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Chavista Motorcade Commemorates Anniversary of Death of Hugo Chavez

Thousands took part in a civic-military motorcade Wednesday in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. 

The mobilization began outside the National Military Academy in Caracas' Park of Heroes and concluded at the Mountain Barracks in the revolutionary 23 de enero neighborhood in the western half of the city, following the same route as the historic motorcade that laid to rest Chavez's remains on March 15, 2013. 

The parade was attended by diverse social movements, military personnel, motorcyclist collectives, United Socialist Party of Venezuela leaders and rank-and-file, as well as government officials. 

Speaking at the Mountain Barracks, PSUV Vice-President Diosdado Cabello paid tribute to Chavez's legacy in light of what he described as a wave of international attacks against Venezuela. 

"Today imperialism continues to attack Venezuela, but our people remains in the streets raising the banner of socialism in defense of the homeland, as did our commander Hugo Chávez. Four years after his passing… we can say that the revolutionary flame of the socialist leader remains alive in the hearts of Venezuelans," he declared. 

Chavez died on March 5, 2013 following a protracted battle with cancer. Venezuela's Culture Ministry has organized a series of activities over the past ten days in honor of the late president. 

Published on Mar 16th 2017 at 8.00pm