CPA finally announces its AGM ... in Singapore

CPA's Alex Malley: the Louis XIV of suburban bookkeeping.
CPA's Alex Malley: the Louis XIV of suburban bookkeeping. Supplied

Jaws hit the floor late on Wednesday when CPA Australia president Tyrone Carlin announced, in an all-member email, that the professional standards body was finally holding its annual general meeting on April 27… in Singapore! Yep, CPAs unable to fly 10 hours to the gathering (that would be 99.5 per cent of them) will just have to dumbly watch (as opposed to actively participate in) proceedings via a streamed video feed online.

Our sources at Patagonia's Four Seasons, on a frozen lake which can only be accessed by helicopter, and only for around 30 days of each year, tell us Alex Malley's staff scoped the joint but decided their broadband was far too reliable.

You almost have to begrudgingly admire Malley and his complicit board members for their sheer effrontery. Under huge pressure from members for their comic levels of spending on generating Malley exposure for no accounting-related objective, and for appallingly opaque governance standards, Carlin noticeably chronologised this decision: "the board directed management" on January 18 to hold the AGM in Singapore. We'd love to see the minuted resolution of the full board on that directive. Or was it just a casual chat between a director (or some directors) and Malley?

Keeping it large

The board then approved the notice of AGM at a meeting on February 27. Strangely enough, it's taken them more than two weeks to tell anyone.

What will it cost CPA members to fly their 12 directors, three key management personnel and all of their flunkies to south-east Asia for a meeting that ought to be in Melbourne? It's just yet more largesse. Malley is proving to be Louis XIV of suburban bookkeeping.

And is this meeting, given more than two-thirds of Malley's members/shareholders live in Australia, consistent with Section 249R of the Corporations Act, which requires AGMs of incorporated entities to be held at a reasonable time and place? It's a question worth asking.