Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE public meetings

Mobilize the working class to defend immigrant rights!

By , 12 February 2017

At these meetings, representatives of the SEP and IYSSE will speak on the significance of Trump’s election and the political perspective that must guide opposition to war, inequality and dictatorship.

Socialism and defence of the free movement of labour: Part one

By Julie Hyland, 9 February 2017

The support of the pseudo-left for immigration controls is the outcome of their perspective of national economic regulation under capitalism, which is diametrically opposed to the perspective of revolutionary socialist internationalism.

SEP and IYSSE public meetings

The election of Donald Trump: The political issues facing workers and youth

By , 18 November 2016

The Socialist Equality Party and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality are holding meetings throughout the country on the origins and implications of the US elections.

The class issues exposed by Hurricane Matthew

By Niles Niemuth—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US vice president, 8 October 2016

Poverty, combined with the lack of adequate infrastructure and planning, has resulted in the deaths of more than 800 in Haiti and at least 4 people in the US, while disrupting the lives of millions.

SEP Presidential candidate Jerry White speaks to students and workers in Northern Virginia

By Alex Gonzalez and Nick Barrickman, 4 October 2016

White spoke before an audience of students, workers and members of the community at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale about the dangers of war.

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War

The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

By The Socialist Equality Party, 15 September 2016

The purpose of the conference in Detroit is to politically mobilize workers and young people against the war policies of US and world imperialism, which threaten to escalate into a nuclear Third World War.

The Life and Times of Bill Brust

By David North, 15 September 2016

This speech, originally delivered by David North at a memorial meeting in Minneapolis in 1991, reviews the life and political legacy of Bill Brust.

A remembrance of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, twenty-five years after his death

By Fred Mazelis, 15 September 2016

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, whose political struggle as a revolutionary socialist spanned 53 years.

Online meeting with SEP presidential candidates to begin at 7:00 pm US Eastern Time

By , 15 September 2016

The live stream of the meeting can be accessed here and on the SEP's Facebook page,

Two months until the US elections: The political issues facing the working class

By Joseph Kishore, 9 September 2016

Whether it is Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump who occupies the White House, the next administration will be one of war, austerity, repression and violence.

“I don’t think there’s a whole lot we can do unless some type of revolution kicks off”

Socialist Equality Party campaigns in Aurora, Illinois

By our reporters, 31 August 2016

SEP campaigners visited Aurora, once a major industrial center, and now the second largest city in the state, to promote Jerry White and Niles Niemuth’s presidential campaign.

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions

The fight for socialism and the tasks of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

By , 25 August 2016

This resolution was passed by the Fourth National Congress of t he Socialist Equality Party (US), held from July 31-August 5 in Detroit, Michigan .

Video discussion from West Virginia: SEP candidates Jerry White and Naomi Spencer

By , 5 July 2016

On July 4, SEP US presidential candidate Jerry White and West Virginia House of Delegates candidate Naomi Spencer broadcast a discussion live on Facebook.

Australian election: Murdoch paper excludes “minor parties” from candidates’ forum

By our reporters, 18 June 2016

A candidates’ forum in Sydney’s inner west only permitted Liberal Party, Labor and Greens representatives to make opening and closing remarks.

Dr. Coley P. O’Doherty

June 6, 1969 - May 29, 2016

By Helen Hayes, 9 June 2016

Comrade Coley joined the Socialist Equality Party in 2005 and remained loyal to the fight for socialist principles until his death.

Meeting in Paris May 15

The socialist struggle against war and the bankruptcy of Tamil nationalism

By , 3 May 2016

SEP (Sri Lanka) Assistant Secretary Deepal Jayasekera will speak at a May 15 meeting in Paris on the struggle against imperialist war.

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White speaks at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts

By Kate Randall, 29 April 2016

Cambridge was part of a trip by White to the East Coast, with stops in Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts, where the SEP candidate spoke with Verizon workers.

“They’re worried we’re going to change the system, and they’re doing everything they can to stop us”

Video: Wayne State University students speak out against war

By Jerry White and Zac Corrigan, 28 April 2016

In this video, students at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan discuss the danger of war and social conditions facing youth.

Socialist Equality Party announces presidential campaign

Support White, Niemuth in 2016!

By Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, 22 April 2016

SEP candidates Jerry White for president and Niles Niemuth for vice president will advance a socialist program that addresses the needs of millions of workers and youth in the United States and around the world.

SEP/IYSSE meetings in California: Art, War and Social Revolution

By , 14 April 2016

WSWS Arts Editor David Walsh will speak at meetings in San Diego and Berkeley, California, addressing the political and cultural situation in relation to American imperialism’s relentless war drive.

SEP statement on Canadian election: To oppose war and austerity, workers need their own party

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 19 October 2015

A union-backed “progressive” government, whether formed by the Liberals or the NDP, or involving an alliance between them, will be an instrument of big business for attacking the working class.

US, Mexican and Canadian autoworkers face common fight

By David Brown and Jerry White, 12 August 2015

As talks for a new labor contract continue, the US-based automakers are threatening to shift more production to Mexico and other lower wage countries.

