Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings

Trump and Brexit: For a socialist opposition to economic nationalism

11 February 2017

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) is holding a series of meetings on the significance of Trump’s election and the necessity to oppose all forms of economic nationalism on the basis of the fight for socialism.

David North speaks in London on Donald Trump’s election

By our correspondents, 19 December 2016

Approximately 100 workers, students and youth attended a lecture in London on Saturday delivered by North, the chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party of the US.

Workers, youth at London meeting respond to David North’s analysis of Trump’s victory

By our reporters, 19 December 2016

The Socialist Equality Party spoke to some of those attending the lecture by WSWS Chairman David North on “The causes and consequences of Trump’s election: Where is America going?”

Report by Julie Hyland to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By Julie Hyland, 21 November 2016

SEP Assistant National Secretary Julie Hyland moved the second resolution to the SEP (UK) Third National Congress, “Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party: The strategic lessons.”

Report to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By Chris Marsden, 18 November 2016

We are publishing here the opening report to the Socialist Equality Party (UK) Third National Congress, given October 28, 2012, by SEP National Chairman Chris Marsden.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions

For a new socialist movement against militarism, austerity and war

By Socialist Equality Party (UK), 14 November 2016

Presented here is an edited version of the first resolution adopted by the Socialist Equality Party (UK) Third National Congress, held October 28-31 in Sheffield.

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016

The following is a speech delivered by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), at public meetings held this month in London and Sheffield.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings

The way forward after the Brexit vote

13 July 2016

The SEP advocated an active boycott of the referendum, arguing that the progressive and democratic unification of Europe can only be achieved through a revolutionary struggle for the United Socialist States of Europe.

The significance of the Brexit referendum for the European working class

By Peter Schwarz, 18 June 2016

Peter Schwarz, secretary of the International Committee of the Fourth International, delivered the following speech in London to a June 14 public meeting sponsored by the SEP (UK).

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!

Peter Schwarz, secretary of the ICFI, at June 14 London public meeting to be live streamed

13 June 2016

Peter Schwarz will speak on the historical experience of German workers, who paid a terrible price for the subordination of the Communist Party of Germany to nationalism in the 1930s.

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum: Socialist internationalism versus left nationalism

By Chris Marsden, 13 June 2016

The following is a speech by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), on the party’s campaign for an active boycott of the June 23 referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union.

Public meeting at Humboldt University in Berlin

The referendum on Brexit: Why the SEP rejects both camps

11 June 2016

On Friday, June 17, Chris Marsden, a member of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site from Britain, will speak in Berlin at Humboldt University on the referendum for British withdrawal from the EU, and on the party’s campaign for an active boycott.

The Brexit referendum, socialism and the European working class

By Julie Hyland, 26 May 2016

The following is a speech delivered to public meetings by Julie Hyland, assistant national secretary of the SEP, on the Party’s campaign for an active boycott of the referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union.

Meeting in Sheffield on June 7

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!—Socialism versus left nationalism

26 May 2016

The Socialist Equality Party is holding a series of public meetings in cities across the UK in May and June as part of its campaign for an active boycott of the June 23 referendum.

UK junior doctors denounce attack on wages, working conditions

By our reporters, 29 April 2016

WSWS reporters spoke to junior doctors on picket lines and at rallies during this week’s two one-day strikes without emergency cover.

Meeting May 24 in London

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

4 April 2016

The SEP meetings are part of a campaign for an active boycott of the June 23 referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU.

An open letter

Socialist Equality Party (UK) demands the Undercover Police Inquiry release the names of all police agents and spies

By Socialist Equality Party, 10 December 2015

Even the small amount of information in the public domain makes clear that undercover officers were involved in and directed criminal activity.

UK Labour leader Corbyn, addressing Trades Union Congress, makes first policy speech

By Chris Marsden, 16 September 2015

Corbyn’s assignation of a progressive role to the trade unions flies in the face of political realities as experienced by almost two generations of workers.

UK Conservatives’ Trade Union bill criminalises strikes and protests

By Michael Barnes, 16 September 2015

Some of the repressive measures contained in the Bill have previously been enacted only under dictatorial regimes.

250,000 demonstrate against austerity in London

By our reporters, 22 June 2015

The mass demonstration is a reflection of widespread opposition to the Conservative government’s plans to ramp up austerity, following decades of cuts under both Tory and Labour Party governments.

