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West Coast Eagles drugs report: In the heart of the darkness

Success on the field. Cover-ups off it. Arrogance and infallibility from the players, and club officials failing to act. All lie at the heart of the report into the destructive, drug-taking culture at West Coast in the early 2000s, an era that culminated in the 2006 premiership before the near-fatal overdose of Chad Fletcher forced the Eagles to confront what they had long ignored. 

A toxic culture was created by the potent mix of the "rock star" adulation of AFL players in Perth; the failure by the club to deal severely with off-field player misconduct, "serious criminal acts" and rumours of drug-taking; the players' strong belief, voiced by Ben Cousins and Chris Judd, that they were not role models and their lives off the field were private; and the on-field success of 2005 (runners-up to the Swans) and 2006 (winning the flag).

The 87-page report from former Victorian Supreme Court judge William Gillard, delivered to the AFL in February 2008, lays bare the darkness of this infamous chapter of West Coast's history.

"It was based on success, arrogance, a belief that what the players did in their own time was their own business and a failure by the club to properly punish players in a way that acted as a deterrent," said Gillard in the report, which was posted publicly by News Limited on Tuesday.

"The culture that prospered in the club of 'we are doing alright on the field, so do not worry what you do outside, the club will look after us' developed in main because the club did not take a strong stand on players' misconduct including taking a stand on illicit drugs."


The AFL and West Coast did not comment on the report's public release on Tuesday.

From 2001-07, the Eagles did not have a set procedure to deal with off-field misconduct by players, of which there was an avalanche involving 13 players with Cousins, Michael Gardiner and Daniel Kerr the "worst offenders", and the Eagles the worst in the league for player behaviour. 

Initial reports of illicit drug use surfaced about three players on a post-season trip to Spain in 1998. In 2001, the club was told by a senior coaching staff member of five or six players seen "outside a hotel smoking marijuana". An internal investigation "whitewashed the complaint".

In 2002, coach John Worsfold was told by "at least three fairly reliable sources", including police, "that some players were taking illicit drugs" with Cousins and Gardiner mentioned, as were their connections to Perth's criminal element and underworld figure John Kizon, who they had been seen with. He spoke to the duo who "responded that there was nothing to worry about".

"An internal investigation of this allegation cleared the players of any wrongdoing however the allegation should have been a warning sign to the administration that some players may be involved in illicit drugs," the report stated.

In 2004, as the AFL was negotiating its drugs policy with clubs and the AFLPA, Kerr forged a prescription for 50 Valium pills. As Gillard pointed out, Valium can be used to help someone who is "high" to get to sleep, or to prolong a "high". Kerr was fined $400 by the courts and $5000, "a slap on the wrist", by the club.

"The CEO Mr [Trevor] Nisbett initially dealt with the misconduct but in the end it was left to the club doctor [Rod Moore] to deal with the problem," the report said.

"Mr Nisbett accepted that it did go through his mind in 2004 that the Valium may have been used for other purposes other than its normal prescribed purpose. He also gave evidence which suggested Kerr was not acting alone in seeking to obtain the Valium pills, that another player or players may have been involved in the attempt to obtain pills by deception."

That this did not trigger a significant alarm shows West Coast's unwillingness to tackle its star players head-on. Combined with a (common to AFL clubs and big business) PR strategy of damage control and suppression, a dangerous and reckless culture was flourishing. 

"It is clear that those who were interviewed, whether employees of the club or players, adopted an approach that unless drug-taking was actually observed, there was no proof that players were taking drugs."

Of all the West Coast players interviewed by Gillard for the report, only Cousins admitted to taking drugs. 

The infamous Fletcher incident from the 2006 Las Vegas footy trip, and the handling of Cousins, was particularly indicative of the way in which West Coast handled drug allegations during in the early 2000s. 

"Swept under the carpet" is the repeated description of how Cousins was dealt with when he turned up to training in an unfit state or missed training sessions, and when his family told Worsfold in early 2006 of his drug problem. The "booze-bus" incident may have resulted in the loss of the captaincy but the club did not take a strong stand over drugs, and "as was frankly stated to me [Gillard], the club was concerned that their best player may walk out on them".

The context, of course, was on the field: In 2006, having lost the previous grand final in 2005, the cup was within their grasp. Their best player, although drug-addicted, was needed for the premiership push.

After the cup was claimed and the season done, Fletcher had been photographed in a Las Vegas bar appearing to hold  a "supply of a substance that looked like the drug, ice". Days later he was rushed to hospital having "flat-lined" and been revived, spending four days in hospital before being discharged, lucky to be alive.

Fletcher refused to release his medical records, and would only state to Nisbett and Gillard that he did not know what had caused the collapse. Fletcher's management denied drug use, and for the club, who had five officials on that trip, that was the end of it after their own investigation.

"All officials and players I interviewed denied that he had collapsed or that any players were taking drugs," Gillard stated.

"This whole episode reflects on the club. It exemplifies the attitude which had persisted for some five years previously, and that was to ignore any suggestion of drug taking ... It hid behind the fact that it was alleged it could not prove that Fletcher had taken drugs in Las Vegas despite all the circumstantial evidence pointing to it, did not put the onus upon him to prove to the club that drugs were not involved and let the incident pass without any form of penalty. Again the wrong message was sent to all the players."

The wrong message was repeated and reinforced throughout one of the ugliest periods of history at an AFL club. It was a message that West Coast changed through a major internal overhaul and commitment to the creation of a new culture to ensure that this never happened again. But the full tale makes for sobering reading, and nine years on, while the club is undeniably changed and has been so for years, still some repercussions are felt through drug addiction, jail time, broken lives, and questions over that 2006 premiership.