What is the pseudo-left?

By The WSWS Editorial Board, 30 July 2015

Political developments in Greece in recent months are a striking confirmation of the WSWS's analysis of “pseudo-left” tendencies.

SEP’s Lawrence Porter discusses socialism, Detroit bankruptcy on public radio program

By , 13 May 2015

On Michigan Radio’s popular “Stateside” program, Porter spoke about the activity of the SEP in the Detroit area and the growing interest in socialism throughout the country.

SEP candidate for Glasgow Central addresses Caledonian University hustings

By Julie Hyland, 10 April 2015

Not only was SEP candidate Katie Rhodes the only socialist speaking, she was the only one speaking for a party that did not define itself as “Scottish”.

The election of Syriza in Greece: Marxism vs. the pseudo-left

A lecture series by David North (April 8 - 22)

By , 2 April 2015

WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North will speak on the theoretical and political origins of the pseudo-left at meetings in Minnesota and California.

The theoretical and historical origins of the pseudo-left

By David North, 24 February 2015

This 2012 report by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North provides the critical theoretical and historical background to the events in Greece, where the pseudo-left Syriza has risen to state power and rapidly capitulated to the European banks.

More than half of US public school students living in poverty

By Andre Damon, 19 January 2015

For the first time in at least fifty years, most public school students in the US are considered low-income.

The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished 20th Century

A live Q&A discussion with David North

By , 25 November 2014

WSWS readers will be able to participate in this live Q&A discussion with International Editorial Board Chairman David North, the author of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century on December 13.

Meeting in Montreal this Sunday: Oppose Canada’s participation in the new Mideast War

By , 19 November 2014

Sunday’s meeting will examine why Canada’s ruling elite is taking a leading role in US aggression, deploying fighter jets to the Mideast and supporting Washington’s provocations against Russia and China.

David North to speak November 15 in Toronto on “Imperialism and the World Wars of the Twentieth Century”

By , 12 November 2014

WSWS Chairman David North will give a lecture, “Imperialism and the World Wars of the Twentieth Century: Historical Lessons and Present Dangers,” in Toronto this Saturday.

ICFI/WSWS public meeting in India on the danger of world war

By , 11 November 2014

We urge workers and youth to attend the ICFI/WSWS supporters’ meeting in Chennai to discuss the socialist response to the threat of war.

David North lectures in US Midwest on lessons of 20th Century imperialism

By our reporters, 11 October 2014

Lectures in Chicago, Minneapolis and Detroit were well attended by students and young workers.

Socialist Equality Party campaigns against war in Detroit and Minneapolis

By our reporters, 22 September 2014

Socialist Equality Party campaign teams spoke to workers and young people in Detroit and Minneapolis last weekend to promote the upcoming lecture series on the danger of world war.

Public meetings in Scotland: After the independence referendum, lessons for the working class

By , 18 September 2014

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) invites all our supporters and readers of the World Socialist Web Site to a discussion on the implications of Scotland’s independence referendum and the way forward for the working class.

Australia: Workers and youth speak on Ferguson, Missouri and police violence

By a reporting team, 25 August 2014

Those who spoke to the WSWS explained their own experiences with police brutality and linked it to the growth of poverty and social inequality in Australia.

Democratic Party organizations hold rally on water shutoffs

By our reporters, 19 July 2014

The Democratic Party and associated organizations called the rally in an attempt to derail widespread popular opposition to the shutoff of water in Detroit.

Workers and young people rally against water shutoffs in Detroit

By our reporters, 18 July 2014

City workers, retirees and students participated in a rally Thursday against water shutoffs called by the Socialist Equality Party.

SEP (Australia) Second National Congress

Resolution 2: The social counter-revolution in Australia and the political tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

By , 15 May 2014

The resolution analyses the crisis of Australian capitalism and the accelerating assault on living standards, and outlines the SEP’s perspective for overcoming the crisis of revolutionary leadership in the working class.

Worldwide support grows for online May Day rally

Register today at

By , 18 April 2014

Participants from more than 35 countries have registered for the May 4 online event, sponsored by the International Committee of the Fourth International.

The crisis in Ukraine and the sea change in German foreign policy

By Peter Schwarz, 3 April 2014

German foreign policy has shifted toward confrontation with Russia. Berlin is pursuing a course of aggressive imperialist expansion along the same lines as in 1914 and 1941.

SEP (Canada) meeting to oppose PQ’s chauvinist Charter, unite workers on socialist program

By , 8 March 2014

As part of its fight to arm the working class with a socialist-internationalist program, the SEP is holding a public meeting in Montreal on March 20 to oppose the Quebec government’s anti-democratic Charter of Quebec Values.

David North to speak at the New School in NYC

The Unfinished Twentieth Century: The Philosophy and Politics of Historical Falsification

By , 18 February 2014

At this public meeting, WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North will examine the philosophical premises and political impulses that find expression in the falsification of the history of the “unfinished” twentieth century. In particular, he will focus on disturbing tendencies in historiography in Germany, where leading historians are relativizing and legitimizing the crimes of Hitler’s Third Reich.