Participants in UK marches denounce austerity

By our reporters, 22 June 2015

The World Socialist Web Site interviewed anti-austerity demonstrators in London and Glasgow.

Only socialism and class struggle can end austerity

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 22 June 2015

The following statement by the Socialist Equality Party (UK) was distributed at Saturday’s demonstrations against austerity in London and Glasgow.

Unions at Tata Steel in UK move to ignore strike vote

By Danny Richardson, 15 June 2015

The first thing the unions announced after the strike vote was a caveat that any scheduled action would be called off should Tata return for more negotiations.

Meetings on UK general elections: “We were alone in telling workers and young people the truth”

By David O’Sullivan and Katie Rhodes, 30 May 2015

The Socialist Equality Party in the UK held two successful meetings, in London and Glasgow, on the lessons of the May 7 British General Election.

The death of British Labourism

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 11 May 2015

Workers have deserted the Labour Party because they view it as a Conservative Party Mark Two, with almost one-third of the electorate seeing no point in voting at all.

General election produces political earthquake in Britain

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 8 May 2015

The general election has claimed the scalp of three party leaders.

Britain’s general election: The need for a socialist alternative

By Socialist Equality Party (Britain), 7 May 2015

The Socialist Equality Party and its candidates, Katie Rhodes in Glasgow Central and David O’Sullivan in Holborn & St. Pancras, offer the only genuine alternative for workers and young people.

Public Meetings: The way forward after Britain’s general election

7 May 2015

The Socialist Equality Party is holding public meetings in London and Glasgow following Thursday’s general election to discuss the way forward for workers and young people.

London’s housing crisis demands a socialist solution

By David O’Sullivan, 6 May 2015

Official figures reveal that in the last three years alone more than 50,000 families have been forced to leave London due to welfare cuts and soaring rents.

Glasgow Care Crisis hustings: Pseudo-left make overtures to the Scottish National Party

By Richard Tyler, 4 May 2015

The exclusion of the SEP from the hustings was meant to exclude criticism of the trade union bureaucracy, which is responsible for selling out one dispute after another.

Workers in Britain sign up for International May Day Online Rally

By our reporters, 2 May 2015

“It’s the only genuine celebration of international workers day anywhere in the world.”

SEP UK candidate David O’Sullivan addresses Primrose Hill hustings

By Paul Mitchell, 2 May 2015

O’Sullivan’s insistence that a socialist perspective was necessary to address social problems met with a warm response.

SEP candidate Katie Rhodes addresses Glasgow Central Mosque hustings

By Barry Mason, 29 April 2015

Rhodes appealed to the audience at the hustings “to reject the false promises made by these candidates and their rotten parties and build a genuine working class party”.

UK general election reveals crisis of capitalist rule

By Chris Marsden, 27 April 2015

The only predictable outcome of Britain’s May 7 general election is that it will mark a descent into political uncertainty and crisis.

Defend migrants and refugees! Oppose British imperialism!

By David O’Sullivan, 25 April 2015

The following statement was issued by David O’Sullivan, Socialist Equality Party candidate for the London Holborn & St. Pancras constituency.

UK General Election: Green Party offers no real alternative to austerity and militarism

By Chris Marsden, 24 April 2015

The Green Party is a pro-capitalist organization that, on all fundamental questions, defends the existing social order based on brutal class exploitation, militarism and violence.

SEP candidate tells London hustings:

“Whoever forms the next government makes no fundamental difference”

By Paul Mitchell, 23 April 2015

O’Sullivan addressed questions at the Somali community hustings on issues of housing and homelessness, Islamophobia, youth education, and unemployment.

UK welfare benefit sanctions bring hardship and hunger

By Katie Rhodes, 22 April 2015

Nothing so graphically exposes the destruction of the welfare state established following the Second World War than the return to Victorian social norms.

SEP speaker at London election meeting: Only socialism can bring about genuine equality

By our reporter, 21 April 2015

Paul Stickley, the election agent for the Socialist Equality Party candidate in the May 7 General Election, David O’Sullivan, took part in a hustings last Thursday.

UK welfare benefit sanctions hit the homeless

By Dennis Moore, 20 April 2015

Sanctions affect one-third of homeless people claiming Job Seekers Allowance.

