, support for British militarism has been seen by successive Labour leaderships as a key test of seriousness and virility.

How many people have to die before we start talking responsibly about immigration?

Last week’s deaths in the Mediterranean were directly linked to xenophobic politics in Britain.  

Michael Fallon and Ed Miliband are both wrong about Trident

Westminster's pro-nuclear consensus is held together by irrational speculation about future threats. Trident must be decommissioned for the sake of life on our planet. 

British diplomacy: PR for torturers

Maryam Alkhawaja, who was recently interviewed here at openDemocracy by David Wearing, has now been arrested in Bahrain after arriving to visit her father, a prisoner of conscience on hunger strike. All the while the UK maintains the fiction of Bahraini "reform".

Israel proves that British arms export safeguards are worthless

Britain continues to sell arms to a state that shows continual and flagrant disregard for international law.

The fate of Gulf migrant workers is deeply connected to the fate of the Arab uprisings

The more the Gulf states pay a reputational cost in the west for maintaining this system of exploitation, the harder it will be for them to resist demands for serious reform. 

Cameron’s investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood is not about national security

Rather than protecting UK citizens at home, the government is essentially bolstering its unscrupulous allies in the Middle East.

Britain and Bahrain: still allied against democracy and human rights

An interview with Maryam al-Khawaja, a leading Bahraini human rights activist, on the continuing protests in Bahrain, the regime’s continued repression and the UK’s involvement in the ongoing situation.

Forty years on, the effects of the 1973-74 oil crisis still shape British foreign policy in the Middle East

Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the start of the 1973 oil shock. Its consequences are still echoing across the world today.

After Egypt and Syria, there's never a worse time to host an arms fair

The world's largest arms fair is happening in London - with a little help from the government. After events in Syria and Egypt, its timing couldn't be worse.

Freedom to follow orders: the democracy Bush and Blair wanted for Iraq

It is worth asking whether the last ten years would have been such a disaster under the consensual, independent, and Iraqi-led transition that the British and Americans were so keen to avoid.

A question of judgement - Iraq and the Labour Party leadership race

With voting in the Labour leadership contest underway, David Wearing examines why the Iraq war was such a fundamental call which has much to teach us about a future leader's judgement.
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