A tribute to Dave Hyland

By David North, 23 January 2014

We are posting here the tribute to Dave Hyland, former national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Britain, delivered by David North, national chairman of the SEP of the US and chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, to a memorial meeting held January 18 in honor of Comrade Hyland.

Condolences on the death of Dave Hyland from Australia and the US

By , 24 December 2013

Below, we publish additional letters of condolence sent by Dave’s comrades internationally.

Support D’Artagnan Collier, Socialist Equality Party candidate for mayor of Detroit!

Throw out the emergency manager! End the bankers’ dictatorship in Detroit!

By Socialist Equality Party (US), 19 April 2013

The Socialist Equality Party (US) is running D’Artagnan Collier as its candidate for mayor of Detroit. The following is his statement announcing the campaign.

Report to the Second National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party

By David North, 27 November 2012

We are publishing here the opening report to the Socialist Equality Party (US) Second National Congress, given July 8, 2012 by SEP National Chairman David North.

35 years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)

By , 16 October 2012

Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US—was killed in a political attack on October 16, 1977.

Tom Henehan: A revolutionary life

A tribute on the twentieth anniversary of his death

By David North, 16 October 2012

This report was delivered by David North, the national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party, on October 19, 1997.

Perspectives of the Socialist Equality Party

Resolutions of the SEP (US) National Congress

By , 4 September 2012

Published here are the resolutions adopted by the Second National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), held July 8-12, 2012.

Resolutions of the SEP Congress

Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

By , 3 September 2012

Published here is the fourth and final resolution adopted unanimously by the Second National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), held July 8-12, 2012.

Resolutions of the SEP (US) National Congress

Perspectives of the Socialist Equality Party

By , 30 August 2012

Published here is the main resolution adopted unanimously by the Second National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), held July 8-12, 2012.

Socialist Equality Party (US) holds National Congress

By , 30 August 2012

The SEP National Congress adopted a series of resolutions on the world economic and political situation and the perspectives and tasks of the party.

Stop state suppression of Quebec student strike!

By Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 11 June 2012

Having failed to break the Quebec student strike, the provincial Liberal government and the state are resorting to measures akin to those of a police state.

Canada: To defeat McGuinty and Harper, workers must rebel against OFL and NDP

By Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 21 April 2012

On the part of the unions, today’s show of opposition to the Liberal cuts is political theater meant to disguise the fact that they and the NDP are preparing to prop up the minority Liberal government and ensure passage of its austerity budget.

The tornado disaster and the case for socialist planning

Statement by Phyllis Scherrer, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for US vice president

By Phyllis Scherrer and SEP vice presidential candidate, 6 March 2012

On behalf of the Socialist Equality Party and its sister parties worldwide, I would like to express my condolences and solidarity with all the victims of last week’s tornadoes in the US. Scores of people have been killed, hundreds injured, and thousands have lost everything to the storms.

SEP campaigns in Michigan, California and Kentucky

By , 5 March 2012

Supporters of the Socialist Equality Party’s presidential candidate Jerry White are campaigning throughout the country to promote a socialist program in the 2012 elections.

Socialist Equality Party announces US election campaign

By the editorial board, 13 February 2012

The SEP’s candidates in the 2012 elections will be Jerry White for president and Phyllis Scherrer for vice president.

David North speaks in Berlin: “In Defence of Leon Trotsky and Historical Truth”

By our reporter, 3 February 2012

David North placed his exposure of Robert Service’s slanderous biography of Trotsky in a broader historical and political context.

Twenty years since the dissolution of the USSR

The capitalist crisis and the radicalization of the working class in 2012

By David North, 30 January 2012

This report was given by David North to a series of regional aggregate meetings of the Socialist Equality Party (US) held during the month of January.

Unite workers and youth to defeat Wisconsin budget cuts

By the Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Social Equality, 16 February 2011

Supporters of the Socialist Equality Party and the International Students for Socialist Equality are distributing this statement to oppose Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s social cuts and attacks on workers’ right to strike.

WSWS posts program of Socialist Equality Party (US) in Spanish

El derrumbe del capitalismo y la lucha por el socialismo en EE.UU

By , 23 December 2010

The World Socialist Web Site today begins the publication of the program of the Socialist Equality Party, The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States—El derrumbe del capitalismo y la lucha por el socialismo en EE.UU. in Spanish.

SEP public meeting

The Detroit Symphony Strike & the Defense of Culture in the US

By , 4 November 2010

Musicians in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra are striking against attempts by DSO management to force through a 33 percent cut in base pay and reduction in the pay for new-hires of 42 percent, along with sharply reduced health coverage and a freeze in pensions. The musicians have insisted that at stake are not only their own living conditions, but the future of the orchestra itself.

Montreal meeting: 70 years since the assassination of Trotsky

By , 4 November 2010

The Socialist Equality Party will be holding a meeting in Montreal on Wednesday, November 10 to mark 70 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky by a Stalinist assailant.