BBC’s election challengers’ debate

Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru and Green Party offer “progressive alliance” with Labour

By Chris Marsden, 18 April 2015

Sturgeon’s pleas helped cover for Miliband’s right-wing austerity agenda, as Labour issued its manifesto beginning with a “Budget Responsibility Lock.”

SEP candidate at Kentish Town Community Centre hustings

“We are fighting for a massive movement of the working class to oppose austerity and war”

By Ajanta Silva, 18 April 2015

David O’Sullivan placed the questions of poverty, the housing crisis and the slashing of social services in a broader international context.

Oppose NATO war mongering: Attend International May Day online rally

By Katie Rhodes, 17 April 2015

The Socialist Equality Party is the only political party putting forward a genuine, socialist, opposition to war in the UK elections.

The political fraud of Britain’s Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

By Chris Marsden, 17 April 2015

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition offers no answer for anyone seeking a left alternative to the Labour Party.

Latest UK pension reforms will lead to a yet deeper crisis

By Katie Rhodes—SEP candidate for Glasgow Central, 15 April 2015

The move by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition and the major parties is another step in dismantling the pension system.

Holborn and St. Pancras: London’s great social divide

By Paul Stuart, 13 April 2015

A quarter of households in the constituency have incomes of £20,000 or less, while in St. Pancras and Somers Town this figure rises to 44 percent.

Socialist Equality Party overturns election hustings exclusion in Camden

By Paul Mitchell, 11 April 2015

The exclusion of SEP general election candidate David O’Sullivan was overturned after the chair was forced to call a vote.

SEP candidate for Glasgow Central addresses Caledonian University hustings

By Julie Hyland, 10 April 2015

Not only was SEP candidate Katie Rhodes the only socialist speaking, she was the only one speaking for a party that did not define itself as “Scottish”.

London: The Kingsway pavement fire and the need for socialism

By David O’Sullivan, 8 April 2015

Thousands of workers had to be evacuated from the Holborn area.

UK party leaders’ debate: Pro-business parties discuss how best to impose austerity

By Chris Marsden, 4 April 2015

The debate underscored the vast chasm that exists between Britain’s ruling elite and the concerns of the broad mass of working people.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2015 General Election manifesto: No to war and austerity! Fight for socialism!

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 30 March 2015

The Socialist Equality Party in Britain is seeking to mobilise working people in a political struggle against austerity and war through the fight for a workers’ government based on socialist policies.

Socialist Equality Group in Ireland holds first public meeting

By Paul Mitchell, 7 February 2015

The newly formed Socialist Equality Group (SEG) held a meeting entitled “The Struggle for Trotskyism in Ireland” in Dublin on February 3.

Public meeting Tuesday in Dublin, Ireland: The Struggle for Trotskyism in Ireland

31 January 2015

The Socialist Equality Group is holding a public meeting in Dublin on February 3.

SEP (UK) public meetings: Socialism and the fight against austerity and war

13 January 2015

The SEP (UK) will be holding a series of meetings in March 2015.

UK: Oppose rationing of vital health services!

By Ajanta Silva, 7 January 2015

What is happening to public health provision in Devon is a warning to the entire working class.

The fight against war and the political tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

28 November 2014

This statement was adopted unanimously by the Second National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Britain) on October 28.

Workers and youth support Socialist Equality Party campaign in opposition to Scottish nationalism

By our reporters, 16 September 2014

Workers and young people in Scotland have responded positively to the SEP’s call for a “No” vote in Thursday’s referendum on the basis of a rejection of nationalism and the fight for the unity of workers in Britain and internationally.

Veteran Scottish nationalist Jim Sillars denounces fight for socialism

By Steve James, 5 September 2014

Sillars told a Glasgow meeting that an independent Scotland could rely on oil and financial speculation.

The class issues in the Scottish referendum

By Chris Marsden, 2 September 2014

The following is an edited version of a speech given by Socialist Equality Party National Secretary Chris Marsden at a public meeting in Partick Burgh Hall, Glasgow on August 27.

SEP campaigners oppose Scottish separatism, call for class unity

By our reporters, 21 August 2014

SEP teams have been campaigning in Glasgow city centre, Paisley, Greenock and Port Glasgow.

Scottish workers speak for a “no” vote in independence referendum

By our reporters, 15 August 2014

One worker opposed to the separatist referendum said, “We can work together to get rid of the whole rotten system.”

Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds meeting in Bradford against war in Gaza

By our reporters, 9 August 2014

The meeting outlined a socialist strategy against war based on the unification of the international working class.

Bradford meeting: “What Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide—there is no other word for it”

By our reporters, 9 August 2014

Some of those attending the Bradford, West Yorkshire public meeting on the Gaza massacre spoke to the World Socialist Web Site .

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meeting August 4: Oppose the bombardment of Gaza!

1 August 2014

What is unfolding in Gaza is a calculated war crime against a defenceless population of 1.8 million Palestinians.

UK SEP National Secretary interviewed on BBC Daily Politics

By our reporter, 4 June 2014

Marsden explained that a previous interview demonstrated bias and trivialised “something which is quite serious.”

European election results for the Socialist Equality Party (UK) and Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Germany)

By our correspondent, 29 May 2014

The PSG of Germany received 9,852 votes nationwide, while the SEP (UK) obtained 5,067 votes in Britain’s northwest region.

UK foodbank organizer says most recipients are working poor

By Robert Stevens, 28 May 2014

The World Socialist Web Site spoke to Scott Tulloch, who runs a foodbank at Lower Broughton in central Salford about the growth in emergency food aid.

SEP European election candidate Chris Marsden interviewed on BBC 2’s “Daily Politics ”

By our reporter, 23 May 2014

Marsden explained that the SEP “advances a perspective that defends the working class.”

SEP candidate Chris Marsden speaks to BBC Radio Stoke and Radio Cumbria

By our reporter, 20 May 2014

Marsden responds to interviewer Stuart George’s questions regarding what the Socialist Equality Party was born out of and what it stood for.

SEP campaign in Liverpool: “I think we need a real left wing party, an alternative to the three main parties”

By our reporters, 19 May 2014

Workers expressed disgust with the right-wing policies of the major parties and concern over events in Ukraine.

European Elections: SEP candidate Robert Skelton speaks at hustings in Manchester, UK

By our reporters, 12 May 2014

In light of the criminal drive to war against Russia by US and European imperialism, Skelton called for an end to militarism.

Letter to Kathryn Davron from WSWS Chairman David North

9 May 2014

Below we republish the letter sent by David North, Chairman of the World Socialist Web Site, to Kathryn Davron on April 13, 2014—the day after she had been told that there was nothing medically that could be done to prolong her life after a four-year struggle with cancer.

Chris Marsden: Ukraine crisis—A turning point in world history

By Chris Marsden, 8 May 2014

We are publishing here the text of the speech given by Chris Marsden, national secretary of the SEP (UK), to the International Online May Day Rally hosted by the International Committee of the Fourth International and the WSWS on Sunday, May 4.
Link to audio

ICFI meeting in Paris on May 11 for the European elections

No to war against Russia! No to austerity! Support the ICFI in the European elections!

8 May 2014

Kathryn Davron: March 2, 1950—May 1, 2014

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 7 May 2014

Kath was a Trotskyist all her adult life. Her death follows a four-year struggle against cancer, throughout which she displayed her usual attributes of courage and determination.

SEP (UK) candidate: Oppose attacks on National Health Service workers’ pay

By Ajitha Gunaratne—candidate of the SEP (UK) for the European elections, 6 May 2014

The following statement has been issued by Ajitha Gunaratne, candidate of the Socialist Equality Party for the North West England constituency in the upcoming European elections.

British Trotskyist leader addresses Australian SEP congress

By Chris Marsden, 26 April 2014

“The program we advocate is the only conceivable path forward for working people everywhere.”

Oppose the fracking operation at Barton Moss

By SEP candidate Robert Skelton, 24 April 2014

The following statement has been issued by Robert Skelton, candidate of the Socialist Equality Party for the North West England constituency in the upcoming European elections.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) speaks to workers about attacks on welfare in Manchester

By SEP candidate Ajitha Gunaratne, 23 April 2014

SEP candidate Ajitha Gunaratne spoke to workers and youth in Manchester, a city devastated by de-industrialisation and the austerity policies of successive Conservative and Labour governments.

SEP holds first European election meeting in North West England constituency

By Paul Mitchell, 17 April 2014

SEP National Secretary Chris Marsden told the first European election meeting, “Our programme has stood the test of time. We ask you not just to vote for us, but to join and help build the SEP.”

