Law school deans take funding fight to George Brandis

Attorney-General George Brandis is under increased pressure to stop funding cuts to the legal assistance sector.
Attorney-General George Brandis is under increased pressure to stop funding cuts to the legal assistance sector. Andrew Meares
by Katie Walsh

Deans of law schools across the nation have joined forces to lobby the federal government to stop funding cuts to legal assistance which they say will deny access to thousands of people and put pressure on the private sector to plug the gap.

Pressure is building on Attorney-General George Brandis from across the legal profession, after corporate law firms warned they cannot possibly fill the void and the Australian Bar Association launched a campaign to promote access to justice through proper funding.

"Reduced funding will mean diminished service capacity which will have flow-on effects throughout the sector and ultimately on the effective and efficient administration of the justice system as a whole," warn 33 law school deans from across the nation in an open letter to the federal government.

Federal funding to community legal centres is due to fall by 30 per cent from July 1, in a funding cliff the coalition blames on the former Labor government's failure to provide for funding beyond four years. Labor argues the funding program was consistent with common four-year cycle budgeting practice and is pressing the government to extend it.


The debate over blame is of little consequence for the sector, which now faces very real cuts threatening the existence of some and the ability of others to help those in need.

'False economy'

Corporate lawyers including Clayton Utz partner David Hillard, have warned cuts are a "false economy" because unresolved legal problems increase government costs elsewhere, including in health care and housing, and the nation's law firms "cannot come close" to plugging the gap.

In 2014 the Productivity Commission found the federal government needed to inject an extra $120 million a year into legal assistance for a sustainable and resilient sector; plus $80 million from state and territory governments. Since, the sector has instead fought funding cut threats; any increases have specifically targeted family violence.

The law school deans warn the funding cuts will undermine their "ability to educate the next generation of lawyers about the importance of access to justice in Australia", by threatening strategic relationships with community legal centres to offer clinical programs in which students can cut their teeth.


"We call on the Australian government to reverse the cuts and invest in the legal assistance sector to promote access to justice for people across Australia," the deans write.

Among the 33 signatories are Western Sydney University's professor Michael Adams, University of Western Australia's associate professor Natalie Skead, UNSW's professor George Williams, Adelaide's Professor Melissa de Zwart, and University of Canberra's associate professor Lorana Bartels.

"Law schools are part of the wider legal community which understands how important it is to support access to justice," said Melbourne Law School dean and signatory Carolyn Evans.

Clinical experience provided "invaluable support to vulnerable people who might otherwise be denied legal support" and gave "students a wonderful chance to develop their legal skills", Dr Evans said.

Community Legal Centres Queensland director James Farrell said clinical legal education was important for building a lawyer's "empathy and practice skills" in addition to the critical support it provided.

"We know that thousands more people will miss out on legal help with these federal funding cuts," he said.

"The impact of these funding cuts have been recognised by lawyers, community organisations, domestic violence services, churches, and now the Deans of Australia's law schools."

On Friday night, attorney-general Brandis succumbed under threat of a contempt of court order to a freedom of information request from shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus, releasing his diaries which revealed he had not engaged in extensive consultation with the legal assistance sector about cuts.

Early intervention

The high-profile Public Interest Advocacy Centre is among those affected by the pending cuts, albeit in a less direct way. It could lose more than $660,000 – up to 52 per cent of its funding – due to a large chunk of its public purpose fund allocation going to other underfunded centres in need after the Commonwealth cuts.

"Cutting the money from the CLCs is really a false economy because it passes greater costs down the line when a legal need is not meet," said PIAC CEO Jonathon Hunyor.

​"We work a lot with vulnerable women who may be facing a whole range of issues – bills they're having trouble paying, protection from violent partners, tenancy repairs to make premises secure, victims of crime. If you can help people with those problems you can help stop them become homeless. CLCs are great at early intervention."

Among PIAC's board members are former NSW attorney-general Bob Debus, Maurice Blackburn principal Rebecca Gilsenan, Baker McKenzie consultant Ralph Pliner and ex litigation funder IMF Bentham CEO John Walker.

Legal aid services in the United States are facing their own battle, after the Trump government's budget blueprint revealed funding to the Legal Services Corporation would end, triggering a backlash from lawyers across the nation including via a letter signed by 150 law firms to the White House protesting the move.​


Signatories to the letter are:

Professor Michael Adams Dean, School of Law Western Sydney University

Associate Professor Lorana Bartels Head of School of Law & Justice University of Canberra

Professor Stephen Bottomley Dean, Robert Garran Professor of Law ANU College of Law

Dr. Jürgen Bröhmer Dean and Professor of Law School of Law, Murdoch University

Professor Stephen Colbran Dean of Law CQ University

Professor Sarah Derrington Academic Dean and Head of School TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland

Professor Kim Economides Dean, Flinders Law School Flinders University

Professor Carolyn Evans Dean and Harrison Moore Chair of Law Melbourne Law School

Professor Paul Ames Fairall Foundation Dean of Law School of Law, Curtin University

Professor Mark Farrell Head of School, Graduate School of Business and Law RMIT University

Professor Sandeep Gopalan Dean, Deakin Law School Deakin University

Professor Lesley Hitchens Dean, Faculty of Law University of Technology Sydney

Professor John Humphrey Executive Dean, Faculty of Law Queensland University of Technology

Professor Dan Hunter Foundation Dean Swinburne Law School Associate

Professor Alison Gerard Director, Centre for Law and Justice Charles Sturt University

Professor Patrick Keyzer Head of School and Chair of Law and Public Policy La Trobe Law School

Professor Natalie Klein Dean, Macquarie Law School Macquarie University

Professor Wendy Lacey Dean & Head of School School of Law, University of South Australia

Professor David Low Dean, College of Business, Law and Governance James Cook University

Professor William MacNeil Dean and Head, School of Law & Justice Southern Cross University

Professor Paul Martin Acting Head of School of Law School of Law, University of New England

Professor Penelope Mathew Dean of Law & Head of School Griffith Law School

Professor Reid Mortensen Head, School of Law and Justice University of Southern Queensland

Dr Trish Mundy Acting Dean of Law School of Law, University of Wollongong

Professor Pamela O'Connor Head of USC Law School University of the Sunshine Coast

Associate Professor Maryam Omari Dean, School of Business & Law Edith Cowan University

Professor Margaret Otlowski Dean & Head of School, Faculty of Law University of Tasmania

Professor Rocque Reynolds Dean of Law, Thomas More Law School Australian Catholic University

Professor Joellen Riley Dean and Head of School The University of Sydney Law School

Associate Professor Natalie Skead Dean and Head of School UWA Law School

Professor Tania Sourdin Dean and Head of School Newcastle Law School

Professor George Williams AO Dean, Anthony Mason Professor, Scientia Professor UNSW Law

Professor Melissa de Zwart Dean of Law Adelaide Law School