Manchester meeting: “It’s like a blindfold being taken off”

By our reporters, 17 April 2014

The World Socialist Web Site spoke to several members of the audience at the SEP European election meeting in the North West England constituency.

Socialist Equality Party stands in UK’s North West constituency in European Elections

By Julie Hyland, 3 April 2014

Covering the birthplace of the industrial revolution, the North West has been decimated by the de-industrialisation and austerity policies of successive Conservative and Labour governments.

Socialist Equality Party in Britain joins German Partei für Soziale Gleichheit in European election campaign

By our reporters, 31 March 2014

The aim of the SEP and PSG in the elections is to unite working people against the capitalist European Union and its national governments in the fight for the United Socialist States of Europe.

UK public meetings

Ukraine: The danger of fascism and war

8 March 2014

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality invites you to a meeting on the critical events in the Ukraine where we will outline the socialist perspective in opposition to the dangers of fascism and war.

Support the London Underground strikers!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

11 February 2014

All those workers who have seen their jobs and living standards decimated must come to the defence of the London Underground workers.

Dave Hyland and the role of the individual in history

By Nick Beams, 24 January 2014

Trotsky referred on several occasions to the “physical power of thought.” I witnessed the embodiment of that conception as comrade Dave waged his struggle inside the WRP.

A tribute to Dave Hyland

By David North, 23 January 2014

We are posting here the tribute to Dave Hyland, former national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Britain, delivered by David North, national chairman of the SEP of the US and chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, to a memorial meeting held January 18 in honor of Comrade Hyland.

David Hyland and the fight for socialist consciousness

By Ulrich Rippert, 22 January 2014

Dave Hyland’s political strength came from his understanding that the revolutionary energy of the working class can only be developed on the basis of a socialist and internationalist perspective, and through the building of the International Committee of the Fourth International.

Dave Hyland: A life-long struggle for Trotskyism

By Chris Marsden, 21 January 2014

Dave Hyland joined the Socialist Labour League at a crucial juncture in not just British, but world history, and it was world events that ultimately shaped him.

Memorial meeting pays tribute to Dave Hyland’s political struggle

By Robert Stevens, 20 January 2014

The Socialist Equality Party of Britain held a memorial meeting on January 18 in honour of Dave Hyland, its former national secretary, who died December 8, 2013, aged 66.

Against the European Union, for the United Socialist States of Europe!

Statement by the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit and Socialist Equality Party (UK) on the 2014 European Elections

10 January 2014

The Partei für Soziale Gleichheit and Socialist Equality Party (UK) seek to mobilise a mass political and social movement of the European working class against big business, its parties and its governments.

Public Meeting: David Hyland—a political appreciation

28 December 2013

The Socialist Equality Party in the UK is hosting a memorial meeting on January 18 for Dave Hyland, its former national secretary, who died December 8, aged 66.

Memories of Dave Hyland from the US and Australia

28 December 2013

Below we publish additional letters of condolence sent by Dave Hyland’s comrades internationally.

Further condolences on the death of Dave Hyland

20 December 2013

Below we publish additional letters of condolence sent by Dave’s comrades internationally.

Eileen Hyland responds with thanks

20 December 2013

A letter from Eileen Hyland thanking those sending condolences on the death of her husband.

More letters from international comrades on the death of Dave Hyland

18 December 2013

Below we publish additional letters of condolence sent by Dave’s comrades internationally.

Letters from international comrades on the death of Dave Hyland

16 December 2013

Below we publish an initial selection of letters of condolence sent by Dave’s comrades internationally.

David Edward Hyland: March 7, 1947 — December 8, 2013

By Chris Marsden, 10 December 2013

Dave Hyland’s lasting political legacy is that in 1985-1986 he led the faction of the Workers Revolutionary Party that declared its support for the International Committee of the Fourth International and opposed the efforts of the party’s central leadership, Gerry Healy, Cliff Slaughter and Mike Banda, to liquidate the Trotskyist movement in Britain and internationally.

UK public meetings: Defend Edward Snowden! Oppose Britain’s surveillance state!

19 November 2013

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality in the UK are holding a series of meetings in defence of Edward Snowden, the former US National Security Agency contractor.

UK: Trafford Council drops challenge to local Accident & Emergency closure

By Tony Robson, 12 October 2013

The decision not to challenge the government over the closure of services at Trafford General Hospital is an indictment of the Save Trafford General campaign.